morphine and lollipops
Last Activity:
Aug 27, 2009
Jun 16, 2009
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Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
Living with life; it is harder than it seems.

morphine and lollipops

Merlin's Housekeeper, from Happily-Never-After, care to join me?

morphine and lollipops was last seen:
Aug 27, 2009
    1. Spaze
      Your quite welcome!
    2. Korra
      Aw man, if I'd known there was another fan of it here I would've kept my script a bit longer. xD
      I'm the light technician, and yes, it was SO much fun to do the lighting for. And since it's more of a fantasy story, I got to use all sorts of crazy colors. I think I may have some pictures of our show if you'd like to see them. :3
    3. Spaze
      I love you username lol.
    4. Korra
      Haha, yeah, I thought it looked familiar. xD
      We did it as our spring musical this year, and oh my god, it was so much fun. Probably one of my favorites we've done. :3
    5. Korra
      The lyrics in your signature are from Into the Woods, right?
    6. xXRhian+RoxasXx
      lol. And that is NOT a weird thing.
    7. Near
      Ranting to TN I see B|
    8. *TwilightNight*
      You're actually pretty good than most I've seen, actually. So mediocre isn't that right for you. But yeah, we're a dying breed xDD. I mean, I've been to another RP arena, and by golly gee, the posts there are amazing. You can tell they give the effort. And that's the main problem: some people don't. In Rivals, the rules are that they have to write at least about five sentences tops to get in among others. Hence, they are forced into giving their efforts. I don't blame RPers that are like, 12, or so, considering they are quite young still, and wouldn't be so grammar oriented. But I expect those who are older to write properly with the experience. Either that, or they are failing English >.>.

      And yes, Near is awesome.

      One liners xD. The worst are when they consist of nothing but misspelling, and text talk. Or when they are horrifically short: "Max walked to the room".

    9. *TwilightNight*
      I figured it was him xD. And thanks. But as you have also noted, there are people here who can be good. Gate says we're a dying breed, considering that for the majority, there isn't much effort. Then there's one liners...

      Thankfully, Rivals got a good, reliable bunch for the most part.
    10. *TwilightNight*
      Lol. I wonder who said that, huh? Hmm xP. But really, I'm not that good. There are others who can reach the level, and who I am quite highly proud of.
    11. Asterisk
      I was a beast in English in the first half, but the second I was slipping. I wanted to socialize with the other kids xD

      Okay, later!
    12. Asterisk
      Meh, I don't get why everyone makes a big deal about freshmen, especially sophmores.You were a freshmen three months ago dumbass!

      And C's were my average, so I'm thankful.
    13. Asterisk
      Lol thats strange, but it seems your lucky, so am I xD
    14. Asterisk
      How can you bomb a final and still hold an A? ..its 20 percent of your grade.
    15. Asterisk
      OH HO, someones doing summer school ..and nah, not smooth criminal atm 'They don't really care about us' is what I'm listening to.
    16. Asterisk
      Yes, Micheal Jackson. Why?
    17. Asterisk
      Quality over Quantity /shrug

      full posts of mistakes more like it, really.
    18. Asterisk
      ...Well I've seen someone rp with bad grammar and it kills me to read it xD Near refused him tho.
    19. Asterisk
      Stop snorting ...that's unattractive lol.

      and it isn't cruel, I'm just saying ..its an opinion, I'm allowed to have one.
    20. Near
      You can change it if you want :3
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  • About

    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Living with life; it is harder than it seems.
    WELL. I joined because my buddy Near said this site was kick arse. And so I did. And here I am!

    Music, guys, books...talking. Laughing, fer sure.


    i like mah robottt