Akua WaterDragonKing
Last Activity:
Aug 6, 2011
Dec 30, 2007
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Nov 29, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
By the Ocean
Air conditioning/ heating atm >_>

Akua WaterDragonKing

Traverse Town Homebody, 30, from By the Ocean

Akua WaterDragonKing was last seen:
Aug 6, 2011
    1. fire mage
      fire mage
      Well the only ones there from the organization side that are fighting are Luxord, Axel, Demyx, Xenmas, and Zexion.

      All of the others are just watching as their users haven't been on.
    2. Legion
      at least you aren't in a school of complete idiots and crazy people. The crazy people are ok, it is the idiots I can't stand.
    3. Legion
      nothing much, life to lead died, twice, joined war of nobodies only to quit two days later

    4. fire mage
      fire mage
      He is still around just has not responded yet.
      Onyx his character is Where Nothing Gathers as well and is just watching.
      His other characters Vixtra, and Shaxa. Are elsewhere.
    5. fire mage
      fire mage
      Hey AkuWaterDragon, where have you been? *hugs back*

      The Order of the Rose (Marluxia's organization) is in Xenmas's castle. They have shields thanks to Lexia their newest member) on that seem to make them invincible and some kind of wrist thing that enables them to not be seen until they reveal themselves detected or sensed, yes, there are more people hidden. Wekser their scientist has destoyed Vexen's Lab, and is the ONLY reason the Rose was able to pentrate our defenses. They are in Where Nothing Gathers, Wesker sent Wretches his own expermental creations around our hallways. Wesker has also put some kind of gas in the bedrooms.

      There is more, but that is the main object. The only rose Organization that is there for now is Larxene, Marluxia, Xeltic, Valex, and Lexia.
    6. Legion
      *blinks in confusion*

      impossible. the rumors said you were swallowed up by the element you cherish ^^
    7. *TwilightNight*
      Ah, okay. And there's always someone that kills out computers xP. At least you got it back.
    8. *TwilightNight*

      Yeah, you were missed as well. And where have you been?
    9. Asterisk
      Hey, if your still interested in war, you might wanna ask fire mage for a recap..they seriously need help.Rose are kicking their asses xD
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hey there <3 it has been forever, how you been?
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      Need a recap?
    12. fire mage
      fire mage
      Happy Easter.
    13. fire mage
      fire mage
      War of Nobodies
      Basically. Marluxia consoled Larxene and is talking with Namine. Axel and Roxas are in Twlight Town talking and he sent spies to keep an eye on the conversation. Xeltic who had found the girl, teleported back to his home in Castle Oblivion.
      Xeltic had another member join Marluxia's side and it is a girl name Elia, so he put an x in her name. Xioimara and Valex are currently near our territory looking at our castle. With Valex talking crap about Organization 13. Xenmas is around somewhere. Xengla is fighting holgrams in CO and Vixtra is still fighting Riku.

      Zexion and Onyx are talking and will be leaving to go somewhere so they can find a weakness to the other organizatin.
    14. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Wait, what are you talking about!?
    15. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Well, if people stopped posting in it, then it means they either forgot, or they just lost interest. There's nothing you can do. Just let it go. It happenes all the time.
    16. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Nope. You can't. It's dead. And you aren't allowed to remake ones without permission from an admin or the mod that controls the RP area. And after a month of inactivity, it'll get locked.
    17. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      What do you mean?
    18. Pezz
    19. Janime6
      A second, because I has to go to bed soon.
    20. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Thunder Fang. It has the possibility of Paralyzing and making the foe flinch.