Last Activity:
Jul 3, 2023
May 14, 2007
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Apr 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
Ireland somewhere


Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens, 31, from Ireland somewhere

daxma was last seen:
Jul 3, 2023
    1. Dexnail
      heya the Akatsuki rp started :)
    2. Asterisk
      You've said that before and the same thing still happened.Probably in Journey to the End, I can't recall it.

      Okay, but still, does not mean he can't be hit by anyone else.
    3. Asterisk
      I doubt I will see that happen, but you can try.

      And Daxma, you wrote that ..I mean anyone can write anything.For instance, I could say Inari is stronger than Sasuke and Itachi combined.But how is that possible?..Because I wrote it.Catching a guy like Shikaku on guard does not mean it'll work for everyone else.
    4. Asterisk
      lol 'only two' ..getting kicked out is rare.No, other people care, I stated that in that big ass post you couldn't stand to read because I was right.I said I was the only one who said anything on it, other people agree with me.Sorry, but you need to get knocked down a notch with the stunts you pull.
    5. Asterisk
      Whatever god modder, just can't admit you do it either.You can't even defend yourself on any of what I wrote, so you sit here and call someone a ****** and tell them to 'grow up'. Lol, you fail hardcore, and it isn't surprising you got kicked out of a few rp's either.

      You have left no comment on how you messed up, and you just labeled that last post as an 'inconsistency' ..honestly, everyone else agrees with me, so you're alone there.
    6. Asterisk
      Uh huh, suuuuuure, takes a big man to make crappy excuses for not defending himself after another person wrote three large paragraphs showing his faults.Hah, until you can back up any of that,don't act tough with me little guy.
    7. Asterisk
      Uh huh, suuuuure.Whatever you say.
    8. Garxena
      It's not really a big deal. Just try not to go over the top with jutsus and the like, okay? ^^
    9. Asterisk
      lol, more like you couldn't justify your posts.Whatever you say ..and like I said, I do what I want, you don't decide for me, so you can cut that crap out right now.
    10. Asterisk
      Fact is, you didn't respond at all when it came to your FAULTS, so you're wrong in any aspect.
    11. Xyam>
    12. Xyam>
      hello there...
    13. Repliku
      Thanks, Daxma. :)
    14. Xyam>
      ok then i will engage in a social conversation my dear fellow
    15. Xyam>
      wow lots of text and socail conversations happening on your page.. hai there!!
    16. Dexnail
      alrighty thankiez im thinking for the lowest level he first need to have effeciant controll movements to use an puppet effeciantly so that is why instead of an puppet for the beggining he will use the chakra strings to contrall an big shuriken when he throws it so he can controll the weapon with the strings so that would train him on the proper hand and fingur movements does that sound alright to you :)
    17. Asterisk
      I suppose so, but I really lack anything else to say at this point ..the whole rpg style format is cool, even though I didn't bother getting a good look at it.
    18. Dexnail
      heya im thinking about joining your naruto rp im wondering what stats would be arranged correctly if i want somebody who usees chakra strings for puppet master techniques
    19. Asterisk
      Idk, feels empty ..don't care much for pairings, its complicated to explain what I dislike, but its basically the story.After reading it I just didn't read the whole thing afterwards ..I might join, idk.
    20. Asterisk
      Not too keen on your story, sorry.