Well, I like the design. It looks well made. You just helped me make a case decision. Thanks. :) Also, you seem like your in a good mood right now, something good happen to ya?
Say, my birthday is a few days away and I'm looking to buy an iPod Touch..do you have any opinions on it's awesomeness?
Well just like every day, it was one big bore. It's like I do the same thing everyday. And crap...I haven't added you to my MSN yet. I'll be sure to do that soon.
xD No problem. I stumbled upon it and thought "Rofl. Onee-chan needs to see this. xD" So how are you?
yeah...it didn't ...the dentist sticked the needle three times at the upper and lower!! =six shots!! :D
mmm...okay...feel numb cuz of two of my permanent teeth were PULLED out....but still feeling okay...i had them pulled out cuz my mouth is crowded and i'm planning to get full braces...:D