Theres an icon you can click under my name on a post or in my profile if you want my msn. But it's
Indeed, it was pretty bad this morning so it could be like that again with the amount of people on later.
Sexy time no? *Shot down* Damned police. I heard a bit about it, it really got my interest when I saw Dante in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Pffft. Square-Enix is nothing compared to how epic you are <3 Pwn't to the tube. We have a epic drink? O-o EPIC DR- *Sip* ... ... ... ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- NOW THAT'S SO EPIC I'M GONNA TYPE IN CAPS FOR THE REST OF THIS EVENING. *Epichuggles*
>D Now, we have, good time. Yeah? I only got about $20 now xD I plan to get Devil May Cry 3 first though. I would never cry again <3 Yahoo, it's my enemy as it does not wish to work with me. D: :glomp: F_F Gimme! D:< *Supertacklehuggle*
Now we celebrate with epicness >D Lucky. I'll probably never save that much. Trying to save $430 for a PS3 and get the Vesperia Port. It'll be epic day every day after that. <3 I think I might be able to only reply xD :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: *Le epic gasp!* Mah crackers! F_F *Tacklehuggle*
And I love you my epic Onee-chan <3 Overprotective virus thing especially with Conficker. Holyshi- I forgot we did o.o ...So much for that. *Shot* Dammit, I need to save for some plane tickets so we can meet in person already. Then we'll be in touch for ever <3 <3 That's good, because I think I sent a email before, the person never got it. o.o *Epic Glomp* :glomp: No u :'D