Sent it. Replied. Once again, nice work. :'D Your avatar is giving me the urge to make Kairi the Main Female Protagonist. I swear. *Shot*
Rofl. That should be your next name change xD FU- I HEARD YOU RAWR o.o I see. Thank you. The Bubble thing is probably going to be a problem since every head is going to be blasting me left and right. But I will try out your plan. Personally, I hit the head a few times and NONE of his health went down. I'm too busy destorying the bubble I'm trapped in or dodging something. Thank god for that, I don't think I could do the entire battle. Friendship is so awesome, especially when it's the ultimate hack for the final boss. *Shot* ...Next time you go, I'm jumping in your luggage. If you feel something heavy in one of your bags. It's me xD "So zetta slow!" , "So zetta slow!" , "So zetta slow!" , "So Ze-" , "STFU SO I CAN HIT YOU." Seriously. It's annoying when he keeps teleporting. I know, it's pretty difficult for me. Joshua is the reason I kept dying. He hacked the game while Joshua was fighting him ;~; Tetsuya Nomura, Clever thoughts since 1970. ...HE DID? No wonder people keep saying some things are like Kingdom Hearts xD Ansem + Megumi team up? Alright. Sending to Youtube now.
If I'm a silly little truffle, are you a big truffle? :=D: His battle was hell though. I kept dying and had to grind a bit. The Pins I have are Normal Slash, LIVE!!!, Restore Drink, and Ice Pillar I think. I keep trying to hit them all at once but I keep dying since I have little places to dodge. Which do you recommend? ...Onee-chan, You win Japan. x3 Can't wait to see those. Especially your cousin's house. *Shot* Someday is my favorite song by far in the game. Inorite? But, for some reason, I didn't like that Wolf Noise transformation thing of his too much. ....HOLYFU- I never noticed xD It's really that? No wonder Neku calls him "Pi-Face". On Youtube or here I meant x3
What you say is the law Onee-chan <3 I obey the epic law. Which is awesome. Gotta love his "Drown in the sea of imaginary numbers!". xD Wasn't that the first game master? I'm talking about that Yellow Five-Headed Dragon thingy. Indeed it is! o.o TUESDAY? Ohohoho. Onee-chan I expect Pictures of every five minutes. *Fanboy scream, Shot* Especially the one that plays when you fight Minamimoto, Someday, was it? Yay! Also, I'm gonna see if I can send a chapter soon, want me to send it there?
Thanks. :> I'm sure yours are equally as good. ff_icon_whores kh_icons You can post Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts ones in there, I use them a lot. There's my icon journal, peruse if you'd like. :> TheCandyStand is awesome, that's where my default LJ icon is from. You should look around for large communities where people link to their icon journals. Like I have a Kingdom Hearts one bookmarked where I post a preview of the icons and link back to my journal, and that usually gets me a few hits.
Myspace is so dull. Right now I only use it for music. I used to code my layout with it just for practice but my current layout looks just like my profile on here and I've been trying to get into making livejournal layouts. and it's irritating for me to just put forty something icons up, I'd fling myself off a building if I had to do 400.
I originally made a blog there because I was blogging through myspace but I think the icon community was what kept bringing me back. That and the fact that I can rant about my life. And jeez, 400 icons? o_O I'm sure I've made that much collectively but wow, posting all of that is going to suck. Once you get your icon community up I'm totally making you affiliate with me. :>
I'm a livejournal addict, I must have had mine for at least 2 years now although I was very inactive for the first few months. I noticed you made a community, what's it for?
Are you sure? D: Why not? You're suggestions are L33t. Thanks to you, I found one of the most awesome number based characters ever. Sho Minamimoto = Infinity Win. I'm about to face the Final Boss. I need tips ;~; Shibuya = Win. I need to move there D: The Soundtrack is one of the best, if not, THE BEST soundtrack I've heard. *Fanboy yelp, Shot* Accepting now <3