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Mar 17, 2012
Oct 11, 2008
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Sep 14, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
In a mako tank. God, it sucks being soaked in thi
Well, can't really say I have one... Once I get b


Traverse Town Homebody, 35, from In a mako tank. God, it sucks being soaked in thi

Ol'Sephy was last seen:
Mar 17, 2012
    1. fadedphantom
      Yeah sorry I haven't had any time to respond. I've had a very very very hectic day...

      It's better... still kind of hurts my eyes, but it's pretty at the same time, soooo yeah, I guess I can stand it ^_^ I can now talk to you once again.
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Oh and he also said "Hurry up dumb ****."
    3. Maggy
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey waz up?

      Mike says to "get your ass on skype." His words man, not mine.
    5. Maggy
      we have school you know. 9-10pm is still kinda late for us.

      get online at least at 4 or 5pm :) ok? XD
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      LOL, I guess you're right.
    7. Mike
      Skype today?
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, mainly that Jiku Neo guy, but he's always hated my writing style.

      Yeah, right after I finished my writing today I remebered your name and thought "Oh crap, I know he's going to notice this." I was just having a hard time picking names when I first wrote it.

      Yeah, Selena's not a complete goth in this story. I get this weird vibe when I write about the chicks in my stories. I begin to get jelious of my main characters like "God dammit Sora, I hate you so much!" or "Why does David get the cool girl!" Is that so wrong?

      I saw your post in the writers corner usergroup. I"ll read it tomorrow, it's midnight but i'm not all that tired but if I don't got to sleep soon I sleep in and I just beat the clock.
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Really, it's good? That's actually the first good thing I heard about it all day. I've never been in foster care but i've heard about what it's like (read the child called it series) and tried to incorperate what I know into it.

      Yeah, we're not that far. the sad part about it is no license and no money. -_- I would call her an average looking person, around a 6 while I conisider my self a 5.

      I'll be able to do alll nighters once summer break starts, only three more days. I'll have to get off in like 15 min.
    10. fadedphantom
      Not much. Ouch. The green hurst my eyes. Umm yeah I can't talk to you until you change the bright green, it's giving me a headache...
    11. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Nothing much, Just posted a new fiction (not fan fiction). You can check my sig if you want.

      In real life:
      I used my mother's computer to use both limewire and itunes to get free music on my iPod. I also asked out a girl today. Before you ask, she's not necessarly the most beautiful girl i've seen but I don't judge on looks.

      'Sup with you?
    12. fadedphantom
      Hey, I haven't slept well in months man. I'm amazed I haven't collapsed yet D:
    13. fadedphantom
      That's what you get for breaking the law. Tsk tsk, I thought you knew better by now. *shakes head*

      Well, good luck with that. I'm off to bed!! I'm still not done with my art, but.... I'm just too tired!! D: Stupid school...
    14. fadedphantom
      Well I'm gonna be working of stuff sooo I may not answer you, but talk away :)
    15. fadedphantom
      Oh okay, I'm glad you understand. Soon it will be summer and sending in my lines will no longer be a problem ^_^

      And yes, lol, I also mean the audition lines. Don't worry, I didn't forget :)

      Goodnight!!! Ttyl ^_^
    16. fadedphantom
      Lol, I have actually thought about trying to ban myself from khv just until school's out, buuuut... I couldn't do it XD

      Okay. I really really want to give you my best work, and that's hard to do when I'm under so much stress/in a dorm room. ...Would you be terribly angry if I got them to you on Friday? I know, you're thinking "WHAT NO I WANTED THEM BY TODAY WTF YOU SUCK!!!" D: I'm sorry!! I just don't want to give you some super crappy lines that I half assed because I'm tired/stressed/in a dorm room. I'm going home on Friday, so I'd be able to give you my very best best best work!! In the meantime, to keep yourself busy, you should audition for stuff!! There's a bunch of stuff with deadlines next weekend that I think you may be interested in.

      Does that sound okay?? I feel bad, but, I mean, school does come first...
    17. fadedphantom
      Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were auditioning for stuff, I haven't seen you at all around the forums :( New stuff comes up everyday, so if you just keep checking the Audition section you'll find lots of good stuff.

      I'm going to try to get them done tonight. I was going to try and do them yesterday, but, as you know, I've been suuuuper duper swamped. I'm rushing to get all my work done at a somewhat decent hour tonight so I'll have time to do my lines for your production.... I have midterms this week so I've had hardly any time to do anything this weekend. I'm trying my hardest to get them in to you though...
    18. fadedphantom
      Okay yay!! So, have you ever heard of a radio play called Queen of Hearts?? If not, look it up on VAA, because seriously, it's freaking amazing. I'm like obsessed with it, even though there's only one episode out right now!! So, I found out that there were roles open for episode two, so I tried out, as did a ton of other suuuuuuuper talented people, and I was like, crap. But I didn't really care, as long as the cast was great, cause I just love it so much! And then, it got cast today...

      AND I GOT A PART!! OH MY GOD!!! I seriously did a double take, and I had to check like 10 times just to make sure I wasn't imagining things. I'M SO HAPPY!! OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXTATIC I AM RIGHT NOW!! *dies of happiness*
    19. fadedphantom
      Hahahaha wow!! What a fun ride, and it didn't even cost any money!! Lol XD

      Okay, you wanna know something really super duper exciting???? I've been about to burst because I've had no one to tell (no one I know will really care -_-), and you might not really, care either, but I've got to tell somebody!!!
    20. fadedphantom
      Haha I know right?? Woohoo, fun stuff!!
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  • About

    Sep 14, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    In a mako tank. God, it sucks being soaked in thi
    Well, can't really say I have one... Once I get b
    I am SOLDIER, 1st Class Zack Fair. Oh yeah!

    Y'know, the usual: hackin' up baddies and being on the run!


    Zack x Aerith = Ol'Sephy x YummyBvorshkee[MARQUEE]Ol'Sephy: Imagine if Vader had been referred to as "Master Vader..."<br />TheVader74: *force chokes* Don't ever mention that again...[/MARQUEE]<br />CLICK HERE<br />FOR MY RP...