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Jun 16, 2016
Apr 24, 2007
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Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


Chaser, 35, from Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down

*TwilightNight* was last seen:
Jun 16, 2016
    1. Asterisk
      Thats cause your important. xD
    2. fire mage
      fire mage
      On second thought maybe LOTO should interefere.
    3. Asterisk
      ..Jeez..I'll post tomorrow or something.I can't do anything when I'm not inspired.
    4. Asterisk

      Tomorrow or something.Not like your in a position to make threats or anything, ms. hasn't posted in nearly a week. :D
    5. Asterisk
      Lol, I need to ..just not inspired to.
    6. Asterisk
      ...I'm not even responding to you ..I don't see how it matters ..unless your trying to tell me to post there or something >>..
    7. Asterisk
      I hope so then ..
    8. Asterisk
      I hope that's true ..anyway can you work on Thirteen next?..I'm not in the mood for War anymore these days.
    9. Asterisk
      So ...why haven't you come on ..you can't blame MSN for being a distraction you know.
    10. fire mage
      fire mage
      This is actually very hard now. Maybe Riku can kidnap Roxas that way Axel can try to go after them. Yeah I know procrasatinating on the battle. What is wrong with me? But instinctively Axel will attack back since Larxene did. It would be a waste of Larxene's time if he doesn't.
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      Holy crap that was a long post in War of Nobodies.
      Is Roxas still there at all? I haven't seen an response from in a while and what about Riku?

      I have no idea what to do with Axel except for him to attack Larxene due to peer pressure, but I don't know yet. He gave her a chance to escape, but she isn't taking it.
    12. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      And oh snap, that was a huge post.
    13. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      Oh, don't worry about it. Your speaking to the girl who procrastinates on EVERYTHING. MSN is addicting. Aw, thanks. It does mean a lot. Hehehe, seriously? I have never tried working with a character like that. I always use OCs. Have since the beginning of time. And to be brutally honest, I know NOTHING about KH. Okay, well I know a bit. But not enough to play anyone. I am here for friends and shtuff. AND OMG THIS CHAIR KEEPS SQUEAKING. Sorry, using the library's computer and its deathly silent except for the fact that my chair is squeaking and everyone can hear it. Oh, but yeah. I am sure you can get any character down to a T.I mean, seriously. The only reason I like HP so much is JK Rowling is a horrid writing and all of the minor characters are seriously minor. There is room to add your own flair, your own take on it. That is totally my favorite part. I never stick to character, cause I suck at it. But you, and others, excell at it. And lol. I freak out if I don't do well, too.
      I dunno. I have more respect for someone who writes literate, for sure. But at the same time, one of the all time most epic role plays I have ever been in was super non-literate. But we had anywhere between 5 to 20 people on at a time. And the lit's stuck with eachother, and the texttalkers stuck to eachother, and it was assume. It wasa cool concept that the creator really gotdown well. Chyeah.
      And oh. I am so tempted sometimes, it isn't even funny.
      But I am not THAT cruel.
    14. Firekeyblade
      Ah. Yeah....I'm very surprised. In a good way...but some of these characters' personalities make rage. What they're posting counters what they said they were like. >_> but we;ll have to see what will happen later.
    15. Asterisk
      I should eat your face...WHERE ARE YOU? <>
    16. Nymph of Destiny
      Nymph of Destiny
      TwilightNight! Hey, it's been so long. I've been alright, I suppose. A little bit of hectic here and there, that's rather affected me negatively in terms of finding the time to come here...but it's summer now, so, everything should be alright, but how are you? I've missed speaking with you~.
    17. Ansem59
      I'm sorry, I don't know why I said the last organization... I meant The organization's rival's... sorry, I seriously don't remeber why I said that.
    18. Firekeyblade
      Yeah. XD But at least Rivals is picking up fast. And Destiny's starting to become the next Nymph. Disappearing without a trace. Near told me she's trying to get in contact with chula. To be truthful I'm also going to be a bit busy this summer as well.
    19. morphine and lollipops
      morphine and lollipops
      Aww. Thank you. I don't consider myself good, but I do know I have worked with some of the greatest RP-ers there are. That makes me happy. I beleive it. I recently got a link to a Harry Potter RP that is absolutely the most complex, organized, tight-knit group I have ever seen. I am looking forward to working with them. Any yes. The minimum posting helps a bit. Exactly. I am literacy freak myself, so I don't get how someone could type like that. I am so weird... Heheh.

      Yeah, and then there are ones that are just one action, or a small peice of dialogue. "He said "Hi"." That makes me pissedddddddddd. And grammer isn't a big issue with me if it is small stuff, and sparingly, cause I make a ton of mistakes when typing. Misspelling is generally okay with me, too, as long as its just once or twice cause I can't spell for shizz. But text talk is unacceptable. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.
    20. Princess Celestia
      Princess Celestia
      I don't know... it might be a while. We are still introducing characters.
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    Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


    "Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors...


    ...And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest."