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Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Arixik
      xD I know, the teacher's get pretty annoyed, but some teacher's just laugh and say, 'Nah.' Well, I have done some pretty bad things, like punching people and kicking boys. So yeah, I'm pretty paranoid.

      Haha, I know. I was on a field trip that went to the beach and I just went into the water and a lot of kids were in there. Then...luckily, it was only one. After a lot of kids heard me scream, they swam as fast as they could back. Man, I'd like to touch on of those. Sounds fun. :D haha, yeah.

      I know! I went with my group of friends and we were laughing the entire time. We also commented on them like, 'that one's an *******'. 'dude, he farted'. xDD it was really funny. xD

      Lol, it would be sweet. =D I want to work for Square Enix! > u <
      (Let's type a chapter long of words back to each other as responses!! xDD
      It's fun to read long responses though, but not fun to type. -lazyass- )
    2. Arixik
      I know, I was getting sorta worried so I asked my younger sister to ask them to change my name but she's like, 'I think it's cute!' xD
      I know, I seriously do that. The teacher would be 'Arian.' And I would go, 'Yeah? Am I in trouble? What did I do wrong?' xDD

      Haha, fate. Sounds good. I like fate, I mostly have lucky fate now that I think about it. :D

      I'm a...I forgot what it's called. But now after a jellyfish incident I've been afraid of the water. D: I was swimming and this jellyfish just appeared out of no-where and I got stung in the leg and someone tossed me this red thing and I held on to it and this dog came and rescued me from the water. Ever since then I've been terrified.

      I know, I watched "I Love You, Man". It's great! xD I personally thought about how the movie showed us how gay straight male friendships can get, but yeah, enjoyed it anyways. xD That's awesome Fady! :D

      Haha, it would be awesome if we met by video game designing. Seriously, it would be awesome. xDDD
      Well, hope that this is a much longer response. -crosses fingers- xDD
    3. anomaly1
      No way! Not like the Ring lol! But really, maybe its because you're plain awesome when it comes to dubbing. No, no, no not me. And this is where I shrug. First Arixik slaps me, now you!? Ha.
    4. anomaly1
      Hmm....so I did audition for that FFVII game dub but I highly doubt I would get the role compared to how many other people auditioned who've been on the site longer than I have. Thats what I hate about being a newbie besides being a newbie: you're not that credible as others lol.
    5. anomaly1
      You should definitely watch it. I'm being completely serious on this lol. It may be weird at first, but the main character got in those official anime things(because I don't know the word for it) as as best male character. Really. Theres so many twists...and it really sounds like it could all happen in real life.
    6. anomaly1
      Um, well....have you ever heard of Code Geass? Well, the R2 one anyways? It was sad in the weirdest way possible.
    7. anomaly1
      .....Oh god, i'm crying right now lol. I just watched the ending of an anime. I never cried at the end of any anime, but theres always a first time. Sorry, must be bothering you with all this nonsense, ha.
    8. Maggy
      yea lol i sent them already xD
    9. Maggy
      ah, never mind on my last post lol
    10. Maggy
      i don't know if i should send Mike the lines i just did or not.... it's different from the first ones i sent him
    11. Arixik
      I know right? I was like, "huh?" A kindergarten kid called me that when I went to visit my little sister. Now most of her classmates call me 'Adri'. D:

      I know, I was like, 'wow' when I saw that thing. o.o Then I started looking at all the grades. XDD It was by first name so I'm like first which is scary because whenever a teacher calls my name, it instantly blares in my mind, 'what did i do wrong?' Then I ask if I'm in trouble. xDD

      Thanks, I like Fady anyways. :D I know, but it's sorta scary, it was like, 'boom Arian arrived and we become schazzy instant friends'. Haha, that's so cool! I love running, but I don't run fast. Wow, that is awesome! Seriously, that is possibly the coolest way to become friends. xDD That's awesome! Haha, old and wrinkly. That's really awesome!!

      I know, it's really funny to do! XD

      Well, in my house, there's like this little balcony thingy and you can climb up to the roof that way or you could open my parent's room's window and crawl out from there.
      xDD;; But I would be too scared to do that.

      Ugh, that sucks. D: Well, one heck of a road trip is good I suppose. Or maybe you should just visit one per weekend or something like that. o u o

      Haha, that's great! I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm leaning to video game designing. =D
      Lol, short response I bet. xDD
    12. Kh2Riku1
      No, I think thats our brains actually. o_o

      Why can't things just go the way you want them to for a change?

      Thats a good thing. Haha, yeah, "Hey that must be Vig....uh...Vig Mug--no, Vig....are forget it. DX" Lol.

      Again, why can't things go the way you want every now and then?

      And sorry for jsut vanishing, Karaoke night. >.>
    13. Arixik
      o___O Erycka? xDD A lot of people spell my name Arean or Adrian. o.O
      Yeah, but the teachers were really stupid (no offense) and they open up this sheet that had everyone's grades. xD So one way or another, we would see each other's grades. You're not old Fady! If you were, I wouldn't be calling you Fady, would I?
      I think that it's really lucky, I just moved there five years ago and we met in school, where we had the mostly the same courses, the same buses. We were like an instant best friend pair up. xD
      Aww, that sucks. I'm going to get my driver licenses after I get out of highschool. Wow! Movies! That sounds fun! xDD;; I was just watching one when I jumped next my brother and hit him on the head with a pillow. Then we started singing random songs. xD
      Wow...I'm scared to go on a roof of a house and I would be too tired to watch the first sunrise. :D
      Aww...well, on weekends you can visit your friends, right?

      Wow, you are so smart and strong! I'd hate to dissect things, it just scares me. And I'm not good at remembering bones and muscles. @ o @
    14. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo

      yea, I am going camping tomorrow, and I wont be back until Sunday... :D

      I gtg, cya sunday! *hugs you* dont get into trouble!
    15. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      awesomenesssauce! :D
    16. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      got anything fun planned?
    17. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      yep :D

      thats good :D
    18. Arixik
      D: Well, I won't do that! -salutes-
      Lol, good idea. They come back in after like ten minutes or so, and then they ask people to come up to check their report cards. T w T Don't worry! I think that you're young as ever! ;D

      My best friend and I live like, next to each other. We have parties on breaks. xD It's entertaining to watch, we always film it. We sing random songs and dance around and get drunk with coke. @ o @a

      I never took anatomy though...hmm...Yeah, he was amazing. I'm glad, 'cause chemistry turned out to be really fun. I had girly boys in our classroom, and they were really kind. So yeah, basically bundles of fun.
    19. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      I have been great! :D

      how have you been?
    20. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      hey there :D
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting