Mathias Jay
Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2019
Oct 22, 2006
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Mathias Jay

beauty is in everything

Mathias Jay was last seen:
Feb 9, 2019
    1. FinalF7

      I'm just kidding.. you SHOULD keep writing it.... who know, you might become famous one day!
    2. Absol
    3. MadHatterVII
      lol sounds like a plan on the J-Pop :P

      And technically we follow the same religion, Christianity - we just belong to different denominations. In trying to be a better Christian, learning as much as you can about your own and the other denominations is key - understanding what you have faith in helps to grow your faith. So again, if I can help in any way, just let me know!
      And the Passion of the Christ is an intense film, though worth watching. I only watch it once a year, on Good Friday.
      And yeah I hear profanity alot as well - though that doesn't mean one has to like it :P
      As for video games, I play mainly "world conquest" type games like Age of Empires, Rome/Medieval Total War, ROME, etc... though the Kingdom Hearts series is the one I play most. As for other games, not too much - with college I just don't have that much time... you?
    4. Absol
      I don't know.
    5. Absol
      Oh well then.

      It's a better response than what I expected, that's for sure.
    6. Absol
      Oh jesus, I'm afraid to find out what he said. x_x
    7. Absol
      It was kind of a sensitive subject for me. :v
    8. Absol
      It was for me. ._.
    9. FinalF7
      You're still writing more!! xD How long is this going to be?? :]
    10. Akema_AK
      thanks for telling me i had searched and found nothing then you said something so i tried an advanced search and found an older thread like it
    11. Absol
      Quite. That was nerve-wracking. o_o
    12. Absol
      Here goes nothing, then. ._.
    13. Absol
      You should. Both the book and the movie are godly. :'D

      I think MSN would be better for it. It'll take me a while to type it all in, though. B/
    14. Absol
      A guy who would go live on the road or in forests for months at a time. There's a book about him that they made into a movie, too. :v

      For a number of reasons, I'd rather not say who publicly. It's a long story. ._.
    15. Absol
      Alexander Supertramp. He's amazing. :'D

      And yes indeed. Honestly, I'd do damn near anything for him, if it all works out. I'm obsessed with the ****er. ;_;
    16. Absol
      Chyeah, I know. That's the same thing my inspiration did. It'll be a lot more fun than being chained down to one job, that's for sure.

      As for settling down... normally I'd say never, but it depends on a certian someone I know. I guess I'll find out when I meet him on the road trip. .-.
    17. Absol
      Well, as soon as I'm 16(or maybe even 15), I'll get a job and start saving up like hell. So once I get a laptop and other supplies, the rest of it'll go towards all that kind of stuff. And Wolfie's helping with the fund. Then after she comes and gets me in her parent's minivan and we start meeting people, I'll start working out a plan to somehow save up for the van I'm actually living in. :v

      The whole plan's still somewhat foggy at this point, but I promise you, it's gonna happen. B]
    18. Rawr
      Kay sounds good. :3
    19. Rawr
      That mean you'll do the lineart too?
    20. Rawr
      Yea, the next one that I do you can color. I've finished four, but Austra's is the best. Sandy's didn't turn out too bad.

      The others 8D
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