Last Activity:
Sep 12, 2013
May 4, 2009
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I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Pigfarts.

FinalF7 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2013
    1. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      I am being serious, I don't like her. ._.
    2. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      xD As if, I lost a bet and I had to put it all up as a result. I never liked Miley Cyrus.
    3. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Oh wow, the forum censored ****ens, oh wow that is crazy. Also yeah I can understand you getting a bit bored of him xD How goes rehearsals? Are you still enjoying school?

      You got it right, I really need the money :b my mom is working a lot of hours too, with christmas coming, plus my nephew's birthday, plus my birthday and the fact my younger sister does nothing but eat all the food and waste the water/electricity.

      I don't think anybody likes their own accent, it bugs me xD I love American accents.
    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Thank you for being understanding :glomp:

      I am glad that school is going well for you, what is Masque and Mime? I am assuming something related to drama?

      I have been working, and working, and then some working :b followed by some work. I have been pulling a LOT of extra hours lately, it has been crazy @_@

      :b you can have mine if you want, I dislike it bunches <3
    5. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hello dear <3 sorry I haven't been around as much lately :glomp:

      How is school going for you?

      C: I am British yes you guess correctly.

      I hope you are doing well and everything is going awesome for you.

      Talk soon,

      Kayleah <3
    6. The Mender
      The Mender
      hi like the avater
    7. Pezz
      Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! I don't wanna! I don't wanna!
    8. Pezz
      textbooks. nough said lol
    9. Pezz
      hahaha, that's fine. I'm busy myself. Gotta read for school.
    10. Pezz
      Hi Reeses Pieces.
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Wow not long then :b good, enjoy it whilst you can :3 and yeah you will find drama in your life wherever you go, even when you grow up :b

      Sadly yes you will lose some friends when you go to college, that is part of life, but, you will make new ones too, and they will share your interests so in some ways it is nicer. Plus, you can always keep in touch with the friends you really want to keep, it is hard but possible :3

      I majored in Archaeology O: at the moment I work in a clothes shop as a supervisor and in a museum, as well as doing other jobs when I am needed :b

      Those are the best parents, I intend on being the same. When I was little I wanted to live with Peter Pan xD

      Oh wow, I have the same issue, I get too hot, and I am stupidly pale O: but I don't burn, I don't do anything, I just stay pale, to the extent my arms are blindingly white when I go outside :c

      Winter is amazing and snow is even more so, but we don't get much of it where I live now which makes me massively sad. Autumn and winter are the best. I like autumn because of the leaves and the colours :b
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      :b Thanks.

      Awesome, when do you go back? Enjoy school whilst you can, the real world is a lot scarier than finding a table at lunch :b finishing HS is scary I won't deny that, but you'll be fine, and whilst real life IS scary and sometimes horrible, it is also amazing <3

      I think you will love college too, I imagine it suiting you. Heh I have finished my degree, and I still haven't grown up. I refuse to accept it as a possibility.

      I am pretty good ^^ working pretty much constantly @_@ but I don't mind so much, I really need the money.

      I am looking forward to Autumn, summer has lasted too long D:<
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I know right, its kind of a joke because the dragon I had as my avatar for over two years then I finally changed it, now its come back with shades :b

      How are you? Sorry I haven't been around as much lately >.<
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Yes you, yes really <3 :b you should feel all special and stuff

      I will always be here for my friends (:

      heh I know right? I am trying to find a new avatar now @_@
    15. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      It was actually your email that made me decide to still drop by, you're right, despite all the ******ness of this place, I do have some friends here that make it worth it, so for them I shall still turn up here and there :glomp:

    16. Rayku
      lol, check amazon
    17. Rayku
      I played most of them but 4,5,6,7
    18. Rayku
      Yeah, well it was my first...but I like all of them
    19. Rayku
      Yes, Yes I do
    20. Spaze
      Roleplay and play online games or just video games? xD
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  • About

    I'm a student, and a secret spy... O.o shh
    A few details about myself?? hmmm. Uh, I could write so much more, but to sum it all up... I'm weird

    Masque &amp; Mime! and... uh... yeah, that's it.


    In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream,
    it's like a million little stars spelling out your name.​