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Feb 25, 2013
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South Park.
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NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Emzy ♥
      Emzy ♥
      I seen that... you've had some problems with my posts. I've realised them, and yes, I may have not potrayed the character too well on some parts.
      I would really appreciate it if you would confront me about it instead of complaining to other members; it makes you look a little immature when I see you bad-mouthing my rping to other people. It just isn't showing others respect either, and it really is frustrating for me to come online after a long day, and find that people have been really going to town on my posts instead of just contacting me somehow.

      Just.. confront me next time. Not others. it really would be appreciated.

      -TxHxG x
    2. water mage
      water mage
      I thought that too, but the way it evaporates so quickly and rises makes me think of steam which proves my theory that is water when it asends could be hot? Cold water can't shoot up without something heating up or some kind of mechanism controling it to do so. So with this theory in mind, in future fights I will go this evidence that he has hot water.

      When he does the torpedo water attack though I can tell that is cold water by the way it bursts and it doesn't leave a residue after it, but the water that rises up so many times at different moments makes me think there is clearly a huge difference.

      As you can tell I'm thinking way to much into this, but it intrigues me. Also the way he handles his sitar like a weapon is unique with the combination of thrusts, stabs, swings, and chops and his fighting patterns of the way he fights is like he is dancing in rhythm.
    3. water mage
      water mage
      Oh I have another thing to say. No one knows the temperature of Demyx's water for I haven't seen it in the manga, novels, and the only evidence is see in the game, where Sora fights him water shoots up, but then afterwards there is mist that floats up and it looks like stream so that makes me think that his water is hot. What do you think? f you look closely towards the middle of the battle that is where you see the steam and then becomes so hard towards the end. So how could anyone say he is a poor fighter. Demyx kicked my ass several times when I battled him and it took me a long time to beat him.

    4. water mage
      water mage
      Well I was referring to the parts where she is angry and not the sensitive parts.
    5. water mage
      water mage
      Yeah that's true. Demyx is very nonconfrotational so I was thinking that if he didn't accept what Larxene wanted, he would make her upset and get hurt by her so you see she always gets her way. If the reationship were to actually happen in real sense it would be one of fear on Demyx's part and she would run the show if you know what I mean. The personailities are the complete opposite from one of another and the only time Demyx is tough and ruthless to others is when he's ought to surive, when he has no choice but to be and or when he intimidated. Though in the novels, Demyx's character has changed a little bit with the way he handles himself. He comes off as arrogant and doesn't respect the higher members like the way he should, but lets them know he does respect them by showing fake emotions of fear. Demyx is simply a unique character and hard to figure out especially when he has other intentions in mind I feel.

      Thanks for the info, about south park.
    6. fire mage
      fire mage
      It is almost a symbolic thing. The ice cream, (or was that Xain?) best friends, and the allowment of close contact. That is my impression. lol
    7. water mage
      water mage
      Do you know what season it is so I can look it up?
    8. water mage
      water mage
      And like I said I'm just going with the flow for what ever happens. It doesn't bother me at all, and it's true that Demyx is afraid of her and their personailities don't match except for when Demyx becomes very serious and he it is like he becomes a whole new nobody, but eh. In reality no matter who plays what ever character people will either love it or hate it depending on their views. I don't really care since it is after all a rpg and we're making a big deal out of it when we shouldn't. What happens happens and just respond in character.
    9. fire mage
      fire mage
      I guess it is a flaw for people. Yep I have noticed that with Xeltic going after Larxene. There is nothing wrong with it, I mean it is ironic because most of the characters in war of nobodies are male. Plus there are several males going after her including Axel when he was last at CO. So naturally the males would react with their instincts accordingly with a girl that have an interest in. Yeah I know.....
    10. water mage
      water mage
      I think that was also in the novel. Nobodies aren't supposed to have feelings except for Roxas for his special birth, but so many of them do act like they have them especially Demyx and Axel. My brain feels so dead at the moment. To go off topic, what episode was that in your profile picture? I don't think I ever saw that episode.
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      I agree with you on both parts. Larxene has shown interest in Axel, but in the novels it is also Marluxia. Yeah I noticed that too. I admit I like the Axel and Larxene interaction am a bit irked that I havent' seen it yet.
    12. water mage
      water mage
      Well that's becasue the rpg is an alternate universe rpg based on well what the summary says so the events in Kingdom Hearts COM and Kingdom Hearts II have not happened which means Larxene's interest would be different. Oh I know Larxene doesn't even interact with Demyx since he wasn't in COM and the only interaction that comes remotely close would be in the novel with Larxene joining the organization for the first time and Demyx admires her saying she is strong has feelings or something like that to Axel and then talks to her a little bit. Also they see each other in Where Nothing Gathers, but that is about it to my knowledge unless there is something more in the novels or in the new game but I doubt it.
    13. water mage
      water mage
      Oh I know the difference. I'm just a peace keeper is all. *LOL* That's a good idea, but you said that one last attack with the swords being revealed and power shooting out from the middle that also falls in Advent Children. I have to do my research on Cloud's attacks and powers is all.
    14. fire mage
      fire mage
      I know. I guess with some people it is hard to control their shipping interests. I agree with you and know how you feel. If this was supposed to be a romantic rpg or humor one that would be fine, but it isn't supposed to be, but I am trying to ignore it. I mean I have to deal with this in three other rpgs and I am trying to break them up in character.
    15. water mage
      water mage
      I'm just going with the flow of how things go so there would be no problems. *shruggs* I think everyone in the is rp doing fine. So what else can Cloud do to be exact when it comes to fighting?
    16. fire mage
      fire mage
      She isn't bad. She just gets carried away. She knows how Larxene is supposed to fight. Even if Xaldin threatened them with a lance to their throat, because Xenmas really scared Demyx with the aerial blade to his throat.
    17. water mage
      water mage
      Yep that is the plan.
    18. fire mage
      fire mage
      Oh really? They post too fast so I lose track of what is going on....I am sure Xaldin could set it right, but you are probably waiting for the right opportunity
    19. water mage
      water mage
      Yeah I know so in order to stick with the plot though, a nobody will have to be formed from Cloud as he becomes a heartless, but the twist is his heartless won't die, will escape and later on he will gain back his heart thus not having to die though he will now have a nobody. Hmm that sounds interesting, but this will happen way later.
    20. water mage
      water mage
      Yeah I was and that's why I asked you before I posted something that wasn't true. I need to look up Cloud's abilities. Ok well that's good to know because you made it sound like if Cloud wasn't going to become a heartless then Demyx would be killed. And that is not going to happen. Okay so now Cloud doesn't have to become a heartless, but I still need to stick with the plot of Xemnas getting warriors on his side though. How would I make that work in a realistic way? *thinks*
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    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

