Mathias Jay
Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2019
Oct 22, 2006
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Mathias Jay

beauty is in everything

Mathias Jay was last seen:
Feb 9, 2019
    1. MadHatterVII
      Gah I am so old! xD Well 15 is more exciting than 14, I promise. So does that make you a Freshman/rising Sophmore in high school?
      I would suspect she converted by marriage, if your father is Baptist. And Mass is what Catholics call the service - I won't get into the theology of it all (though if you are interested, I would be happy to discuss it with you - theology is my favourite subject!) - Presbyterian is another Protestant denomination. I'm not sure how familiar you are with Church history, but in 1517 Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation (Protesting the Catholic Church), and thus various groups split off from the Catholic Church, and then groups split off from those groups. Presbyterians are those Christians that follow the teachings of John Calvin - Baptists are an off shoot of the Calvinists as well. There are countless books and hundreds of years of information between the different kinds of Christians, so that is the most basic explanation I can give. Though again if you are interested, I'd be happy to discuss it all with you.
      And that'd be cool, seeing a family work! I don't have much to share in that department, I'm afraid, save some drawings a close friend of mine did.
      And you should re-read Harry Potter - it rocks. And I couldn't get through the first page of Twilight... but I'm also somewhat of a literary snob, soooooo ha ha I'll have to look into the mangas - I've heard those titles before, so they must be alright. And Death Note is FANTASTIC - you are just getting into the thick of things with vol. 7, and it only gets thicker. Let me know what you think as you progress!
      And yes, being 14 I can see a film restriction. Are your parents strict about ratings? Not to worry, we have much time to fill you in as you age a bit :D
      And if you want any suggestions on music in the classical department, just let me know! Do you listen to J-Pop at all? I've only had a limited exposure and would like to expand my horizons a bit, so if you have any suggestions there I'd be greatly obliged...
    2. Absol
      The dog on drugs. :lolface:
    3. Repliku
      That's cool.
    4. MadHatterVII
      Well I suppose 19 is more exciting than 15 - though 16 isn't bad! Look on the bright side - you are moving up in the world! =D
      Why did your mother convert, if I may ask? Marriage? And my family is fully supportive - in fact my brother will more than likely become Catholic as well once he graduates and moves to college with me. My parents are just happy I'm a member of a Church and following Jesus with sincerity and enthusiasm. Denomination does not matter to them, too much - though my father is very Presbyterian and Calvanistic and I am very Catholic ha ha. The only tricky part is when and where I go to Church - I am obligated to join my family at my old church every now and then for special events, and this off sets my ability to go to Mass regularly as my weekends are sporadic, generally speaking, save Sunday mornings. So trying to figure out how to get to Mass regularly while still pleasing the family is fun, but not a real trouble.
      And yeah - my family loves the arts. Both my brother and I play musical instruments (he plays piano, and I the violin), and I did theatre for a while, and am taking a costuming course in the fall. Though my parents don't have much artistic talent to speak of, so we aren't sure where we get it from... ha ha
      And Harry Potter isn't childish - I'll have you know I took a college course on Harry Potter. That series is solely responsible for the literacy of this generation! As for Twilight, I can not say as I have not read any of them (by design). I am very selective with my manga, and the only one I followed intensely was Death Note, though I find Full Metal Alchemist entertaining. What books have you found decent?
      Film wise I could go on for ages - Phantom of the Opera, the Mummy, Batman Returns, Batman, Dark Knight, Slumdog Millionaire, Elizabeth, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Fight Club, Stardust, Gladiator, and on and on and on =D
      And orchestral stuff is cool - as you progress into the world of orchestra, you should explore operatic pieces - intensely awesome if given the chance! What kind of orchestral music?
    5. JellyBeing

      ~She's fresh to death, she'll be the death of me.
      She's fresh, she's fresh, but not so clean.~
    6. MadHatterVII
      Oh it's fine - 19 isn't that exciting a number anyways. In the meantime, Merry Unbirthday to you!

      And that's an interesting switch, from Catholic to Baptist - though I suppose it isn't unheard of. I'm the lone Catholic in my family - the rest are Associate Reformed Presbyterians. Makes things interesting :D
      And graphic design is cool - one of my best friends is going to school for that, and my aunt is a graphic designer for some large corporation or another. Definitely in demand and good money, so lots of opportunity! As for my artistic abilities, they are severely lacking, though I endeavor to change that daily with a little practice here and there.
      What books have passed your test of acceptability? Which films are your favourites? And are you familiar with opera and broadway at all?
    7. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I missed you too :<3:
    8. JellyBeing
      Me neither... it must have been the voices again.
    9. MadHatterVII
      I would like to make a quick correction - I am in fact 19 years old. My birthday was on Sunday, and it was so under-celebrated it seems that it slipped my mind that I am, in fact, another year older.
    10. MadHatterVII
      Well as long as your girlfriend finds you attractive, that's all that matters. No one else really matters - so no worries!
      And ah the deep south? That's my neck of the woods! Though having a father from the mid-west has preserved me from keeping the accent, mine being a rather neutral and flat one.
      And my interests are about the same - I love religion (especially the Catholic Faith, as I am Catholic =P) and History and German (obviously, as they are my majors), though I am also taking Japanese and have studied French. I love books, especially historical fiction and mystery/mystery thrillers as well as the classics, and movies of course - action adventure, historical drama, mystery, some horror - are you beginning to see the pattern? Music wise, I listen to everything from J-Pop to Wagnerian Opera, so it's very varied. Though I do not like Rap, R and B or country-western (save one or two songs) at all. I also love to travel, and have been blessed enough to have traveled fairly extensively for my short 18 years. And yes, that's about me in a nutshell - I do better with questions pertaining to my likes, dislikes and dispositions rather than rattling them off, but that is a nice summary, I think!
    11. MadHatterVII
      And you, Matt. The pleasure is all mine.
      And yes, it is great fun to be more than we actually are - I suppose that is why we have the internet. Just be sure not to lose sight of who you are, though. Trust me, it's a tricky maze to find yourself again once you've lost yourself.
      Slangish dialect can be fun - dialects are a part of language, I suppose. Though I'm not fond of "ghetto" English, if you will - but that's just my personal taste in language prudishness.
      And I'm sure you are quite as dashingly mad as the man in your picture - though of course I have not seen you, so my idle, online compliments are probably not credible - but all that aside, I'm sure you are.
      So what are your major interests? And I'm sorry to take up so much of your wall space...
    12. MadHatterVII
      I am 18, so not that much older than yourself. Though you do give the impression of being older, at least from what I can tell so far. Is that you in your picture?
      And that's cool about your mother's family - all of my family is English - so much so that my family in 18th century America had to flee back to the mother country because they were loyal to the crown. They then married French nobles who had fled because of the French revolution. Fun stuff! I'm proud to be English, though as a German major I must say I am jealous of your strong German ancestry.
      Well I'm glad you find my word usage entertaining. I find words to be the fabric which holds society together and moves culture along, or cuts it down. So I like to play around with words when I can, use lots of older expressions and words. I'm also honoured to be interesting for vague reasons - perhaps they shall clarify themselves as our friendship progresses?
      And I must say I am interested in you, for precisely the same reasons :D
      I'm Ben, by the by.
    13. What?
    14. JellyBeing
      yay for the rape song. xD

      Yeah... {you're only allowed to watch when I tell you to.}
      Hm, what? Who said that?
    15. MadHatterVII
      Ah an actual part-German, awesome! Do you still have family in the Fatherland?

      And yes... I fear my days will begin to become even more mundane as the summer progresses - at least until I start work - then they will just become monotonous ha ha ah well, can't complain, really...

      And thank you - I'm honoured you find me interesting and found me just interesting enough to make a new friend! What about me do you find interesting? And how old are you, may I ask?
    16. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
    17. MadHatterVII
      ha ha ha oh online translators :P Well if you'd ever like to learn some actual German, just let me know -
      And not too much myself - chillin' around the house, cleaning here and there and waiting to go to dinner with a friend. Typical summer day - so what prompted you to comment on my wall, if I may ask?
    18. JellyBeing
      Stop, right there! This is my private square. R A P E- *shot*

    19. JellyBeing
      How do you know I'm blu-OH GAWD! STOP LOOKING IN MY WINDOWS!!!111!!!11111!11!1!1!!!!1!!!11!!!!!
    20. JellyBeing
      Aren't you just the little swooner. :3
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