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Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Arixik
      Your name is sooo cool! Seriously, Erika. I usually see Erica. That's soo cool! =D

      Seriously? In my elementary school they always gave us ours. xD It was a time to share your report cards with other children, if you wanted to. Of course, the kids themselves made it up. The teacher was just like, 'oh god' and left the room.

      I learned it from my best friend. xD She uses it to describe her talent in art and my grades. o_O

      Seriously, if it weren't for my mom, I would fail my grades. xDD haha, that's cool. ;D We had a really entertaining teacher who taught us how chemistry was really fun. It was really cool, and whoever did the best work would get a drawn portrait of them the next day. Our chemistry was an artist as well, so it was really cool.
    2. Arixik
      Well, my real name is -shifty eyes- Arian. I have no idea why I got that name, but some people think that it's cool. But nearly everyone calls me Ari. Only teachers call me Arian. My gym teacher catches on pretty fast and calls me Ari too. xD

      I know! Same hereee! I got a S for writing once though, but that was quickly crossed out by my teacher (in our school, we get the report card in the morning so the teacher can double-check) and replaced with an E. Spelling was part of writing, but I got an E on that too. xDD;;

      I know! The bird was like, sooo puffy and you couldn't even recognize that it was a bird. But I thought that it was pretty schazzy. ;D

      I'm not smart! Really! I got an A+ in APUSH but my exam brought it down. I was like, wow, my exam sucked. Math and chemistry are very exciting, but when I was young, I didn't like math. I like chemistry, I find it very challenging and entertaining. o__o
    3. Maggy
      lol yea i guess XP
    4. Maggy
      yeah lol i use my money wisely xD
    5. Kh2Riku1
      Apearently so. I mean why take two more seconds to say a name? Wooow, are we full of idea's or what? XD

      Yeah, it mad me sad. That stinks to, because you think you can do something together, and then guess what, you can't. Ugh.

      I'd just wander around going "Uh....now what do I do?". Ack! I'm sorry!!! I told you I'm anime illiterate, so I didn't know the VA's either. I'm thorry. =.= Alright, that simple enough.

      But it happens so often....
    6. Maggy
      lol! i got Re:CoM for Christmas too xD

      and yea the money i have in iTunes is like from a contest that i won a year ago, i got an iPod nano and two $25 gift cards :D
    7. Maggy
      aw man, I only have like $3 and I really want to complete an album, so I just bought like a few songs lol
    8. Kh2Riku1
      It must be! I mean would it be so hard to just say, this is so an so? Hey, theres an idea! Of what though?

      I knew one girl who was an anime fanatic, buuuuuut she moved to Florida, so now I'm alone. ;.;

      Specially if it was your first one, you'd feel so lost and out of place. Uhhh, whose that? Don't you hate that? You plan to do something, and at the last minute, you can't?
    9. Maggy
      Hey! lol xD
    10. Kh2Riku1
      I just wanna know why when you wanna know something, they never say it. Its like listening to the radio, and wanting to know whos singing a song. If you know it, they always say, if you don't know it, your out of luck. Yeah!! Of all the things I know and like, there's not one thing for it?! Come on people!

      Wow, who know, eh? :laughing-smiley-004 It caught me so off gaurd though! Cause it was real late at night, and we were about to go to sleep and she asked that. So we stayed up about a hour longer so I could explain a few things to her, and laugh some more. I'm about the only one that really watches animes alot. They only watch things with me occasionally. Yay!

      Haha, very productive! Good luck with that!

      I've only really cosplayed once, and it was an overnight throw-together thing. And it was just something at the mall. o.o I want to go to a real con to, but same thing, none of my real life friends are really into it. And I don't wanna go alone. :crybaby:
    11. Maggy
      actually my mom's like that too xD

      maybe it's just me haha
    12. Maggy
      D: what?! that's what everybody eats! >.< lol
    13. Kh2Riku1
      Well, I was thinking it was Air-ith, but they never said it out loud so I wasn't sure. I like to make sure names are right when I say them, cause I'm paranoid like that. Yeah, of all the things on there, there can't be one thing, thats got a good storyline, of something we know? Its not right!

      It was funny. Hey, whaddya know, one oppisite between us. XD Yeah, you can always tell when my sister doesn't like something, because she starts making fun of it. That can get annoying. Hahaha, she asked "So...if they can't touch a person ofthe oppisite sex....how do they reproduce?" my reaction "o.O HAHAHAHAHA!" I mean, leave it to her to ask something like that.

      To smart at times.

      Hooray! Alright, sounds like your back in buisness! Lol, I can to. Its annoying, especially when your trying to do stuff.

      OMG! My Organization cloak came today!
    14. Maggy
      ...what? D:

      I...eat...un-toasted bread O_O
    15. Maggy
      hahaha toasted bread's awesome ;)
    16. Maggy
      WOW! xD

      (yea i say wow a lot, mostly in a sarcastic manner lol)
    17. Maggy
      haha I'm good ^^
    18. Maggy
      hey what's up! :D
    19. Arixik
      Haha, I always do that. Some people think that it's annoying, some slap me on the back and go 'Nice going there Ari!' (that's my nickname)

      MY elementary school grades were like E for excellent (which was the highest) S for satisfactory, and N for needs improvement. I kept getting E's for some odd reason. =/ Especially in art, our art teacher loved everything that was made. o_O Once in first grade I showed her this really crappy drawing of a bird that I drew, she said, 'it's lovely!' and gave it an E. I also ended up being in the newspaper, which was even more scary. o____O
      After spring break, I plan on maintaining my constant A's and A+'s for math. The fact that everyone calls me brainy doesn't help at all. .__. I'm only good at math and chemistry. I got an A in APUSH. And everyone calls me brainy still. I try to point out smarter people, but yeah, they refuse to listen! T w T
    20. Kh2Riku1
      It drove me nuts trying to figure out how to pronounce Aerith's name! I mean come on, out of two games and one movie, they don't say her name outloud once! Whats up with that?! Heheh, anyway, yeah I haven't been having much luck finding anything to audition for, cause most of the tings there are for animes and such that I don't know.

      Tohru's reaction was priceless to. Yeah, she likes some of the stuff I do. My dads not that into anything like that and my sister gives me weird looks when I watch animes. Though my sis did ask me a question about Fruits Basket once that made me laugh really hard.

      He is, which is what I find so cute! Its like that taco shell comerciel where they are trying to figure out how to keep a taco from falling over. Leave it to a kid to think of this stuff, you know?

      My internet used to be so spastic, it drove me crazy. Yeah, I'll understand. Thats cool! I've been singing off and on, but mostly I've been recording, deleteing, and re-recording things over the past feew hours. Well thats good, improvment is always a good thing! Haha. Alrighty then Faded. I hope it works better for you, it sucks being without internet, and its even worse when you have it and it doesn't work right. Goodnight!
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting