So how do I know your not Tobi? *Dun dun dunnnn!* BTW, best comic of tobi ever! this is a close second...
You're truely awesome. xD But yeah anytime you want to do it just give me your in game info. Btw, I still don't have you on live. D:
Indeed! <3 I remember going on forums and not being able to talk to anyone xD Now look at me. I'm nuts. Thankfully I met you during that time :'D Best. Idea. Ever. DOOOOO ET! xD A tad bit? Onee-chan, you shouldn't lie. :lolface: You're awesome <3 *Opens door* *Drops to ground with mouth open* Reno: You make Reno Bond happy. Roxas: ...Oh god. The brotherly battle. Axel: Atleast I use the element that's the color of my hair ;~; Reno: ...AND? I'm in Turks. Which is a hundred times better than the FBI :lolface: Namine: Burnt. Roxas: With a Capital Reno. Axel: *Whimper* I have no idea why xD
You taste more epic than words can describe. It was our best decision to talk to each other <3 And now we rule everything. >D Like "Up"? *Shot* But seriously, I came up with those in like, five minutes xD Thanks. It's annoying for the Romaji translators, You're much better. Love, It's so tasty. It makes me hungry for hearts. Namine: I want a heart D: Sora: *Runs* xD I just thought of that.
Ohoho. I must taste you then. *Nibbles your hair* xD It's the least I could do. <3 The World Ends With You, Epic Hours - Your Game Kingdom Hearts Blackholed Ripoff of '09 - Mine xD Good names? You actually scared me a bit. xD I was gonna be like "HOLYFU- NEKU!" Hmm...Interesting. No wonder you're my japanese teacher :'D Love, it's so sweet <3 3> - Lol.
Those commercials where they keep saying "Has your identity been lost and someone ruining your life, then switch over to... yadayadayada" And I was like "Identity Theft... sweet" xD
How do I taste? :3 Nonono. You win everything, I win all the stuff you didn't want xD I'm just happy you're there <3 Space References = The Future of Mankind Nomura: But wait...We didn't even make it yet! Zeo: Oh well you see, We're so awesome, we got copies before you even made it :lolface: Julia: Of course :lolface: Nomura: *Bows down to our Epicness* Lol. I hope Neku IS funny 8D Ohshi- Srsly? I need to get up to date with Tokyo's Fashion Sense. I love you more even if I...Wait. I got nothing ;~; Kk <3
Lol. My taste isn't as good as yours. Plus I'm hungry now. *Shot* All hail the hypnotizing Onee-chan! Onee-chan for President of the Solar System! >8D Pffft. We'd have Kingdom hearts 3 before Nomura even speaks about it. xD After Stories make everything much more interesting, especially how they end it all. It's like a sequel but isn't at the same time. o.o Interesting... I probably will. But I wish the orange haired character looked a little different, I'm used to Persona 3 looking characters. ;~; OFU- Skittles? <3 But I have to repay you for being such a awesome big sis D: Kk. Can't wait for yours. <3