Oct 6, 2006
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8:51 AM
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Home Page:
Corridors of Time


hewwo uwu, Male, from Corridors of Time


skeet Aug 4, 2021

    1. Inasuma
      Thanks jimmy. <3
    2. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      Welcome back. B|
    3. Radiowave
      holy **** man, awesome profile.

      And I see you went back to your roots with the name, lol.
    4. Rayku
      Yush :3 :3
    5. Rayku
      Oh and your profile makes my eyes have orgasms
    6. Rayku
      Omg Hai

      Damn me, I have to go
    7. Atlas
    8. Inasuma
      Hellzyes. lulz
    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      ****, I can't use L anymore as a way to get around caps lock rule
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Jeromeo xD I <3 you
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill D:
    12. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      .-. I just tried to put a video on here but it says the code isn't enabled, I am going to see if I can.
    13. Atlas
      Alcohol is disgusting, i can't see why anyone would voluntarily drink cleaning supplies. I've only done pot twice, and that was just to stop feeling like **** for a couple of hours.

      I gotta go, though. Talk to you later man.
    14. Atlas
      Yeah. The only real reason i can think of for not cutting this year is cross country.

      All the guys run with their shirts off, and someone would've noticed.

      Also i think my coach knows i smoked pot a couple of times and she's mad. She asked me to talk to her like a month ago and she seemed pretty pissed but i forgot to go and she's never asked me to talk to her again so maybe it wasn't important.
    15. Atlas
      I was pretty bad last year. Haven't done in about a year, though, so that's good.

      I remember this couple of days, they were terrible. First few days i was shaking the entire time. I don't know why i just couldn't be around people or anything but i couldn't call of sick i had important **** to do at school but like it was bad and i ****ing hated myself i couldn't look in the mirror without cutting or anything it sucked. I brought a razor to school and during class i cut up my hand and i would just keep smacking it against the desk so i wouldn't think. That's why i did it, as a distraction. If i started thinking i was gonna do something terrible, like strangle someone or throw a desk or i don't know. It was a pretty bad year. I still have the scars too, all over my left arm. Mom never noticed anything was wrong.
    16. Atlas
      I'm seriously attracted to the girl who is my best friend.

      Cliched, i know.But i can't help it. She's one of the most amazing people i know. On the downside of this is the fact that i'm basically unattractive. I believe so, anyway. She doesn't know and a part of me wants her to but then i go " no don't be stupid you know she doesn't like you" and i don't want to mess **** up so i get to sit there and listen about all her boys and i have to give her advice and help her get with these other dudes because i don't want her to suspect anything and i just feel like **** all the time. Kinda feel like cutting again, even though i know it's useless.

      Hope your situation gets better, bro.
    17. Atlas
      You could pester me if you wanted to, i'm feeling pretty emo myself.

      Oh ****, i missed your birthday during my ban. Happy belated birthday, dude.
    18. Atlas
      I had assumed as much, seeing as how i've not been here.
    19. Atlas
      Yeah, i have returned and all that.

      How've you been?
    20. Atlas
      Sup Bro ?