Ashwa <3
Last Activity:
Apr 14, 2011
Mar 11, 2007
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4:05 PM
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Oct 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
Professional Daydreamer

Ashwa <3

Hollow Bastion Committee, 32

Ashwa <3 was last seen:
Apr 14, 2011
    1. cronoking
      Ha betch, invis-thesesnuts
    2. RoxaSora2010
      Tired. And unhappeh, because tomorrow I have to go to school...again. D: How about you?
      And I see that you can't see black text.
    3. RoxaSora2010
      OH, YES, I CAN! 8D Darn it, I thought I was the only one that could do that. D:
    4. RoxaSora2010
      Aha! I can c the white text!
    5. RoxaSora2010
      Eheh, yeah, yeah.... :sweatdrop:
    6. RoxaSora2010
      Yeah, yeah, it's nothing much! Just some...scratches.
    7. RoxaSora2010
      Oh? Aah, this. No, I just found it in the hall and I'd always wanted to ride one. 8D
    8. RoxaSora2010
      *Comes in on a wheelchair* Oh, hi there!
    9. JellyBeing
      Ha, yeah. I just want to be like, "Haaaa, stop lying. Our final can't be that long. We've only learned like... nothing. B|" Thanks, I hope so too.

      Wait... you're a girl? Ahur. JayKay.
      Haha, my AP History teacher was an avid Republican. I don't really care what party anyone is in, but I can't stand listening to her talking nonstop about politics. Maybe our teachers should get together and chat. I'm sure they'd really hit it off.
    10. JellyBeing
      Wish I could be exempted. D; Lucky.
      Eww... AP classes. I've heard that AP English is 'supposedly' the hardest of the AP classes. Although I think AP US History could give it a run for its money; at least the way my teacher taught it. I did more writing in my AP History than I did in my English Honors. lawl

      Thanks. :] I only have four to take next week so it shouldn't be too bad. Although I'm slightly worried about my Advanced Honors Chem (2nd yr chem) and Inorganic Chem finals. I've heard that the Inorganic is ninety questions and most the seniors who have already taken it failed. Take me back to Organic Chem that shiiit was easy, haha.
    11. Misty
      It's no problem at all. I'm a huge fan. If you need me to send you any MP3s, you can IM me on AIM. I'm always on, just invisible.
    12. Misty
      alright, here's everything by them on my iPod. It's pretty much all their stuff, give or take a few songs.

      My Year in Lists
      ... And We Exhale and Roll Our Eyes in Unison
      Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats
      Drop it Doe Eyes
      We Are All Accelerated Readers
      C Is The Heavenly Option
      Knee Deep at ATP
      It Started With A Mixx
      You! Me! Dancing!
      We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives
      Death to Los Campesinos!
      Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks
      The International Tweexcore Underground
      2007: The Summer That Punk Rock Broke My Heart
      We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
      How I Taught Myself to Scream
      All Your Kayfabe Friends
      The End of the Asterisk
      Documented Minor Emotional Breakdown #1
      You'll Need Those Fingers For Crossing
      This is How You Spell "Haha, We Destroyed The Hopes and Dreams of a Generation of Faux-Romantics"
      Heart Swells/Pacific Daylight Time
      Between an Erupting Earth and an Exploding Sky
      Ways to Make it Through the Wall
      Don't Tell Me to Do the Math(s)
      It's Never That Easy Though, Is It? (Song for the Other Kurt)
    13. Misty
      ... All of them?

      seriously, all their stuff is great. The most listened to on my iPod is:

      Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats
      ... And We Exhale and Roll Our Eyes in Unison
      We Are All Accelerated Readers
      Heart Swells/Pacific Daylight Time
      We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
      The International Tweexcore Underground

      ... I've got more if you need them.
    14. JellyBeing
      Meh. Last week was sweet because I was on vacation. But now... I'm back in school worrying about finals and attempting to not fail English this marking period because I've been lazy beyond belief. D; Praying for good grades&summer. Haha.

      And yourself? :3
    15. JellyBeing
      Like... huhza~! {:

      I don't know... it's so foggy in my mind. They came in thousands from everywhere. We didn't know what was happening. Everyone was screaming and running. The spam zone was trampled and the RP section was set ablaze. They were literally popping out of the woodwork! All of a sudden they were surrounding us. We just didn't know what to do. Suddenly they attacked at all angles with their horrible grammar, image floods, memes, and four chan references. And then... all went black. I'm not sure what exactly happened after that. SADFACE.

      Anyways, they've been showing up trying to be fake koolkatz.
    16. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
    17. JellyBeing
      oh em gee... me too. c:

      Yeeeeeeeeaaah. :v
    18. cronoking
      I still love you 8D
    19. cronoking
      Yeah well.....

      Shush you post punching ghost looker.
    20. JellyBeing
      I hear you. I feel like school has been coming at me at all angles with SURPRIZE BUTTSECKZ. D;

      No. You're a koolkat. :3 All the ghey noobs have over run the place.
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  • About

    Oct 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Professional Daydreamer
    I tend to be myself quite frequently.



    what's so good about picking up the pieces?