The Fifth Element
Last Activity:
May 9, 2010
Feb 27, 2008
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3:16 AM
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Apr 18, 1995 (Age: 29)
running with the wolves
too young to work XP

The Fifth Element

Traverse Town Homebody, 29, from running with the wolves

The Fifth Element was last seen:
May 9, 2010
    1. ShibuyaGato
      Happy B-DAY!! I'd just wanted to get to say it to someone else today instead of hearing it. ^^
    2. Nova
      Happy birthday!
    3. Kannira the wolf
      Kannira the wolf
      Yeah THANK YOU XD
    4. Kannira the wolf
      Kannira the wolf
      Whos your favorite character? I like the nerd dude(forgot his name XD).
    5. Kannira the wolf
      Kannira the wolf
      I <3 YOUR SIGGY~! Breakfast Club rocks :D
    6. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Hey! You were on yesterday! XD lol
    7. Fracture
      hey Fifth Element what up
    8. micketymike
      heeeeey!!! fifth
    9. godsgirl
      ^.^ im so happy!
    10. godsgirl
      everyone lies, except gregory house.
    11. godsgirl
      AGHHH! 8SQUEAL* FITH! LONG TIME NO SEE! *hugs you to death* omigosh! ^.^
    12. micketymike
    13. micketymike
      thanks for helping me i have replied and its a long one...
    14. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      I'm good too. :) Bored though... lol.
    15. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Just dropping in to say howdy! :D How are you doing?
    16. micketymike
      ok daxma dousnt seem very entusiastic about what i said so ill send you the same message so you may be as qualified as they are to fill the position. sorry it dousnt address you i copyed and pasted

      can you do me a favor. i would like you to be fight coordinator because you have a way of keeping the enemys strong and can you and i know this is kinda anoying of me to ask but since im a rookie can you and overload trade off playing my part aswell for a bit im in a bit of a fix right now so computer hours will be limited. just so your prepared to lead this scean when you arrive at giyunty there is an enormas army of orc attacking. after that scean if im not back i will try to give further explaination. im telling the same to overload in hopes that you two can manage in my absence. remember to keep the same feel i have been working so hard on throughout i have much already planed out (i wrote a book on it) so if im not abel to get on much ill have to rely on the two of you to keep this one going. i will ask that you inform everyone of this when the time comes even though i will post it on the main page that when you enter new towns there are new options availible (weapons, if you want new characters you can get them in the citys that would fit thier atributes (dwarfs mines) that kind of stuff again ill try to check in soon. dont leave giyuty till i speek with you again. thanks and sorry again that ill be goneoh and three more things 1 do mintro justice please i know hes not your own character but treat him as if he were 2. do not meet with the king and his adviser till i either talk to you or return, stall in any way you can but like i said this is based off a stinkin 300 page book i wrote so there are detail i must inform you of. lastly since i know you are both so good at this i would like it if you adapt when the situation fits to characters that either speek to the group or journey with them that come with the story not with the user submitted ones. if youve both seen it try to keep this having a feel similar to that of lor o the rings. i'll send it to your pm boxes aswell so you can hang onto it. thanks!
    17. micketymike
      thanks alot!!!
    18. micketymike
      please make sure everyone hears. if you dont mind ide like to entrust you with the job of keeping people notified most everything importang i will edit into the main page. is that ok?
    19. micketymike
      please check either overloads or daxmas profiles the most recent messeges i sent them mesage will effect you too
    20. micketymike
      srry im not gonna be on much for a bit
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1995 (Age: 29)
    running with the wolves
    too young to work XP
    People tell me that I look like a younger form of Juno

    riding horses, playing the violin

