Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia

      I feel like I barely know you now... whats you been up to?

      And its good that your done with finals, you got a vacation now?
    2. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Hey.. how you been girl?

      Havent seen you for a while!!!

    3. Mexony
      Good..just about to log off...going to bed. You?
    4. Mexony
      I see you... hey. =}
    5. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Wow, then we are on the same boat. :3 Life's nothing but computer, internet and books for me at the moment...and I don't like it. Meh, but what can you do right? Just this year, and I can be somewhat free again. Woo~

      I too turn into a monster if I'm hungry. When I raid the house for food, I REALLY raid the house for food, eating anything in sight. Like me eating 2 cans of olives because there was nothing else to eat. xDD Or maybe the time when I ate the canned tunas by itself...right out of the can. O.o

      I know right? Totally pointless. ¯\(º__o)/¯ I love the way I have my profile set at the moment too, and you've no idea how people bug me for never logging on. The only other reason I don't delete that is because my niece tells me not to. xD I'm thinking I'll do it in about a year or so...let's see.

      So did you download MSN yet? :3
    6. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Ach...I can't even find time to step out of the house these days. Dammit it's been so long since I went out for fun. *sigh* Eff school. I don't even have time for myself. [/ramble & rant]

      Oh, and I'm broke too. I spent all my money of good food. HAHAHAHA!!! If you get that hungry, then I suggest you practice eating fast because you gotta do it in five minutes! xD

      Ok, if you have the email, then just go here and get started. Just unclick all the boxes since you only want the messenger. Yay! Now we can actually chat wewt! wewt! *dances* Yeah, I don't go on myspace anymore...don't even know what I still have it...oh that's right, so I don't lose contact with my old buddies. <_> I'm mostly on MSN now, or here. xD Though more MSN than here. I don't even have time to actually waste my time here either, yet I always manage. xP
    7. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      I won't say that I don't dance, but I like dacing at what you call raves and clubs, and that's really not "daning" xDD It's hella fun though! lawl. Anyway...<_< Techno is the ****!

      Well they give you a FIVE minute break during the SAT's and you stuff yourself with whatever the heck you can during that time. xD I didn't eat anything during the entire 6 hours. D:

      You should totally get one!! :3 Then we can really talk. I recently got a MSN..lul It's awesome. xD I can give you the links and stuff if you want. o: Do you at least have a hotmail account? Or a windows live account? If you have either of those, then it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. :3
    8. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      LAWL. xD People's been asking me to go too, but I'd made up my mind. No means no. xD I'd go to the colleyball games, but ehh... *shrugs*

      Wow, just wait till you take the real SAT. Even a coufh will make the people go "WHAT?! OHMAHGAD! YOU ISH CHEATIN'!!!!!11"

      Btw, do you have MSN? O.o
    9. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Ah...our game is still not until November, or I just just don't know these things anymore. xP Never really cared. All I care right now is just get out of that school. Enough HS already. xD

      And lul, you guys didn't get in trouble for talking during test? o:
    10. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      LOL!! That totally happened to me too! And everyone was like "WTF was that??" And I was all like... " was a cricket or something..<_< >_>" xDD [/lame]

      This Friday? Wow, you guys are having your Homecoming rather early. Our Homecoming is on the 8th of November. o:
    11. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      lol! Its great! Especially because its like a Re:Kingdom Hearts! But isnt that bad for you, because youll have less time?
    12. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      When do you get your scores? January right? LOL, are you going to homecoming?
    13. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Oh! Good luck..well it's too late to wish you now since thetest is officially today! xD But good luck anyway! :3 LAWL. Believe in yourself! >.<

      Woot~ *dances*
    14. Asterisk
      Be very happy lol
    15. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      oh have trimesters? Am I right? I forget. LOL. I love my schedule at the moment. We recently started on Block scheduling so I get to leave school by 12:30 PM every even day, and starting 2nd semester, I go home like that EVERYDAY. :3

      Well the math in the SATs are kind of impossible to do in your head. xD
    16. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Oo~ You're going to need that calculator. LOVE IT. It's your LIFE during that test. >.< And of course you'll pass! It's uber easy.

      Wow, your history teacher remind me of my teacher from last year. xD He was a PAIN. IN. THE. ASS. So glad that that class is over with. ^_^-
    17. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Oh! Good luck with that! SAT's are overrated. =/ It's really easy if you know what you're doing! You'll do great! Let me know how it was. o:

      What classes are you hatin' now? And you were sick?! Oh noez! *hugs* How is joo nao? >.<
    18. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      If you think you Jr. year's goin' by fast, just wait till you're a Sr.. Either you'll get senioritis, or the year will pass faster than a snap. But this year will seem extremely long with all the SAT crap. D: But it's not so bad, I guess.

      Yes, I'm a Sr. this year. Lawl. The year's going great so far, except I've fallen behind just a little bit. o: But I'll pull through like always. ^_^-
    19. daxma
      Kingdom Hearts:Journey to the end is back...
    20. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      lol! Yay, your friend rocks!! :D
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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