Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Advent
      Well long time no talk. =O

      I'm alright, finals are FINALLY done. And you?
    2. Bareri-San
      hehehe, I'm glad you liked it XD
    3. Zeonark
      I miss my Onee-chan every second I'm not talking with her ;_;
      Siggin' That. <3 I would run into every shooter type game, then the most horrifying games in the planets, and get pass Nyx from Persona 3 to see you <3

      Oh thank you. Because I might lose my mind if I lost all of it, including your Fanfics D: You're so awesome and well-prepared :L

      Got the PM, Reading it when I can get the chance.

      Btw, Gameplay of FFXIII came out :'D
    4. Asterisk
      Yeah, otherwise I'd be offline already ..added you back on msn ^^'
    5. Asterisk
    6. Repliku
      Yeah, drunks do tend to ruin camping trips. Had that happen a few times. I want to go but have to find people that won't get wasted in order to.
    7. Repliku
      Not sure. Hoping to go camping one of these times this summer. Also going to a seminar class thing this weekend till late Tuesday and on saturday going to a yanks game.
    8. Repliku
      Yes, I am definitely done with exams. Are you?
    9. Ultimecia
      :'D you should upload it for me
    10. Ultimecia
      i found it on photobucket, and then it got removed or something ):

      lol i posted this on my profile too *deletes*
    11. Ultimecia
      :lolface: maybe.....

      I had a profile picture, then I removed it and never put anything else in its spot xD
    12. Ultimecia

      I found an old avatar I never used before :'D

    13. Korra
      Mine kinda do, I just think they don't want me to spend money on something in advance. xD

      And yes, I do the same. I practically have to wrestle mine down to dry her off. And then there's the times where it's not raining but there's puddles everywhere. She LOVES to jump and walk in puddles, but when it comes to taking a bath in essentially a big puddle, she freaks out and tries to run.
      Of course, I distract her with a tennis ball and she doesn't realize she's getting a bath then. >_>

      Ugh, I know how you feel, my softball coach was the same way. I played catcher initially, but I think it was only because I was the only person that wouldn't flip out if a ball was coming at them. Then I played right field and third base. He rotated me around in the batting order too, but as long as I got to hit something I was happy. xD

      Oh that's fun. D:
      I haven't been to the local park in a while, I should probably do that soon...I go off trail and look for frogs and turtles in the streams. Which also means navigating over leaf-covered hills and semi-cliffs. 8D
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      :glomp: kekekeke

      What can I say, the name really grew on me <3
    15. Zeonark
      If she loved me, why would she keep me away from my Onee-chan? D:
      I would cross the Warfield just to come back for you.

      Nah, Writing out these fanfics. Btw, if I were to lose any of them, you would have files or anything of them, right?

      Gotta work some stuff out though. OH GOD YES. MUST SEE D: Send it, send it, send it! D=

      Alright. See ya soon <3
    16. Korra
      I'm attempting to see it opening day, but my parents are like "Oh no, you won't need advanced tickets".
      Riiight. ._.

      We've been having mild weather, which I'm happy for, but when it rains a lot it sucks because I still have to take my dog out. Last time she decided to roll around in the wet and freshly cut grass. D:

      Oh fun. I used to do conditioning for tennis, but meh...I'm lazy. xD
    17. Zeonark
      I do toooo. But my mommy doesn't like me D;
      Dammit, why'd she have to take my KH-Vids T^T
      Pretty Fancy. Working Hard too.

      It freaked me out. But it actually sounds good when I think about it. Might only send it to you though, no one cares about the topic and I'm too lazy to make another thread for it. I'll send it when I get the Chance.
    18. Korra
      Yeah, I'm a big Transformers fan. ^^;;

      I'm good, just kinda hanging's raining like crazy so I can't really do much. >:
    19. Korra
      DPWolf. :3
    20. Zeonark
      I was pretty amazed when I saw it myself. It came out much better than I pictured.

      So, How are you? ;D
      I'll get to that Digimon RP in a bit. Sending more Intermission? <3
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