Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I see. Well just don't think about it anymore because what is there to think of? It's not worth getting upset over about anyway the way I see it.

      8DDD I laughed after and actually did it >_>;; Now I feel stupid.
      -makes Vincent point gun at Zack- Oh really? >8D
    2. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      No don't cry over it. There's no point in shedding tears for something like that.
      >_>;; -takes out Vincent figure and pretends he is shooting people while making sound effects-
    3. Jayn
      That's a good thing. I don't like things too loose, myself. Dx Just right is more like it. xD

      Don't be. >8D

      *Glances at blank word document* ...

      Roar. Mom needs the comp. See ya!
    4. Jayn
      No problem. ;D
      Skinny jeans are uncomfortable. Well, sometimes. I feel like if I bend over, they'll rip or something. xDDD But still. They're the only ones that fit me right. Dx

      It's okay. It's only because my parents argue lots.
    5. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      . . .Oh my -hugs- It's okay that's a rather stupid reason to do so but I won't say anything on the matter >_>;;
      -puts Vincent figure away- N-no!!
    6. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Ah parents get mad at you?
      Don't be depressed stare at your Zack figure 8D
    7. Jayn
      You're so pretty! 8D I like the dress.
      I can't afford dresses, rawrrrr. But it's fine. My grandma started making me wear skinny jeans because any other jeans dont go down to my ankles unless they're too big for me. Which really sucks.

      I've moved around 7 times. v.v''
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Oh I see. Brother has yet to pay you back or something? D:
    9. Jayn
      Aww. :=D: I never dress up. Even on good occasions. Mainly because I don't have anything to dress up in. This year, my mom went out and bought me this skirt for English class. (I had to do a presentation). And it was fine. Until my friends Serena and Miranda said I looked like I was from the 70's. Then they said maybe it'd look better if I hiked the skirt up a bit but I didn't. xD

      Yeah. 8D8 I don't mind it but...That'll probably be different once I'm in NY. *Doesn't wanna go* >:
    10. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I'm okay and you?
    11. Jayn
      xD I bet it's awesome when it happens.

      I feel so young. Everyone is 17 or is getting there. ;~;''
      Jeeze that sucks. This year there was this guy John who I kind of liked. People kept teasing us because we "argued" a lot about stupid things. (We were playful). So everyone was like: "Are John and Kree dating yet? ::L:"
      But I'm moving so I didn't get into that. v.v
    12. Jayn
      Yeah. I'm a tomboy because my mom is a tomboy. But because I was raised by my mom for a long time, I'm also really girly in some ways. xD

      *Dark thoughts* ><
      Aww. It'll happen. I had bfs irl, because of where I lived. That was mainly in 8th grade. I wasn't so shy and for some reason, the boys actually liked me at that school. But then I moved back here where white boys don't like anyone but white girls else unless the boys think they're gangsters. B|
    13. Jayn
      xD My dad is a lot of things, but one of the things he is is a photographer and he wanted my to be a model. :/ He sent me to charm school two February's ago. It was awful. He says: "You're my only girl, so I want you to be girl."


      Mhm. If I manage to get a life in New York. *Cough* Probably won't.
      Or if I die from whatever illness I have now. xD
    14. Jayn
      Yeah, people say that to me but I think I'm fat. B|
      My friend was really pissed at me after we went to Disneyland because we went up to this guy to buy Mickey/Minnie hats and the guy was like: "Have you ever tried modeling? I think you'd do great! Here's something for Disney modeling if you're interested, just go blahblahblah." And the guy completely ignored her and I felt bad. v.v'''

      Maybe I'll post it next year for April Fools, if I'm around.
    15. Jayn
      Neither am I. Though I need to eat more meat.

      It was fun to write. I feel like really doing it now. xDD
    16. Jayn
      xD I know, but later tonight I think my grandpa is going to make steak. ^^


      The year is 2009. You are at school and suddenly the lights began to flicker, the ground quivering beneath you. You freeze, wondering what's happening before you friend grabs you by the arm and leads you into the library. Many kids are crouched underneath tables and behind bookshelves afraid. You open your mouth to ask why before your friend throws you underneath a table, the ground beneath you trembling violently.

      Your eyes widen, the lights suddenly brightening.

      "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Your friend shouts. You listen, hesitantly. "EVERYONE CLOSE YOUR EYES."

      Through the darkness of your eyelids you can see flashes, and you suddenly hear a girl scream beside you. She didn't close her eyes.

      "I'M BLIND!" She shrieks. Your friend mutters a curse and kneels beside the girl. You open your eyes.

      "What's going on?" You ask, heart pounding. Your friend looks at you, eyes narrowed before he nods towards a lamp sitting on a desk. "What is it?" You question once more, losing patience.

      "They're after us." He speaks. You've never seen him that serious before.

      "W-who?! What is?!"

      His face darkens as he stares you straight in the eyes. "The lightbulbs."
    17. Jayn
      I think my mom is making lunch or something. Yes, lunch. 8D8

      It'll be great. :=D: *Gazes off into space*
    18. Jayn
      ;__; :glomp: It'll get better. When I'm heartbroken, I dun eat. Well, I don't want to at least. >: *Looks at chips* Eh.

      xDD I'm totally going to do it. Then Fayt will be all: "...:B|:"
    19. Jayn
      *Has some potato chips* ...D: Wow. I eat when I'm in love. I scarf. I eat everything there is and then spend half the day cooking something more, as long as I have it. xD

      I've always wanted to make a really stupid RP and see how many people would actually Rp it with me. xDD
    20. Jayn
      I'm hungry. And it isn't good that you forced yourself. :/ What'd you dad say?

      It's okay. Um. Um. KILLER LIGHTBULBS!