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Nov 11, 2009
Sep 20, 2007
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May 1, 1987 (Age: 37)
Home Page:
Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-


"Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war, 37, from Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-

Cocohints was last seen:
Nov 11, 2009
    1. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      Oh wow! It's coming along GREAT! Very nice! You MUST give me [a] sample of the finished room. Ooo~ I can picture now. <33

      Yes, the three good fairies were a good choice, and honestly, I do not like Tinkerbell *gets shot*. I honestly don't like her, her attitude or anything about her...I just plainly dislike her. Heh. Along with Winne the Pooh too. D: I REALLY dislike him as well *gets shot multiple times*. The bear's a dumbass, and I was utterly disappointed to see him in KH. Sora's got a LOT of patience to deal with that bear. xD Anyway, I digress. Belle would've been a good choice, but yes, it's their choice that comes first. As for Bambi, agreed...he's WAY overused.

      D: Three months prior to the birth of your niece?!'ve absolutely NO time at all! No wonder you're all busy! Zomgosh! I root for you woman! You can do it!!! I believe you can fly! Woo~

      *does a cheer* East or West! Coco iz da best! She can paint the most shmexiest room eva'! And no one can pwn her, damn neva'! *cheers and screams*


      And the DN games seems hollow without you. D: Ehh, doesn't matter now, I'm dead anyway. o: You must go and kick Kira's little butts with your awesomeness. ^_^-
    2. cronoking
      Does hot cocoa taste good?
    3. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      She might be cute but she acts like a toddler D:

      I beat her so easily with Cornelius ^^ and also the dragon was much easier after I had levelled up =P though since I then did the next two places with no problems I may have levelled up too much >_>

    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I use loads and loads of them xD and I also adore Fire Spirits @@

      Mercedes really irritates me D: I am not looking forward to being her
    5. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I am always doing the spinny trick on fruit :> and on everything else too xD I love that move xDD

      You will always be Cocobeanz to me <3
    6. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      D'aww! I love the idea of the room actually. The Disney characters do add a beautiful aspect of childhood, and your little niece will grow up in a lovely environment. Seriously, it sounds so cute! I love the idea of the fairies too...very magical. Your sister and her boyfriend's got really awesome imagination, and of course you do too [you're an artist after all. Durr.]. And I LOVE Belle...did you run out of space or what? And since you have until December, I say that you take everything VERY slowly, and add the Aristo Cats in there. It's always worth it.


      Page 222? That's the end of round 13. LOL! Anyway, I believe you. I've not been keeping up with the numbers for a while now, I just make sure that I'm aware of whether a new round's started or not. Heh. Honestly, I can always solve the case within a day or so [if there were a lot of people involved], but I avoid doing that since I don't want to be a kill-joy...and as a result, I always get killed off. I knew who Kira was this round, but was unsure since the DN could've switched hands by then, so I kept quiet and wanted to make sure if Kira still had the DN or not. Ah well. Looks like you were right though, I'm pheared both as a detective and Kira. <33

      Does this mean I pwn? Heh.
    7. Tootsie
      That is amazing Cocoa <3 very lovely.

      That picture made me go "Gawd leik,i need 2 strt drawin againz"
    8. cronoking
      It is quite awesome. Tons of action and Soul Eating and such :3
    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      <3 I changed it back
    10. cronoking
      Tis be Maka from Soul Eater~
    11. cronoking
      Nah, it'll so smoothly~
    12. cronoking
      And im returning the invasion, but in a different area ;D
    13. Amber
      That would be cool XD
    14. Amber
      I think everyone should be allowed to be awake or asleep whenever they want >B|
    15. Amber
      I used to stay up til 3 XD

      But then people got mad at me v.v
    16. Amber
      So how are you? X3
    17. Amber
      OMG HAI 8D

      I'm bored XD
    18. Tootsie
      Osaka ftw :'D

      And how's Cocoa doing?haven't talked to you in awhile
    19. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      le gaspeth! D: Go to bed missy! *throws a pillow*

      Aww, you'll be an aunt soon! <33 Will be a niece or nephew? And any particular theme to the room? lol.

      Round 8 never existed?? lol!
    20. Princess Luna
      Princess Luna
      I should fear coco when she goes Mikami on the art section! o:

      lol. So how's the procrstination going so far? I'm doing great... I fell behind 3 more things. <33
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  • About

    May 1, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Home Page:
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I'm in your closet at night.

    Drinking something with herbs in.


    ~~~ [​IMG] ~~~
    crono on MSN:
    ~ Everytime you talk about your PSP, I imagine you holding it in your hand, and then telling Emely "You're a little bit more important than my PSP, but just a little" ~

    Many thanks for the sig crono & Laplace for the avatar. :3
    I'm a Disney whore and effin proud of it! =D