Last Activity:
Mar 14, 2012
Jun 18, 2007
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In a place far removed from mankind.


Kingdom Keeper, from In a place far removed from mankind.

Erkz was last seen:
Mar 14, 2012
    1. Janime6
      same here...:P

      hope you don't mind me having sent that friend request. xD
    2. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      *adds Erkz' soul to collection* :3 it is building nicely :>

      *revives and heals* I wish I knew who kept shooting everyone o_O
    3. Janime6
      hello erkz, whats going on? o:
    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      I reccommended something new to you, that means you now owe me your soul :]
    5. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Really? Its awesome D: though I do insist you watch the anime before the movie since the movie stabbed it repeatedly until it was dead and then stabbed it some more >_>;

      The anime is ****ing awesome though D:
    6. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      xD I found Revolutionary Girl Utena that way just by chance, still one of my favourites even now <3 ever seen it?

      OMG I forgot about that D: that was on the list of ones I wanted to look into.

      x_x *sees list growing longer by the second*
    7. Finale
      yeah you know ORANGE would be better if she had a Orange name..
    8. Finale
      oh cos your like, elite and i aint :D
    9. Finale
      heeey, i aint exactly high class but 'hi'
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      xD I shall hold you to that.

      I don't know what to watch now ;~; so much choice so little time.

    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Aye so I have heard before, I think I might just check out the manga instead. It is frustrating, I love anime but sometimes it can really kill a good manga.

      you watch, one day I shall catch up to you and your ridiculously huge list D:
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I have been meaning to look into that for ages.

      ;~; still, its ****ing gross right D:
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I know right D: (and he almost got his other eye eaten too ;~;)

      I was not a happy CtR, ;~; and then (the only way to save him was to turn him into a vampire )
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Duuuuuuuuuuude this anime Tsubasa got horrible O_O;

      ;~; my favourite character (got his eye eaten)
    15. Radiowave
      I'm sorry if I appear extremely late on this but has the translations to all the "???" videos been released?
    16. 778MasterMarluxia
      erks whats up. anything new about codes man?
    17. Janime6
      Hello :3
      I know you have seen me around xD

      so...thought i would say hi! :D

      Hi .__.
    18. xarkmX3
      I do not MESEJI!
    19. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      You lieth! D':
    20. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      You has forgotted about the KH-Vids Law Frim! ;_; How could joo!? *runs away sobbing*
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  • About

    In a place far removed from mankind.
    I'm Erkz. That's all.

    Stuff that shall remain unnamed.


    Signature crafted by me. Steal it, and I'll hit you with an attack that shakes the heavens!
    CtR was here <_> [o.O]​