xD No, it's totally fine, I'm not upset about it or anything. I had some tasty chocolate cake today (yesterday?) so everything is good. :>
... oh plus my dad is kind of an ******* so... yeah. ._. But I agree, it is way over-commercialized. As all holidays are.
imo Father's Day is kind of a silly holiday. I mean it's a nice idea, appreciate your dad, blah blah blah, but it's just a little... pointless?
;_; I actually download and use Safari sometimes, but I always end up switching back to Mozilla because of all the addons.
I always bring 10% more than the actual item is. I always have a small bit leftover, but it's a good rule of thumb. It is very irritating though, and I usually forget too. My mom sometimes picks up the tax for me, especially if I'm buying something expensive.
xD that's so funny, I have a $10 Best Buy coupon too. I think I've got enough, right now I have $20, my mom owes me $20 (I think), and plus the $10 coupon that's $50, but then there's tax. D: