Last Activity:
Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I'll get to work on it within the next little while. There's finals this week and its 10 over here. 0_o I know, i'm so irresponsable. I also have my talent show this week!!

      Well, i can get how you feel with the homesick thing and all. Yeah, summer's going to be great.
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      That's good, but i'm not real big on giving out my password. It's not that i don't trust you or anything, beleive me you one of the most reliable people i know, but there's always that off chance something bad happens. Maybe if i set up a different account with a new production name, we can use it for that and be co-parters in the production, and both have the password.

      Right now, i'm okay just talking to you. Thanks for the aprreciation and tell me if there's anything i can do.
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I know but you would upload it on your channel. You know what, we'll do it. My day's been pretty sucky today (i don't really want to talk about it) and I want some good news. If your up to the challange of mixing, you can go ahead. I still haven't gotten all the voices for it though...
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      But then it would be your radio play, not really mine. You can't exactly send it via email (too big i've tried before). Well, I guess it's way better than nothing. We can be "parnters" in this thing, i'll do scripting and monertering the lines; then I give them to you and you mix them. XD
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Wow, that's kinda nice. My day's been hell. My stupid movie maker doesn't work so that means no more radio play. -_-
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Oh okay, cool.
    7. Scarred Nobody
    8. Ol'Sephy
      You must embrace the use of the word "sammich," Fady. It will increase your overall happiness. DO IT. Or you phail in all subjects.

      Wait a second... Didn't I already give you a PH in all of your subjects? Oh, well. I'll do it again! xD

      I have ice-cream. But I'm sad 'cause it's not sea-salt ice-cream. I want. I want naou.
    9. Misty
      xD I'm always forgetting the name of websites. I joined a Graphics website maybe a year and a half ago and I only just remember what it was called. It was shut down, though. D':

      Blogging... I'm not sure why it's so fun. I originally felt the same way you did, but it can be a great way to express how you're feeling, which is something I've always struggled with.
    10. Ol'Sephy
      I "eavesdropped" on your conversation with tummer, Fady...


      And I might have a question for you when you get back on. If I can get someone to answer it for me before then, that means that you're off the hook. :P Later!

    11. Misty
      to be honest I've never been an RPer. I've tried to get into it but I also forget about them. xD I'm more of a blogger. :'D
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Oh, I C wat you did thar.
    13. Fracture
      Ya, I know...but it is okay....
    14. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey, I made a sammich!!!
      It's PB&J.
    15. Fracture
      Ya, so i only need 66 more posts and then i am a premium...and i just fropped my ipod on the ground while listening to "why Can't This Be Love" ~By Van Halen........
    16. Fracture
      I think that i was going to start another sentence.......but wrote that one.....
    17. Fracture
      Ya, i ment do....:sweatdrop:
    18. Fracture
      That would be pretty sweet.....so did you have to take any science classes?
    19. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody

      Yeah, so do I. No one at my school really likes it though.

      That's why I changed it. I was all "oh sh-" and I found aonother one of my favoite pics.
    20. Fracture
      Thats awesome....:D Maybe you could try and star in a Disney movie.......
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  • About

    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting