Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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Local Time:
6:56 AM
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. walkergirl-_-
      hehehehe...opps hehehe >< your one of us and you know it!!!! ^_^ and i have mister red to thank for that!!!!

      hehe well i was alway nice to maki and spiky as for the people in my classes well i wasn't so nice ^_^ but i couldn't help it since i was also mean to people i didn't like in middle school...><
    2. walkergirl-_-
      hehe your fault!!!! your the one who said i have my ways even maki would start giggling and saying really now... hehehe><

      yup and this was in 9th grade when i was super mean to everyone!!! -remember the past and laughs- i would get mad if someone even poked me and stab them with my pencil and let me tell you it was one sharp pencil hehehe ^_^
    3. walkergirl-_-
      ok hehe -fills in the blanks- ><

      really a teacher told me that after a bought 50 lickerish candy's from his class cause i was being really mean to people by kicking them but once i ate the candy i turned all nice and smiely hehe yea...^_^
    4. walkergirl-_-
      hehe if you say so!!! but if you don't tell me my imagination will fill in the blanks hehehehe><

      -mons mons mons mons- -become's cheerful again- hehe sorry but you know wut they say!!! a sweet person is only sweet if you give them sweets!!! ^_^
    5. walkergirl-_-
      hehe well then it shall stay a secret until i find out using my cool ways of finding out!!! hehe

      that's the 3 time that you have said that!!!!! -throws a random table at the wall- i need some chocolate... -grumbles-
    6. walkergirl-_-
      hehe ok im sure i don't want to know XD

      your rubbing it in!!!! my win next time will be more sweet if you keep rubbing it in!!
    7. walkergirl-_-
      -nods nods- ok but make sure he dosen't win cause he almost always dose!!! hehe say no cuddle's for you if you be mean hehehehehe><

      -_- for now!!!! im stubborn!!!!
    8. walkergirl-_-
      but but but ;_; only if he is being mean to you!!!! why not!!!

      you win this battle for now!!!! i won't give up though!!!! ><
    9. walkergirl-_-
      go ahead i don't mind!!!! -tells your new dog to growl at him if he take's about thunder- hehehehehe ><

      that is lazy!!!!! ^_^
    10. walkergirl-_-
      yes it's awesome!!! i give's you a house and a car and a doggy and some toys for the kid's!!!! ^_^

      your so lazy!!! you just don't want to get up do you!!!! ><
    11. walkergirl-_-
      wut with the sad face!!!! silly be happy when you get married i shall shower you with presents!!!! ^_^

      not cool!!!! -_- why not??? is he not aloud anymore???
    12. walkergirl-_-
      hehe that's kiwaaaaa!!!! -giggle- so when is the wedding???

      he can be out until 12!!!! why can't you!!!
    13. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Haha!!! XDDDD
      Yes Sister Sharon oh her XDD
    14. walkergirl-_-
      hehe he want's you to cuddle him!!!! i know it!!!! ><

      yay for random silyness!!!! hehe me and my sis don't have that... ><
    15. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yes he is xDDD
      Haha I remember that! XDD
    16. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I'm not there yet!! I read but I just skimmed through it >_>;
    17. walkergirl-_-
      yea i guess!!! i don't mind as long as she stay's happy!!! hehe mister red said he like's seeing you scared or thunder!!! ><

      haha that's great!!! ^_^
    18. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      .__. -puts some glue, honey, milk and grass on your wrist- There good as new 8D
      Yeah me too, I'm reading Pandora Hearts right now
      Gil is awesome XD
    19. walkergirl-_-
      i think it's enough she always come's late anyways like 30 min's more!!! ><

      hehe i spoke to soon!!! ^_^ slap him back harder!!!!! show who's boss!!!!
    20. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Aura! 8DD -waves-
      I'm dying of heat stroke and you?