Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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7:59 PM
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. fadedphantom
      Lol well I didn't mean right this second. Just let me know when you want my help with anything ^_^
    2. fadedphantom
      Yeah, a script would definitely help. I will be happy to help you with it :D

      Hahhaha okay, that would be funny. We should get to work on this asap!!
    3. fadedphantom
      Pretty good. It was a little slow though... you need more jokes I think. Like, in YGO Abridged, it's just joke joke joke joke joke joke joke PUN joke joke PUN joke PUN. Also, some of your voices sounded kind of the same... especially in the first scene in the classroom. I couldn't really tell who was talking. But if you keep working at it I know it will get better :)

      And when I saw my name I was like "Eh? Was I recording in my sleep again?" Hahahah I was so confused.

      Maybe I could help you come up with some jokes or something if you want?

      Looks like it's gonna be good though :)
    4. fadedphantom

      I just finished the video. And my sandwich. The video was funnier than the sandwich. The sandwich tried to choke me cause I was laughing while eating it. That wasn't so funny.

      And you're right, the end is hilarious!!!! Omg, I feel his pain... that's totally how I play video games. And I always blame the characters when they die/get hurt. "GOD DAMMIT SORA, STOP LETTING DEMYX SMACK YOU IN THE FACE!! I PRESSED THE JUMP BUTTON, NOT THE GET HIT IN THE FACE BUTTON!!!!"
    5. fadedphantom
      Awesome!! :D

      Haha I shall have to find out... (...BSG??)

      So apparently, when I'm at school, my family does not eat normal bread. The only bread I could find was "English Toasting Bread" (seriously, that's the name on the bag). And then in the fridge, I found lots of ham, which is the only meat I like on sandwiches... and all the packages were like expired. I was gonna try and eat one of the freshest ones because I thought, "Meh, those dates are just a recommendation, right?" ...the smell when I opened the bag... *gags*

      So I had to settle for salami T_T ALL I WANT IS A HAM SANDWICH, IS THAT SO HARD??

      Obviously my family is completely lost without me. They can't even buy normal bread or decent sandwich meats...
    6. venster
      hehehe ^^ maybe later I'll be on more often. Middle of May, most likely. and I gotta go to sleep. nights
    7. fadedphantom
      Ohhhh I see haha. Yeah I had to take a break from the computer a while ago... I've been voice acting all. day. long. No seriously, I have. Hahaha oh dear...

      ture ture?? Lol are you tired or something?

      NO DON'T SPOIL THE ENDING I'M NOT THERE YET!! Lol omg I'm seriously cracking up right now. His accent only makes me laugh harder.

      You know what this needs? A midnight snack. In the form of a sandwich. Mmmm... I shall make one and then watch the rest of this hilarious video... and then go back to recording lines/auditions lol.
    8. venster
      Really? For about 3 weeks a while ago, I was on constantly. xD
    9. fadedphantom
      Wait, you already made the first episode??

      Haha yeah, and the other characters too.

      OMG HAHAHHAHAHAH that's totally how I play video games... gah now I have to watch all freaking 23 minutes and 41 seconds of this... it's sooo funny... crap I'm never gonna get all my lines done hahaha oh well I just won't sleep (when do I ever??)
    10. venster
      meh...Just been on and off the site really. Senior year is not as lax as I thought.
    11. venster
      I've been in the shadows waiting for nothing xD
    12. fadedphantom
      Aw that sucks.

      Cool cool ^_^

      OMG YES. I'm trying out for Kate in a few Avenue Q things. I've been perfecting my Kate singing voice hahahah :D

      Ummm no what's that?
    13. fadedphantom
      Yes it is. Yami is a freaking psychopath.... O_O

      YEAH!! Omg yes I totally want to join!!
    14. fadedphantom
      Omg yeah I've seen like 10 episodes or something. I wanna watch the rest, it's soooo freaking awesome. Way different than the Yugioh we know... O_o
    15. fadedphantom
      Exactly. Both good reasons to love it. It makes me cry every time...

      And Sunshine is awesome hahaha. I like most of the characters actually... it was a very good cast. Gah now I wanna watch it...
    16. fadedphantom
      NO WHAT ABOUT REMEMBER THE TITANS?!?! I loooove that movie. But other than that, I don't really like sports movies either...
    17. fadedphantom
      What movie is she watching?
    18. fadedphantom
      ...Oh... well that's still not good then. Sigh. Hopefully it goes back to normal soon...
    19. fadedphantom
      Cool ^_^ Hooray!! Now you shall both return and everything will be as it should be hahah.
    20. fadedphantom
      That's awesome!!! Hooray!! You should tell Mike.