Kannira the wolf
Last Activity:
Sep 4, 2012
Aug 4, 2008
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9:10 PM
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Oct 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
Gilneas City, Gilneas.
Champion at League of Legends.

Kannira the wolf

Traverse Town Homebody, 29, from Gilneas City, Gilneas.

Kannira the wolf was last seen:
Sep 4, 2012
    1. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      Hell I'm dirt poor I couldn't do that.

      What would make a girl unbelievably happy? To the point of tears of joy?

      For my girlfriend when she was nice to me I wrote her a 32 hour 56 minuteand 36 second long song and she balled in the first 30 seconds. But I have a feeling that's a bit overrated.
    2. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      What if I want to make the girl smile by buying things for her? When I say spoiling I mean saying I love you a lot and telling her just how special she is along with the pampering?
    3. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      I know just throwin it out there ;D

      Do they get peaved if their spoiled?
    4. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      No worries there! I'm packing heat! (not to brag or anything)
    5. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      So that's wut the invisible text was about.

      Just a random question, what do girls like in a man?
    6. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      Who's he?

    7. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      That explains so much it's not even funny.
    8. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      Don't you ever eat?
    9. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      F*ck I'm sorry I'm really trying to keep myself straight so I maybe in and out.

      Anyways my heart should be fine by next week.

      What have you been up to?
    10. What?
      A wedding. I shall give you my invitation since I am forced to leave for Washington DC at the date it will be held.
    11. What?
      They have come to realize that together they may overcome all obstacles and will soon be in a union of matrimony.
    12. What?
      Excellent, I see.
    13. What?
      Quite fine. And how may you be?

      Sorry I did not reply to your visitor message earlier.
    14. Asterisk
      Go ahead, your turn
    15. spikey_shiro
      lyke omg hai thar!!! XDDDDDDD
    16. Nuff' Said
      Nuff' Said
      Riley is.........dead.
    17. Asterisk
      Your online for a long time(like now), yet you don't post in it much ..you said you were 'scared' though ..of what?
    18. Asterisk
      I'm noticing ..why won't you post anymore?..pm if you don't want anyone to look..we know there are invisible spies on the prowl >>
    19. Asterisk
      Lol I'm serious girl ...you might wanna get that letter too or that pokemon will stalk you from the sounds >>
    20. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      Who won? Wut r u trying to say?
      I think I may need to solve this on my own anyways. I can't have you guys fight my battles for me.
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  • About

    Oct 11, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Gilneas City, Gilneas.
    Champion at League of Legends.
    * As a Brony/Pegasister myself, I say that if you're a totally insane brony, then just go away.
    * I love TF2 even though I'm really bad at it
    * I play LoL, so add me if you want. ZephyrArcturus
    * I am very absent minded and ditsy
    * Annoying fangirls, emo kids, scene kids, and weaboos should just fall off the face of the planet
    * I am brutally honest
    * If I don't like you, it's VERY hard, if not impossible, to change my mind.
    * I have a very dry sense of humor.
    * I am very hard on myself. Don't ask why, I just am.
    * Call of Duty needs to go die in a fire along with it's stupid fanboys.
    * I love making new friends, and I'm actually very nice, as long as you don't get on my bad side. I don't care if you're black, white, Asian, Canadians, Gay, Straight, Bi, or Trans, if you're nice to me, I'll be nice right back. Plain and simple.
    * I'm open for debate on various subjects. Feel free to start one if you wish.

    Gaming and my boyfriend.


    Rainbow Dash is best pony.