Exams? Oh, I see. Studies are important <3 You better get some epic scores! :3 Gonna read it now, then send a chapter of Blackholed if I can.
Just sent in a new styled chapter of Blackholed...which is utterly hilarious. Read it when ya get the chance Onee-chan <3
I know right? Stuff like that never gets boring. As sexy as they are epic <3 But wait, if Xemnas is his Nobody doesn't that make him twice as dangerous since he can call nobodies? Xemnas: AWWWW. DAMMIT. Terra: They got to me ;_; *Sniff* *Sniff* :D Only thing I didn't like was in Persona 3 you have to keep your full level to make it less fun :/ Social Links are so hard for me xD I couldn't ask for a better sibling <3 O.o Orly? Cuz I'm pretty sure you're the definition and I'm the lacky xD Spelling: God, what's with people always spelling fail wrong? Grammar: Because they keep breaking the grammar law. Axel: Axel Bond refuses to give a hell D:< Spelling: GET HIM! D:<< I think that answers my qu- WAIT! Our epicness can destory it! ...I think o-o Pretty good. Bored though. Think I'll try to sneak some chapters to you of Blackholed if I get the chance. Yourself?
Roxas: O_o Oh yesh! I bring teh sexy backz with meh Onee-chan! <3 ....Wait, XEMNAS? Osnap. Onee-chan he's gonna get us! D: You've played SMT games? :'D I'm glad we have the same interests, we can be even epicer and closer <3 But you're made of epic win :D Oh don't give us that. You knew you were going to be nuked. EXCATLY! BUT WAIT, WHAT ABOUT BOREDOM? DO WE FAIL AT THAT? D:
Oh, as a friend, a bestie friend that im able to kiss for fun because I wanted to win the wresling match