Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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Local Time:
3:40 PM
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. Falling Star
      Falling Star
      your back! but I thought you were going to be gone for a week!
    2. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      ;_; but you need a PS3 I believe or Xbox 360
      -makes Vincent smack Zack with his claw-
      Hey there 8D
    3. Jayn

      Oh, I see. >:

      Or...Jamlegend. O: Haha.

      Aw. Sleep well! Goodnight. ;D
    4. Jayn
      ^^ Thank you...

      I dun know that song. D: I bet it is though. I don't know a lot of her songs. >:

      That's actually really cute. ::L: I like to act and stuff though so yush. And I would do anything to play Rock Band again. 8D
    5. Jayn
      That would help a lot. I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with me for a long time...Dx

      xDD Which song?

      I'm sorry. D: I'm really shy, but only in front of people I know. Oddly. If I don't know you that well, I'm more comfortable singing or acting in front of you. Because I don't care about what they think of me. xD I only care about what people I like/are close to think of me so I get shy with them. ;__;'
    6. Jayn
      Can't really afford it. :/

      O_o; Maybe ice cream just doesn't like that song?

      Neither am I. D:
      I still think you have a good voice. :/ You just need another opinion, like me. ::L: A lot of people who can sing don't think they can. A lot of peope who can't think they can. xDD
    7. Jayn
      A lot. Y'know that thread I posted about how I feel like I'm dying? All of that. xD

      ;___; I've done that before. But I think it was with these Japanese chips that were really good and I was munching them and sitting on the floor before I started sobbing. xD

      I could've been signed too but...I moved. *Emo* I haven't been able to sing since I started feeling like this. I get too breathless. Dx I bet you have a nice voice...
    8. Jayn
      I took some advil. It isn't helping so far. xD

      8D8 Either way, it made me smile. x3

      o__o; Ice-cream is supposed to be a comfort food.

      And my cousin DJ got signed to Disney and he's in NY right now singing. 8D8 I'm jealous but happy for him. xD
    9. Jayn
      Not really. D:

      xDD Haha. I was trying to make sense of it.

      Blah. I'm happy and rawr at the same time.
    10. Jayn
      Sorry about that.
      I was feelin' really sick. Dx

      You were Baskin Robbin's ice cream? What? xD
    11. Jayn
      Ohh, Angel is a good song too. :3

      I love sherbert. xD It's a little different than ice cream, I think. xP
    12. Jayn
      xD That song made me feel a lot better last time.

      Yeah, I was just brooding. Haha. I remember when I lived in Cali my dad got us all our own ice-creams. xD I always had Raspberry Sherbet. :'D
    13. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I like your avatar too X3
      -makes Vincent sell flowers to a little girl who ends up kicking his knee- . . .
      Yeah! See ya ^_^ take care
    14. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I will *-*
      -makes Vincent bow his head in apology then makes him kick the bodies away-
      Yeah me too XDD Well I do have to go now Aura, see you online later or tomorrow -waves-
    15. Jayn
      Yay! :D

      I was angry last night when I went to go get the ice cream and there was hardly any left. I literally started muttering: "I want some freakin' ice cream and then there's no more. Wtf. We've had this ice cream for a freakin' day. *Grumble grumble*"

    16. Jayn
      :/ I'm sorry. You could always talk to meh. ::L:

      I had ice cream last night, hardly any left. And I ate it out of the box thingy. xD
    17. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      No x_x;;
      Haha it is!! -makes Vincent shoot random enemy soldiers then realizes they just wanted flowers- . . .
      ;_; Think of the randomness that is happening with this random action figure Rp
    18. Jayn

      Yup. But I dun want those! Dx
    19. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Now. . .to buy paper 8D
      -makes Vincent pull the flower wagon for Aerith-
      Hmm think I have to go soon ._.
    20. Jayn
      I dunno how many I have. 18 online right now. I'm only talking to three. xD

      I was actually going to do that! But we don't have anymore ham. Dx