Last Activity:
Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      The opposite of war isn't peace,
      it's creation.

      LOL, that's all i remeber.
    2. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo

      I am awesome! :D

      how are you?
    3. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      hey there :D
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Mucho masterbation.
    5. Scarred Nobody
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Na, it's already up. Look at the group, there's a link.
    7. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      OKay, i just went over your voice overs. They were pretty good and you do have a good Namine voice. I was also surprised by the amount of bloopers. I noticed at one point you got so mad you just stayed in character but way off script (which was halarious). I know for sure i'm going to put the one where you tell Riku off.
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Sorry, i was just really tired. Anyway for Xion, i would rather you pronounce it "She-yion" but there's going to be a lot of differences in the pronounciation so go with what you feel. Next, what i ment by "smoothen" is to like "make it easier". Don't worry, smoothen is a word.
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Alright, cool.
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
    11. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey, what's up?
    12. Rayku
      Yeah we do, *sigh*
    13. Rayku
      Hmm, about the end of june
    14. Rayku
      It's fine, I was looking for something to do in the summer, but I dont know what to do : D
    15. Rayku
      That is awesome, I hope everything is good beyond that : D
    16. Rayku
      lol, how is the VA going?
    17. Rayku
      Nothing really, you?
    18. Rayku
      Hey there!!!!
    19. Ol'Sephy
      See, I thought that you meant that I should watch the Disney movies on the TV. :P No need to get mean. T_T


      But, y'know what I just found out? I CAN'T RECORD ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!!! I just tried to record some of my lines, but couldn't because my mics won't pick anything up! Well, I did just get a new OS... Y'see, the operating system that I have now apparently doesn't support my built-in mics or my headphone jacks. I have two headphone plugs and two built-in microphones, (for that stereo effect, I guess), on my computer. And none of them work. At all. Now I'm really mad! That stupid computer guy just had to screw me over... One. Last. TIME!!!

      Oh, well. I'll just go buy a USB headset. I'm over it.
    20. Ol'Sephy
      Ah, but you see, our TV doesn't have a headphone jack! And I just watched Last Order and it was awesome! Granted, it was only a 21 minute video/mini-movie, but whatever. It still rocked!

      You know what I've always wondered about? Why, in the original FFVII game, does Tifa say that Cloud needed to "keep his promise" to save her if she ever needed it when he already did that at Nibelheim? If you've played Crisis Core, watched Last Order, or found out the story in another way, you'll see that Cloud came to help her when Sephiroth went nuts and killed all those people in Cloud's hometown. Does she not remember that? Plus, Tifa doesn't correct Cloud when he replaces Zack with himself! SHE WAS THERE. How could she not know?!

      Okie dokie. I'm done with that. :P
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting