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Dec 26, 2011
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April 2
Home Page:
Trolling Shizu-chan
That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.


Kingdom Keeper, from Trolling Shizu-chan

Zeonark was last seen:
Dec 26, 2011
    1. Jayn

      D: What happened?
    2. tydunn6695
      the reason i asked is cause i saw a chuwawa pee on on a pit bull it just ironic
    3. Jayn
      I'M BRITANNIAN TOO! 8D *Girly squeal*

      I'm fine. Where've you been? Dx
    4. tydunn6695
      not much radom question see anything funny today
    5. Jayn
      *Hopes Arch doesn't eat you for that* <:

      How are you?
    6. Jayn
      I love you. :3
    7. tydunn6695
      hey whats up
    8. .:BookWorm:.
      ‘Kay, I will. :] Mhmm, my uncle was the one that got me into video games and anime. I’m not sure which Pokemon it was. XD I forgot too… I think it’s like, 21, but like, Kaoru believes that Hikaru is going to soon not pay a lot of attention to him and forcus on someone else more, Like Haruhi, and he said when that time comes… He doesn’t know what he’ll do. ;~; I’ll try to read the manga. I’ll try to read the first 2 and then read some more later. I think it was getting too bloody, I’m not sure. I’m heading towards High School now. XD Blood+ was kind of confusing for me, but good action! NANA is a show that focuses mostly around the normal teen-age girl life, so you might not like that. Then La Corda D’oro is Italian for ‘The Golden Cord’ which is about a girl who gets some magical Violen and joins this group of boys who are the top musicians at their school.

      Yup, just a few mores days! 8D

      O= I have only the Hamtaro: Hamham heart-break or whatever it’s called. XD

      I’m not really sure what type of girl Kyouya would be into. Yeah, I don’t like lebals, but if someone HAD to label me, it better be Otaku! XD Yeah, I download most of the episodes! I think Vic was PERFECT for Tamaki’s voice in the English Dub. Lol. Yeah, I was like ‘O_O’ Because I was just… Shocked. I had no cool Kyouya was like that. Lol. Yeah, he reminded my other friend about that Jade dude too. She started spazzing out. Lol. Yeah, the we can laugh out tails off. xD
    9. Kites
      I hope everything's alright. (:

      I've been okay, just playing Final Fantasy X in my spare time. x3
      Me too. D:

      Kay resigned and is leaving. D':
    10. Kites
      Otouto, how have you been? I miss you. ;_;
    11. Inasuma
      is it noise or taboo?

      For noise, it's mostly about how good your pins are and how good your stats are (using food, threads, etc). For example, you can be level 70 or 80 and have the black planet series and still do amazing. But if you use generic pins like yoshimitsu, wolf, tigris, heal bunny, etc, you'll probably die soon because of the lack of damage you cause him.

      His taboo noise form is really hard if you aren't level 100. He kills you very fast when you have beat on the top screen. Because Beat is a solid attacker and has almost no defense and HP, try and boost his attack and HP up as high as you can get it. You shouldn't have to be a very high level if his attack is above 100 and his HP is at least giving you 900+ your own.

      If you want my honest advice, be level 100 for everything once you've beaten the game. If you're on week two right now, though, it shouldn't matter, because even if you beat him on easy you can come back later to get any pins or extra things he gives you that you otherwise wouldn't get unless on Hard or Ultimate. But because you're on Hard, definitely aim high in your levels just to play it safe. But, if your stats are well enough, it shouldn't matter either way.
    12. Kiburedo
      Eh. I don't feel like playing all over again just to fight her.
    13. Magick
      Either that or Tocatta in D minor.

      That's exactly why I didn't tell you 8D
    14. Kiburedo
      Well damn. I don't even know why I bothered with P4's "True ending." It's the same as the normal one ;_;
    15. Shuhbooty
      *runs into random flesh eating cow*
      OH SHI-

      I like your long lasting years. xD
      Rock hard.
      I got many words your looking for. >D


      YES YOU ****ING DID!
      NO U
      A DAMN ROLL.
      KJBVKJVBLKBklJLHGVHFLkjbhv;vjhvlvjhv yvfukvdlfvblkajfbviabhivn2i45345
    16. Inasuma
      Yep. I've gotten just about everything. I haven't gotten all the clothes yet, nor have I finished pin mastery. Otherwise yeah I've done all of it.
    17. Jayn
      Here we go. :'D

      But, I spelled Brittania wrong. It's Britannia. So...Don't make the same mistake. xD
    18. Styx
      We do the cleaning. :( I think the admins control the monsters.
    19. .:BookWorm:.
      Heehee, thank you. :3 Well, I hope I make the writing career, if not, then I don't know. o_o My uncle has all the games systems, so yay me! Yeah, I was reading a Pokemon one on the MangaFox. XD I'm on episode 22. I was crying as the end of episode 21 (Halloween Special). ;~; Lol. How do they confirm it? O_o I've seen that anime, looks good. o: I might start watching it. x3 Link me, link me, link me! :] Now, now, now! Lol. I miss Case Closed, they took it off t.v. I use to stay up watching like, Inuyasha and Trinity Blood, along with Blood + and BLEACH. Oh, but when I was on the computer, I would watch Vampire knight, NANA, or La Corda D'oro. Yup, I agree, I'm really glad it's summer! x3

      Lol. I can't wait to go! X3 WEE, That's one thing that's keeping me up. xD

      Lol. How about.... Um.. Hamtaro? XD

      Yeah, at first I was thinking, "Renge doesn't seem like the type of dude to be into her. O_o;" Then the whole Otaku scene. Man, I feel like watching it now. *HasEpisodeDownloadedOnComputer* XD I fell off my bed actually after watching that episode. Lol. My eyes are getting watery from thinking of that episode because of how funny it was. XD I wish I could go to one too. Oh, how about the episode when they were at the Beach then Kyouya went on top of Haruhi, but before that said, "If you want to repay you can repay me with your body." I told my friend, who's a Kyouya fan-girl, and she started squealing. XD Oh, and then when they walked in on Tamaki blinding folding Haruhi then they said, "You nasty 'ol pervert." XDD

    20. Magick
      Probably in a nice quiet house with die hard signs on them.

      Because it's bad luck.
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