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May 12, 2018
Aug 11, 2008
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The True North.


~Meaner then my demons~, Female, from The True North.


Guess who's Faithin' across the rooftops now? Apr 22, 2016

Magick was last seen:
May 12, 2018
    1. Deathsight44
      wow, did u finally get it? xD

      and no, its not. i can still fit very easily into cars :3
    2. MadDoctorMaddie
      D'awww :glomp: Internet families ftw!
    3. Deathsight44
      lol, wow. well i said basicly am saying that ur short :P lol, i mean, you do get what i've been talking about, right? xD

      ya, ik, ur jelous, aintcha xD

      lol, i txt all the time apparently. txten my soon to be gf xD
    4. MadDoctorMaddie
      Aww, thanks :glomp: I really appreciate it ^^
      *can't fit anything in to siggy* <.<
    5. Deathsight44
      You have trouble to? O.O too much information ><

      lol, but ya, to me it is. cuz i'm 6'2" :P

      lol, i dun get it though. But either way, i jus use MSN. that and chatango. b'sides that though, thats it. I'm not a txtaholic like ur sister xD
    6. MadDoctorMaddie
      If you can, read Carrie and the Dark Tower-series.
      The latter isn't exactly horror, but it's so good anyways ^^
    7. Deathsight44
      wow, lol, short people. They can't reach anything no matter what it is xD

      And I have MSN if that counts. Why, is there a difference? xD
    8. MadDoctorMaddie
      I'm reading one of his novel collections now... One of 'em had my heart beating so fast I could actually count my pulse without taking it from the wrist/neck DX
      But it was so good... I didn't sleep too well that night <.<
      Hmmm, the only Stephen King filmations I've seen are Misery and the end of Secret Window (I think that was it's name, it was the one with Johnny Depp...)
    9. Deathsight44
      no, not really. i just felt like saying it to be perverted :P

      Why? its not THAT bad. its her fault for not doing it to u after all xD
    10. MadDoctorMaddie
      Lolz... I'm probably gonna read the book first, Stephen King's stuff is just simply amazing...
    11. Deathsight44
      She asked me if I ever had trouble reaching anything. I told her that I did sometimes, but not what she was thinking. And then she replied saying that she has trouble reaching EVERYTHING xD

      ik, you told me about that one. I told her to get back at you with the warm cup of water >< but she didn't go through with it, so u should get her with that one instead :P
    12. daxma
      your not the only one
    13. Deathsight44
      oh no, actually, its cuz it was about something personal that I'm sure that u dun want to hear about xD

      oh no. i meant the warm water one :P
    14. daxma
      i know you did.
    15. Deathsight44
      I'd prove you wrong, but you'd beat me for making a fool out of your sis the way that I did, so........ya :sweatdrop:

      lol, that reminds me. did she ever pull that prank on you that I suggested? xD
    16. Deathsight44
      wow, your both blondes xD

      Lol, your welcome =3

      and ya, I guess it is. But damn, its fun maken fun of your sis. she's so easy to make perverted jokes about xD poor girl. Must be like that older sister that she told me about that's too blonde for her own good xD
    17. Deathsight44
      lmao. u shoulda just checked ur friends list, baka xD

      Lol, and no, its true. I don't think you'd look as good if u had ur sisters. If you did then they'd look like implants, so your good with the ones that you've got now xDDD (wow, why is it that i always end up in perverted convo's with u and ur sister? xD)
    18. angel-roxas
      hehe =D thats good to hear ^^
    19. Deathsight44
      lol, but where did u try to find me? xD

      and also, cmon, that aint true. I mean, ya, sure, ur sis might have that on ya, but either way its not that bad. they're still nice on ya xD
    20. Kenni-Chan
      :glomp: You can't fail O_O You're not a failure! Winner! ^^
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