Nov 25, 2008
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    1. jafar
      D: Luuucky. I wish I had their records. But nooo, I only have the CDs.
    2. jafar
      Makes me want to do a Van Gogh and cut off my ears.
    3. jafar
      They really were. But the girls screaming. D: You can barely hear any of the concert videos, which is a shame.
    4. jafar
      So, you like The Beatles, eh?
    5. jafar
      Thanks and you have a really cute name yourself.
    6. jafar
      It's Ben. I was so ashamed when I found out.
    7. jafar
      D: Lucky. All I get is a Michal Jackson song. v_v
    8. jafar
      aw, thanks. You seem like a pretty cool gal yourself.

      And I'm obssessed with them actually. lawl
    9. jafar
      Same. My first few usernames were all copy-paste Japanese names of random video game characters. Omg, I was terrible. But after alot of thinking, I got it, so I'm happy.
    10. jafar
      gracias. took me an hour to think up of it. xD
    11. Zeonark

      The future? He must be a Codebreaker V.20.0. o: You wouldn't sound like a total idiot. Because all your ideas are good. <3

      Wait, Death to Potty? *Shot* Agreed. I'd be scared so bad it wouldn't be funny. (FFFF- I just noticed that xD But it could totally fit if the basilisk was female...

      Or is it? :lolface:)

      I wonder how much they get o.o
      I seriously would like to see a game with all our favorite voice actors. QF being the main character voice though.
      I can imagine his co-worker's faces from that. xD

      Shamu is like the awesomest monster card x3 I see. Were you worn out? o: You must face the boredom, TO THE DEATH. >: Please tell me you uploaded that into a file. I'm already Rofling. xD
      It was on the DS? O-o I am SLOW about game news these days now. How come your DS died? ;~;

      It'd be a strong enough reaction command to destroy Sephiroth in both KH1 and KH2. It's like the ultimate Account killer. xD Rayku totally owned me in that one though. (We shall rul- how many more steps before we rule the universe? D: ) They're watching us. o.o
      It's out today. o: Can't wait for the US release. I got only four games for my PSP list, Dissida, Crisis Core, TOVS, and BBS ;~; is that enough or should I look for more?

      Don't worry about it. I was just gathering ideas anyway. x)
    12. Axelxxx45
      yeah, but you don't get a response that fast.
    13. Sanya
      Yeah, it's the second tallest roller coaster in the world. ^^
    14. Sanya
      xD Nice.

      If you though that was fast, I went on this ride last week:

      0 to 120 mph in 4 seconds. Most crazy rush ever. =D
    15. Sanya
      Hehe yeah, that's always a fun ride. ;P

      "That dude looks like a laaaadddy" as you're going like 60mph lol
    16. Repliku
      Thanks so much. :)
    17. Sanya
      Hehe yeah, a bunch of times.

      They have the best food out of all the parks. xD
    18. Sanya

      Sounds like fun. Did you go to Epcot?
    19. Sanya

      How long you down there for?
    20. Sanya
      Ouch. D:

      Aloe ftw? xD
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