Last Activity:
Aug 7, 2009
Mar 7, 2009
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7:05 AM
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May 2, 1993 (Age: 31)
Home Page:
California, but I used to live in Iowa.
Currently a student


Moogle Assistant, 31, from California, but I used to live in Iowa.

anomaly1 was last seen:
Aug 7, 2009
    1. Ol'Sephy
      Well, I am in the middle of a place that I don't know the name of, which is in the middle of nowhere, using a dial-up connection. O_< THAT is how desperate I am. I actually got that God-forsaken virus, (known as the "Conflicker Virus"), that Fade keeps talking about. Now, my computer won't even turn on! I hit the power button, it runs great until I get to the point of starting up Windows. Then, it either gets stuck in a loop of trying to start up, (emphasis on "trying"), or turns off/resets. T_T I am sooooo sad right now. It will cost, hm, let's see, about $250-$300 to fix. Oh, well. I guess I had it coming. I didn't get new virus software when mine mysteriously vanished. Stupid me, right? I can't be blamed, though: I was broke.

      Well, enough whining. Gotta go in a little bit and I got some more stuff to do. Later!

    2. Fracture
      Ya...I don't think that they're are very many people from Iowa here (if any)... And your welcome, I like to say nice things to nice people..;)
    3. Fracture
      Yup... And it is alright I don't think your weird for asking a "wierd" cuestion....:) And sarcasm rocks....!!!!
    4. fadedphantom
      Haha you're welcome, I don't want you do die young!!

      Thanks :D Okay, good, just making sure. It's the weekend, so go on VAA!! There's lots of good stuff you can audition for!!
    5. fadedphantom
      Don't be depressed, it will all work out in the end, you'll see. Being stressed out shortens your life span you know.

      It's okay, we're not gonna give up. And Mike told me you were really really good (honestly, he did). Maybe you should get more involved in VAA? I've gotten a lot of parts that I never dreamed I could get because I kept trying, and right now I'm hoping to get a part in a radioplay that is going to air on public radio. It's all about persistence, and never giving up. As Donald would say, "No frowning, no sad face!"
    6. Invader Jack
    7. fadedphantom
      Lol my science teacher in like 9th grade had a fish that sang that... it was very entertaining...
    8. fadedphantom
      Woot!! It's good to be good and happy :D
    9. fadedphantom
      Haha oh I see. Finally you've seen the light!!
    10. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      Congratulations! Yaaaay for you!!! :D:p:D
    11. fadedphantom
      Thanks :D Hahaha what do you mean you can't believe it?? I CAN!! BELIEVE IN YOURSELFFF!!

      Lol I know!! It seems so long ago... but it was only a couple weeks ago!! Weird...
    12. fadedphantom
    13. Maggy
      do u have MSN? lol
    14. Mike
      Yea, I'm just about ready now.
    15. Maggy
      OH! ok, i see
    16. Maggy
      oh don't be afraid! :O

      don't feel like you HAVE to put up a pic, it's completely your choice ;)
    17. Maggy
      haha thanks! :P

      yea it is hard to put your ACTUAL pic xD
      but i know what it's like to wonder what someone looks like lol, right?
    18. fadedphantom
      Haha okay sounds good :D

      Oooooh I love honey bunches of oats!! And hashbrowns (WITHOUT ketchup, thank you very much), mmmm!! I had hashbrowns yesterday, they were sooo good!! And crepes :D Yummy!!
    19. fadedphantom
      Wait, you never said what?? I'm confused... haha what else is new right?? XD
    20. fadedphantom
      YES EXACTLY LIKE THE RING!! STOPPPPPP OR I SHALL STEAL YOUR SOUL!!! ...I've never seen the ring, is that what they do...??

      Hahaha uhhh yeah right!! I just started voice acting when Mike introduced this project a few weeks ago!! I'm a total newb!! Trust me, I always ask for critiques on stuff, so producers tell me what I need to work on, and apparently it's a lot haha. Nobody's perfect. AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT NOT YOU MISS XION'S UNDERSTUDY?!?!?! You beat me and Ari and Riku and everyone else for that, hellooooo!!!
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  • About

    May 2, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    California, but I used to live in Iowa.
    Currently a student
    I'm pretty sarcastic, plain and simple. I don't like to be underestimated. I guess i'm an enigma.

    A full fledged bookworm, gamer, etc, etc, etc.