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why orange Feb 13, 2017

    1. Rissy
      I just really liked someone, and now it doesn't seem very helping that I think he doesn't think the same for me.

      It's just feels like it's going to hapen again.
      Over and over again.
    2. Rissy
      Yeah, I'm fine.

      ...just fine.
    3. K u r o g a n e
    4. Aura
      As long as I'm comfortable in something, I'm all good. XDD

      Aw. D: Okay. Bye!
    5. Aura
      I prefer to wear loose clothing. I never feel comfortable when I wear something that's tight. >>

      Ah. I see. Still, sorry. DX
    6. Hayabusa
      You're quite welcome, miss.
    7. Aura
      Heh. Thank you. ^^
      That dress was....I can't remember. DX I wear baggy jeans. XD I don't really like skinny jeans because they look uncomfortable for me. XDDDD

      Wow. D: I'm sorry. ;~;
    8. Hayabusa
      Huge boobs kinda irk me honestly :P
    9. Rissy
      No, since you asked; I guess I'll hop to it later...
      I guess it's fine. :/
    10. Aura
      XD As long as the skirt goes up to my knees, I'm good. XD My mom actually forces me to dress up when it comes to special occasions. Like for my aunts graduation, she made me look for a dress. I took a picture and it's in my album.

      I've never moved before but I know it can be tough. >< My parents actually wanted to move a few years back but we didn't since we didn't have the money.
    11. Rissy
      well, I could try. I already have his drawing he asked me for beofre finished, I'll upload it tomorrow.
      I guess I will, do you have thing special in mind?
    12. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      .__. but he's still in fainting mode
    13. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      It's really hard to explain all of this. Another major reason I came back here is so I can release all my emotions only in a more positive way. I can't actually tell anyone because I'm trying to hide my tears so I type it all out.
    14. Aura
      It can usually happen when it's a special occasion and I have to dress and all nice and whatnot. :/gasp: I always laughed when my family would compliment me since they are my family and they tend to tell me I'm pretty a lot. But when a guy would tell they thought I was pretty or beautiful, it felt odd and I would just laugh. >>; There was only one that constantly told me I was beautiful and amazing and that never felt weird due to certain reasons. ><

      Aw. That's how a few old friends were with me. When they found out I liked someone, they'd always consider that person automatically my boyfriend even though he wasn't. XDX
    15. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      -Mickey continues ceremony-
      You may kiss the br- groom >_>;;
    16. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      Alright sorry about that.

      Physically run off.
    17. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      :lolface: you don't say?
    18. Aura
      I can have my girly moments but it doesn't happen very often. XD

      No dark thoughts! D8<
      Eh. I don't even know when it will happen. I'm graduating next year and well, I've only been asked out once and that was during the time stuff was going on between me and someone else. >>;;;; And, after I told someone I liked them, all I heard from guys were, "I like you. Do you like me?" It got annoying. ><
    19. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      Look I'm sorry but I'll be right back I gotta blow off some steam.
    20. *Hippie Jesus*
      *Hippie Jesus*
      I've attempted so many times but I can't leave any of it with out "running away"
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    January 3
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    Skype: LittleJayneyCakes Tumblr: teenaqe-vow.tumblr.com Twitter: Twitter.com/LittleJayney

    【 ♥ PERSONALITY 】​

    I'm painfully shy, affectionate, sarcastic, and a massive dosage of emotions and derp. I over use emoticons so people don't think I'm upset or being blunt. I get my feelings hurt easily, but don't hold things against people very often.

    【 ♥ FAVORITES 】​

    Ib (Game), Disney, Vocaloids; Kagamines, Gumi, SeeU, IA. THE INTERNET. Black Rock Shooter, InuYasha, Clannad, Miyazaki Films, S'mores, Macaroni and Cheese, Gum, Crystal Kay, BEAOTRICHEEE, Miyamoto Shuichi, Purple things, Kagerou Project, Tumblr ... etc. ASK ME.

    【 ♥ HOBBIES 】​

    Anime! THE INTERNET. Music. Composing, writing, choruses. Singing. Voice-acting...Anything creative. Role playing, drawing, graphic and video editing. All of the wonderful stuff. I sing on YT a lot. I'll most likely never be /big/ but, alas. I love doing it.





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