Princess Celestia
Last Activity:
Nov 27, 2011
Dec 20, 2007
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7:24 PM
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Princess Celestia

Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

Princess Celestia was last seen:
Nov 27, 2011
    1. Aura
      XD The last part was, "I'm bored right now." My Spanish has kind of improved. ...Kind of.
    2. Aura
      Eh. He estado mejor. Estoy aburrida en este momento.
    3. Aura
      << You okay? XDD

      Hola. Como estas?
    4. Aura
      What's wrong? Hey.
    5. Firekeyblade
      Bah.....>_>.....I like doing quests.
    6. Princess Luna
    7. Firekeyblade
      I'm absolutely annoyed at how many people managed to reach level 120 so quickly. I mean, my main character isn't anywhere close to that! And I've been playing for more than a year........yeah. Definitely more than a year.
    8. Cleopatra
      That's good to know.

      So what's up with you as of recent? :'D
    9. Amber
      What good would that do?
    10. Amber
      I think you should probably leave the AmbyTickleTorture up to Evil DF. Don't want him getting jealous after all. ;)
    11. Amber
      I tend to have that effect on people. :3

      One of my natural cookie powers is that I'm so adorable everyone wants to give me their cookies.

      Although the side effect is that it makes me irresistably tick- I mean, it makes people want to tickle me even though I'm not ticklish.
    12. Aura
      Oh, alright. You be good too and I'll try. Night.
    13. Aura
      I wish I could help you right now but I'm actually going to bed now. D: I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night. Thank you for helping me.
    14. Aura
      Yeah. So, how are you?
    15. Aura
      Yeah. I just hope things clear up a lot quicker than I'm thinking it might go. I just hope when I go back to school, it's clear by then.
    16. Aura
      No, it's fine. I can multi-task. I've been doing it for the past hour or so. XD
    17. Aura
      Right now, my brothers and I are the only ones that are up. My other brother and I are keeping an eye on him. I'm in the living room. XD
    18. Aura
      I can be very supportive, trust me. I just don't want to see him here again. I saw him here yesterday before my brother had left the house and to go to the park with him. And that was a few hours before my dad found the drug in my brother's room.
    19. Aura
      I know. We're going to help him. Plus, I already have a feeling who it might be that got him into it. And if it is that person, I want to kill him.
    20. Aura
      I guess he does. My mom told me he promised he wouldn't do it again and he came into the room crying and told my dad sorry.
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