Srsly? O_o Aw...Now I know you love me <3 Awesomecrackers. Now we can get back in touch. Thank god for youtube commication. No wai! D: I am ready to listen, trust me. <3 Thankies. Gonna get it changed later though. I'm so happy I can get to read it and reply right now. I always worry about what's happening to you when I left. I wanted the chance to atleast get this to you. It may not be there since I'm horrible with sending Yahoo emails xD *Super Glomp* :glomp: ~Kites' little Otouto <3
HI Onee-chan <3 Sneaking on. I miss you so much D': I wanted to talk with you again while my mom wasn't home. You also have a youtube account right? We can talk in PMs, Comments on profiles, or stream if you want <3 I seriously almost killed myself from how long I haven't talked to you O_o I love your new name <3 I might change mine to "Zeo-Sama" or "Kites' Otouto" x3 Wanted to get this message to you. I also sent a email through Yahoo, no idea if it went through or not O-o Love you Onee-chan ~Zeo aka Otouto