Last Activity:
Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Okay sure. My mom has laptop but she doesn't let me kh-vids on it. It'll most likely be on MSN or something. I was like feeling so sleepy for no reason this morning, and i got a good night's sleep last night.
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, i guess telling my mom that i thew up finally got her to her sences. Although, i might be hospitalzed if I do have it, it being swine flu and my problem. So if i'm not on during the next few days...
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I know. My parents brought me some sprite from wendy's which kinda helps my flu. It got worse because i threw up this morning.
      Vomiting and Diaria, buecause it's just not influenza unless it's firing out of both ends.
      MY mom's getting me checked tomorrow.
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, one from a while ago, one from yesturday, and another from the same thread. Do i get medal now?
    5. anomaly1
      Lol to Tummer down there. Nice.
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Woo-hoo, I have three de-reps in a row.
    7. anomaly1
      Too true. None of my friends outside in real life know that i like anime, or Kingdom Hearts, or Final Fantasy, or whatever else that isn't "cool". I'm pretty shy outside too....though I wasn't on skype as much lol.

      Thats why when I went on skype for the first time yesterday, you suddenly realize something when you actually hear someones voice for first time that you've been typing to for a long time! That you're talking to actual, real life people right now lol. I know, I have known that of course, but it was surprising for me all the same hearing the voices.

      When no one knows the you in real life, its so much easier to let go of your inhibitions.

      And I know that my mom is overreacting. After all, moms will be moms. Yeah, and I did notice the lack of the usual happy- go- lucky smiley faces lol. And no worries, you don't have to try to hide the illness, it kind of seeps out of my fingertips whenever I'm typing and sick. So I totally get where you're coming from.
    8. anomaly1
      I swear, my mom has been getting paranoid about the whole "swine flu" epidemic. So if she heard about anyone else getting sick, she would have been like, "Oh no! The Swine Flu!"

      Well, thats a bit of an exaggeration. But I hope your voice gets better. The great thing about words on a page is the fact that no one realizes that you're sick until you tell them, so we can sound all happy but really we're feeling like crap. Believe me, I was sick not too long ago, so I know how it feels.

      You, quiet? Lol, thats a first. Usually you'd be practically bouncing with energy to spare! But the whole sick thing does get to you, so I understand.
    9. anomaly1
      Thats good :)

      Bleh, were you guys all on skype last night? Man, if you all did, then I missed out. I was on skype yesterday, but had to get off early. Dammnit. And I wanted to hear everyone's voices. Well, I did hear yours from your video on youtube, but the rest....

      I'm whining, aren't I lol?
    10. anomaly1
      Oh....okay? Wait, is KHV working for you? Caus' on VAA you said that it wasn't working.....
    11. anomaly1
      Just to let you know, however late this is, Mike worked something out with the whole Namine role thing.

      So, thats why I didn't send the lines to you lol. Also, my mom brought cake from baskin robbins, ha.
    12. Fracture
      Well, some of my friends told me to set up an account tonight so i wanted to make sure that one of my friends here had one....
    13. Fracture
      Did you get my last message?
    14. Scarred Nobody
    15. Maggy
      haha ok xD
    16. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      GEt on skype, we're lonely!!!
    17. Maggy
      are you on now? xD
    18. Fracture
      Hey faded....do you have facebook?
    19. Maggy
      go to skype lol
    20. anomaly1
      Okay....I'm just going to send a few of these "small parts"
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting