Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Princess Celestia
    2. Arch
      XD Makes things amusing. HEY!

      Want pizza?
    3. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Later on kites...

      BTW, doesn't Tobi translate into Kite?
    4. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Nothing... I was about to log out... nothing was going on until now...
    5. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      Fine, how are yo?
    6. Sanya
      You're truely awesome. xD

      But yeah anytime you want to do it just give me your in game info. Btw, I still don't have you on live. D:
    7. Sanya

      Well if you play Lailah on Fury, I can power level you. ;P
    8. Sanya
      But do you still play? And if so on what server/side?
    9. Sanya
      ... you play?
    10. Zeonark
      Indeed! <3

      I remember going on forums and not being able to talk to anyone xD Now look at me. I'm nuts. Thankfully I met you during that time :'D
      Best. Idea. Ever. DOOOOO ET! xD

      A tad bit? Onee-chan, you shouldn't lie. :lolface: You're awesome <3
      *Opens door* *Drops to ground with mouth open*
      Reno: You make Reno Bond happy.
      Roxas: ...Oh god. The brotherly battle.
      Axel: Atleast I use the element that's the color of my hair ;~;
      Reno: ...AND? I'm in Turks. Which is a hundred times better than the FBI :lolface:
      Namine: Burnt.
      Roxas: With a Capital Reno.
      Axel: *Whimper*

      I have no idea why xD
    11. Sanya
      Never played it. o:

      Nothing much really, playing Shaiya on my computer.
    12. Zeonark
      You taste more epic than words can describe.

      It was our best decision to talk to each other <3 And now we rule everything. >D
      Like "Up"? *Shot* But seriously, I came up with those in like, five minutes xD

      Thanks. It's annoying for the Romaji translators, You're much better.
      Love, It's so tasty. It makes me hungry for hearts.
      Namine: I want a heart D:
      Sora: *Runs*

      xD I just thought of that.
    13. Sanya

      I'm doing alright today, how about you?
    14. Zeonark
      Ohoho. I must taste you then. *Nibbles your hair* xD

      It's the least I could do. <3
      The World Ends With You, Epic Hours - Your Game
      Kingdom Hearts Blackholed Ripoff of '09 - Mine xD
      Good names?

      You actually scared me a bit. xD I was gonna be like "HOLYFU- NEKU!" Hmm...Interesting. No wonder you're my japanese teacher :'D
      Love, it's so sweet <3

      3> - Lol.
    15. Sanya
      Those commercials where they keep saying "Has your identity been lost and someone ruining your life, then switch over to... yadayadayada" And I was like "Identity Theft... sweet" xD
    16. Arch
      And you like it. XD ...Right?
    17. Zeonark
      How do I taste? :3

      Nonono. You win everything, I win all the stuff you didn't want xD I'm just happy you're there <3 Space References = The Future of Mankind
      Nomura: But wait...We didn't even make it yet!
      Zeo: Oh well you see, We're so awesome, we got copies before you even made it :lolface:
      Julia: Of course :lolface:
      Nomura: *Bows down to our Epicness*

      Lol. I hope Neku IS funny 8D Ohshi- Srsly? I need to get up to date with Tokyo's Fashion Sense.
      I love you more even if I...Wait. I got nothing ;~;

      Kk <3
    18. Sanya

      Thanks, though I probably won't keep it.
    19. Zeonark
      Lol. My taste isn't as good as yours. Plus I'm hungry now. *Shot*

      All hail the hypnotizing Onee-chan! Onee-chan for President of the Solar System! >8D Pffft.
      We'd have Kingdom hearts 3 before Nomura even speaks about it. xD

      After Stories make everything much more interesting, especially how they end it all. It's like a sequel but isn't at the same time. o.o Interesting... I probably will. But I wish the orange haired character looked a little different, I'm used to Persona 3 looking characters. ;~; OFU- Skittles? <3 But I have to repay you for being such a awesome big sis D:

      Kk. Can't wait for yours. <3
    20. Arch
      Why does that sound kinky? >< But that's cool.
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