Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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12:53 PM
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e

      Vincent followed the two into the park. There were many kids running around, playing and chasing after each other. If there were kids, surely there must be parents or customers.

      XDDDDD -beats game- YEAH D8< thanks Goddess 8D

      Not much =_=;; too hot to do anything really
    2. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      [[Yes XDD and yeah it is Gill -remembered]]

      Vincent glanced around too, searching for more customers. "The park" he suggested in a low tone.

      D< -slaps PSP and gives up-

      XDDDD So what's up?
    3. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      [[I think it is Gill XDD]]

      "Thank you!!" the girll yelled with a smile as she waved goodbye to the group and ran off. Vincent watched over, looking as she left.


      -waves- 8D
    4. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      [[I think it is Gill XDD]]

      "Thank you!!" the girll yelled with a smile as she waved goodbye to the group and ran off. Vincent watched over, looking as she left.


      -waves- 8D
    5. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      [[Isn't it. . gill? I was about to say munny XDD]]

      "Oh. . .I only have this" the little girl replied, handing over 65 cents with a sadden expression. Vincent gave Aeirth a quick glance.

      XDDD -tries to defeat that monster thing that's in my way of beating the game-

      It just doesn't make any sense @_@;; Oh hey there I'm back!
    6. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      "How much!? How much?!" shouted a small girl dashing to the group. She was running so fast, she accidentally bumped into Vincent's knee. "Ouch!" she yelped. The red-eyed man glanced down at the child and petted her head softly. She smiled and continued her shouting, "How much?!" she said now running to Zack and tugging at his pants.

      -nods- ._.

      Exactly! He could of been. . .well something else?
      Dargh I think I have to go now, I'll be back on later DX
    7. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Vincent calmly followed behind, looking for customers as well.

      . . .it's a draw then >_>;;

      Haha yeah! Then I figured that ducks can fly so why not? Question is though, why is Goofy a turtle?
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Vincent nodded in agreement. Truth be told he had nothing to do and was looking forward at spending his time in peace and quiet, Though that would be rather difficult. . . he thought glancing at the energetic Zack.

      Vincent can't die :lolface:. . . . ;_; he won't

      I had a wtf moment seeing that Sora is faster in 4 legs, go figure D8<
    9. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      "You. . .still have that?" asked Vincent surprised to see the wagon still standing as if it was never used before. It was filled with fresh flowers ready to be sold.

      and then Vincent can betray Za- wait he's too cool for that >_>;; Fine Vincent can be the helper who is much more awesome 8D

      >_< I forgot to go there, I went to Aladin's world and then from there Simba because I wanted to see Sora in the adorable cub form and Scar :=D:
    10. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e

      Vincent put away Cerberus as he saw Aerith. Slowly he walked a few steps behind Zack and nodded a greeting to her.

      Zack can be his helper who shares equal power 8D

      KH2. . .is far too addicting @_@;; -is at Lion King's world and is happy to see her hero Scar-
    11. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      [[He stroked his spikey black hair 8DD]]

      Vincent merely stared back at Zack, getting more annoyed with the young man.

      Vincent = God/Keeper/Guardian of the all Universe's 8DD
      Hey there -waves-
    12. walkergirl-_-
      you on??? >< i cant tell
    13. spikey_shiro
      :OOO ok sleep well too XDDD
    14. spikey_shiro
    15. Jayn
      Laughing at it and shrugging it off obviously isn't doing you any good if you're still feeling like this. You can't just not care about it and at the same time you shouldn't obsess over it. One thing I can say is that it's okay to be careful with friends and with people. But don't close your heart off. Because then you become bitter and that hate just stays with you forever. You go to your damn grave with that **** that you shouldn't have to carry around. It's one situation and it's one guy. I'm not talking out of my ass, I've been through this same exact bullshit before. (Not saying it's the same for us because we both think and feel differently). Honestly and I think it's just the effect he has on people. You aren't weak. He can make me feel the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. He can make me feel like the queen of the world. And he can also make me feel worthless and like nothing at all. He's made me feel my weakest. He's made me feel my strongest. It's not your fault. The world is a cold place. I can honestly say that it is perfectly fine to be cautious from now on. You should be. There are a lot of people in the world who you cannot trust. What he did was wrong of him.You did nothing. And you are not wrong in being who you are and in feeling what you feel. Because of this, don't change yourself in a negative way. Just don't. Because it's not worth it and it's not your fault. Having a relationship in person is really the way to go, to be honest. The Internet is full of people like this. And in person, you normally know the guy beforehand. And in most cases, his ex's attend the school as well and you know his past and history. You know that so-and-so cheated on Sally and got Linda pregnant then left her. You know what I mean? It's smarter. The only reason I became more of an online relationship person is because I move a lot. I'm always ****ing moving! I would really start to like a guy and then I'd be torn away from them. And I'm not the type to be able to handle those things.

      You're not weak. It's gotten in your head because you loved him. Because you honestly did and you know what it feels like. So of course it would affect you. It's good that you don't hate him, too. This is natural, believe it or not. As awful as it is. But you have a desicion to make. And it's honestly 100% YOUR decision. Not your feelings or your logic or your friend's or him. It's yours. Internally you have to decide, are you going to let this ruin your life?

      I swear, some people kill themselves over this bullshit. They decided: "Yes."

      Are you going to let it? Ask yourself. Do you really want this to keep hurting and do you want to feel this way? It really is a question that you're going to have to answer. I know how it feels to get stabbed in the back, but when you shut yourself down and lock your heart away, you will feel as cold and as empty as ever and it will consume you and become who you are. You haven't been yourself? That's because you're changing. This is changing you and you can either stop it (or try your hardest), or you you can let it consume you.

      Take what you can out of this. Valuable lessons and keep those to learn and grow from, but please don't let it change you forever. The goal is to keep trying and never let it consume you. Just hear me out. Keep. Trying. if that's what you chose. Don't drown. It's just not worth it. And by doing so, you'll miss out on so many good opportunities to come in your life. >< There are people you can trust, and people you can't. Not everyone is like jerkface. Not everyone is going to hurt you. Not everyone is lying. Not everyone in the world are the same person and you have to remember that. Your trust is something to be earned. It's special. Before you trust someone, they have to EARN it. Being trusted by anyone in this world is a privledge to be earned and cherished. Some people just don't deserve that...

      Someday in your life, you may want to try again. Someday you may meet someone who you love and who loves you in return the same way. I suggest you make sure you really know this person. And before getting together, make sure you know what's going on in their life. Even if it means contacting someone other than the boy to get the truth. Just to spare you this in the future.

      I'm not trying to ***** or whine to you, honestly, I'm trying to help. I've been through this before and I'm sharing what I've learned or realized with you as best as I can to try to help you through this, if I am able to in the least.

      Yeah, I've only felt one here in Seattle. There weren't any when I was in California for the past two years where I was. O_o

      (If I dissappear, I went to bed. @ @)
    16. spikey_shiro
      rawr DDDDD:<
    17. spikey_shiro
      same here ._.
    18. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      You're pretty fantasdandsome yourself.
    19. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Oh yay! I like making people's days! xD
    20. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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