Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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7:46 PM
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. fadedphantom
      Lol cool! I added some stuff to the About Me. Feel free to change/add to it if you want to :)
    2. fadedphantom
    3. fadedphantom
      Lol, "Bad Boy" by Cascada is now stuck in my head. Thanks.

      Okay, that sounds fine :) Hooray! I'm excited to be helping with this!
    4. fadedphantom
      Lol, oops, sorry, I was watching a video D:

      Haha wow I didn't realize I'd be included in the name! That's fine with me, but since it is your project I don't have to be in the name :) Hahaha ohh boy, a logo! We'll see if I have time for that lol. I might not until summer. I definitely wanna make one though, that sounds soo fun/awesome! Hahah ^_^

      Hmm I feel like the T should be first since this is your thing... did you try like T_F Productions? Or T&F Productions or something like that....
    5. fadedphantom
      Lol, you're not irresponsible, you're just like me!! :D Hahahahha. I have sooo many projects I should be working on right now... it's only a little after 9 here, and yet for some reason I'm so exhausted... I've been really tired lately. I feel like an old lady -_-

      I hope so ^_^ I've got lots of plans for this summer, so it had better be worth the wait!!
    6. fadedphantom
      Lol, yeah, I don't blame you :D I didn't expect you to give my your password lol, I just thought I'd suggest it. That's a good idea! Just make a new channel :) Then tadaaa!! All your problems are solved!!

      Okay, that's good :) You're welcome, and thanks. I'm just homesick is all. Only one more month till summer... I can do it!!
    7. fadedphantom
      Okay!! Hmm well I'll put it up on my channel, but you can post the thread on VAA obviously. OR technically I could post it on your Youtube account for you if you gave me the password, buuut idk if you wanna do that... I promise I wouldn't like mess with your profile though lol.

      Aw :( I'm sorry you had a bad day. Mine wasn't exactly stellar either (as seen by my annoyed rant). Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you feel better, kay?
    8. fadedphantom
      It would still be your radio play, cause you came up with it, and wrote it, and organized it, and... did everything for it. I would just be putting it together. Lots of producers on VAA have other people mix their productions. So don't worry, it would still be yours ^_^
    9. fadedphantom

      I'll mix it for you if you want!! I'll do it!! Don't give up!!
    10. fadedphantom

      Wanna know what I did today??

      I totally lost my temper and ranted at the 358/2 Days group. Woot! Lol I feel kind of bad, but they actually all seem pretty happy about it... They think I have super motivational skills... O_o
    11. fadedphantom
      Hey!!! I'm on my phone so I can't really talk now, but I'll be on later :)
    12. Advent

      I expected something like yours from you as well. It certainly suits you. =P
    13. fadedphantom
      I do not know what this sammich thing is. PB&J is a very good SANDWICH though.
    14. Repliku
      yeah not too much longer. Your profile pics are interesting heh.
    15. Repliku
      Same here for a bit anyway. How's it going?
    16. Repliku
      Around.. just here late it seems. :/ Sup?
    17. fadedphantom

      Hehe isn't is sooo much fun?? I love it!

      OMG IF YOU'D HAD THAT I WOULD HAVE CRIED AND NEVER EVER VISITED YOUR PAGE. EVER. I hate clowns so much D: My mean old teacher is making my photoshop myself to look like a clown. How evil is that?!?!
    18. fadedphantom
      But not all mexicans are poor D: Stereotype stereotype!!

      Well that's good :) In my theater class we're working on our final scenes... we got to do some improv yesterday though, and I kicked everyone's butts and it was AWESOME!!

      People keep telling me that -_- I like it the way it is!! D:
    19. fadedphantom
      That is very stereotypical of you you know. Shame on you >_<

      Haha thankfully my only class today was my film class, and my professor keeps the room really cold like a movie theater, so from 12:30 to 5:00 I was quite comfortable ^_^
    20. fadedphantom
      D: WHYYYYY?!?!?

      I can't think of anything though... my brain's melted cause it's too hot here.... *sulks*