Last Activity:
Sep 17, 2012
Aug 27, 2007
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Dec 13, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Sales associate at Hot Topic


Hollow Bastion Committee, 32, from Berk

Garxena was last seen:
Sep 17, 2012
    1. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yeah, Chloe does rock
      but she can sometime do stupid
      and wow nice recap lol
    2. Pezz
      lol, I guess I chose the right person to do it then, huh?
    3. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      She has already? I couldn't remember what season she debuted in lol
      She has a things for superheroes, you'll see
      She's my favorite female character in the series
    4. Fracture
      lol....tell him that it takes me like an hour just to think of an OC so don't feel
    5. Pezz
      That was epically funny! :D
    6. Pezz
      Maintaining this thread is so exhausting..... I'm so tired lol...
    7. Fracture
      Hey Garxena, so how did your brothers character turn out?
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You're on season 4 and you think he's had a rough day? woo poor little Superboy has a lot of things up ahead :)
      Just wait till Lois Lane comes in the picture...
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Ooo no, it comes on after Smallville on The CW, but it has nothing to do with comics or smallville. But one of the guys who used to be on Smallville (He either played Whitney or Jason Teagues) stars in it. Jensen Ackles is his name. It's about brothers who hunt demons and other kinds of monsters. It's pretty dark but it can be hilarious. In this last season, angels were introduced. It hasn't been on as long as Smallville's 9 seasons. (it's only had 4) but it is better, imho
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      lol I missed the last three episodes and thats where I went to see them.
      I read about what I missed, but that was so long ago its not even important anymore lol well not THAT important.
      The one thing I don't like about Smallville is that the whole season would build up to the finale and make a big deal about it and it will always end in a cliffhanger, and when the next season premieres it won't seem like it was that big a deal, they'll just downplay it.
      As much as I love Smallville (and that's a lot) I like Supernatural better
    11. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You're crazy!
      I've watched it since the begininng, although I've missed the entire third season because our Directv wasn't working on that channel for some reason.
      You're waaaayyyy behind lol
    12. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I love Smallville!
      It's my third favorite show!
      But I haven't seen it since the season finale
    13. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Garxena! What's up?
    14. Pezz
      I bet you couldn't wait to try some of that sea dragon stew.
    15. Pezz
      OOC: I'm going to be away for a few days because of my sister's wedding. Star, Lil', MrsBaggins, and Garxena will be in charge while I'm gone.

      MrsBaggins and Garxena, you decide who plays Tristan and Nas while I'm gone. Talk to Legion before you leave the city. he has something he wants to do.

      Lil', you get Zuiden. Star you get Karchit and Screech.

      the unknown demon is off limits. Biffem is off limits, The king is off limits, General Kellington is off limits. The unknown creature in the sky is off limits.

      No new characters till I come back! Do not do anything that involves the Siege of Cheslidair till I get back. No summons are to be awakened till I get back. No sea dragon battles till I get back. If you are unsure of something, don't do it till I get back.

      you can start battles while I am gone. I'm going to update the map to add a new town. Have fun while I'm gone. If anyone continuously breaks the rules while I'm gone, give them a warning. DeathKing has 2. If he gets another, kill his two characters with random meteors and tell him he can not longer RP on this thread. If he does anything else, report to an admin.
    16. Pezz
      Your right! I've created a monster! I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything! we are going to be on Version 2 in no time.
    17. curse_tail
    18. Fracture
      *no longer monotone* Awesome!!!!! Will i always be one cookie type ahead of the others?
    19. Fracture
      *monotone* YAY.......
    20. Fracture
      *monotone* YOUR COOKIES NO LONGER BRING ME JOY.......*