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Jun 14, 2013
Mar 24, 2007
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January 27
i liek 2 sell mah virginity @ dah bunnah ranch



JellyBeing was last seen:
Jun 14, 2013
    1. Tootsie
      my ways of seducting people have failed.


      loldude I am leik,sososo bored and I should be sleeping now..gotta get up at 6am
    2. Tootsie
      *breathes down your neck*
    3. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      let's have some fun this beat is sick, i wanna take a ride on your disco stick.

      ohhh my gosh how on earth are you?
      We used to be like bff's, and no we haven't talked in ages and when we do it just doesn't feel right. What's been up with you lately? how was prom?
      we need to do some serious catching up, woman. >|
    4. Tootsie
      you and your pink madness.
    5. Korra
      Korra a few feet to the face, usual stuff. xD
      I think someone sat on me too. ._.

      Bunch of college guys. And on the last day one of the stands was selling bongs. :v

      I KNOW. There was like a tent full of candy too. D:

      Lol, actually, the thing that took the cake was the guys dressed as Teletubbies and this really old sketchy guy wearing a Pokemon shirt. >______>
    6. Korra
      It would've been like ten times better had it not rained Sunday. D:

      Hahaa...Rise Against. xD
      They're like the main reason I went, and they definitely did not disappoint, even though it was like dark and raining. And I managed to get fairly close to the stage, which was both exciting and terrifying. 8D
      Played all my favorite songs too so I was like in heaven. xDD

      But Forever The Sickets Kids was awesome too, though me and my friend were in the back because there was a ridiculously strong smell of weed coming from the front of the crowd. B|

      AND they were handing out free candy, thanks to Wonka's sponsoring.
    7. Korra
      [COLOR="CC00000"]Bamboozle was awesome. 8D
      They were selling sunglasses for like five bucks, my friends were...all over that booth. xD[/COLOR]
    8. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Dear SparkNotes,

      You saved all of our asses on late nights for stupid projects. kthnxbai

    9. Tootsie
      pinky promise? /lol/

    10. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Lol yeah, that would've definitely worked. She would've been like "OFFICE NAOW! YOU'RE NOT IN MY CLASS EVAH!"

      I think if I start in August, I'll have plenty of time to SparkNote the books and be okay 8)
    11. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      It's frickin' gorgeous and hanging up on my friend's fridge. xD And hopefully hiking will be fun

      And I've already screwed myself for next year by calling the teacher a Nazi in the hallway. Little did I know she was right behind me Dx fml.

      Yeah I'm a huge procrastinator. So I'll probably start around......August ish xD
    12. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Lol I was fingerpainting on the last day. Polka dot picture 8)

      Anyways plan on hiking the 14th for a week. And thats it for my summer plans. All the rest involve reading for silly Honors English 11 D:
    13. Tootsie

      IF YOU GET ON MSN MAYBE ;-; *slitsobrunsoff*
    14. Tootsie
      oh yeah.

      tapped didn't complain. :3

      fufufufu *just got home from prom night*

    15. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Yuss C:
      Today is my last day and all I have to do is paint so yay.

      You probably did fine on the chemistry ones. Although, thats great about the math one (:
    16. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      if you're still here get on aim. we can welcome june.
    17. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      God, I can only imagine that they'd really hit it off. =/

      I went to go get one of the books that I have to read over the summer, and I read the summary of it and its about this woman who overcomes and blahblahblah and I was like "FRICKIN' A!"

      lol if you feel like you haven't learned anything then you're definitely going to be okay.
    18. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Oh Jeez I take Honor Chemistry next year. fml D: I'm not a huge science fan, so I'd be freaking about that one too. But still, hopefully you do well on your Chemistry Finals. {:

      Geez, I hope English isn't that difficult next year. o: I don't want to take pre-ap English though because of the teacher. She is this short blonde, feminist fanatic, which I guess I'll be okay since I'm a girl, but it's going to be annoying to hear all the time "RAWRAWR WOMEN'S POWER! RAWRAWR"
    19. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      xD Haha.

      You're very poetic. o: xD
    20. Ashwa <3
      Ashwa <3
      Eh, I was kinda like that last week. Exams are next week so I expected to have to freak out and stress but luckily I passed all five of my OGT's (Ohio graduation test) so I'm exempted from all of mine :3 But unfortunately, today I sold my soul for Pre-AP English so I'm going to be busy this summer.

      Hope you do well on your finals (;
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  • About

    January 27
    i liek 2 sell mah virginity @ dah bunnah ranch
    I wear my sunglasses at night.


    You're never fully dressed without a smile.
