Sonic the Hedgehog
Last Activity:
Oct 31, 2020
Aug 18, 2008
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7:21 AM
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Jun 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on
Breaking Eggman's stuff

Sonic the Hedgehog

The Blue dude is back!!, 33, from I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on

Sonic the Hedgehog was last seen:
Oct 31, 2020
    1. Kenni-Chan
      Too much to explain, but don't worry *kisses you* I'll be fine... I hope.
    2. Kenni-Chan
      *hugs and kisses back* No, we seem to not talk as much lately, but I'm not gonna let us drift apart.
    3. Kenni-Chan
      Well, I'm sorry for wanting to run away... But all the rest I can't help with, mostly because, I haven't got any reasons as to why all of it happened, if you tell me why, I can try and help.
    4. Kenni-Chan
      I decided I won't run away, not just yet anyway, but you seem upset or angry... I don't know which, but is something bugging you?
    5. Kenni-Chan
      Well tonight me and my friend are going out to do my photography whether I return home or not is a different question...
    6. Scarred Nobody
    7. Day~Dream
      uh-huh, riiight. ;)
      u ok?
      u seem angry.
    8. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Hacked is still hacked. But I'm not really lucky, since it's my sisters and I need her permission.
    9. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Nothing much. Got my sis to let me to the trades.
    10. Day~Dream
      looks like Goku got a tan, lol. XD
    11. Near
      Hello. I apologize for my delayed reply. I have been quite busy as of late.
    12. Kenni-Chan
      My best friend hates me, Max hates me, I'm getting on everyone's nerves, I'm trying to decide whether I should just run away or not, and my life's pretty much f*cked itself up...
    13. xdarkxrikux
      lol u changed ur name???
    14. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      dude what the heck?
    15. Fracture
      ok....ill let it slide for now...Just messing:), night....
    16. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Okay, thanks.
    17. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Yup. And before I got Platinum, I was trying to get a Shiny Eevee with good attack and HP IV's with either a Adamant, Brave, or Naughty nature. After about a day of egg hatching with the instant breeding and fast egg hatch cheats, I got a Female one with a brave nature, so I gave it an everstone and put it with the leafeon I had there in place of the ditto. I also used the all pokemon are shiny cheat to ensure it is shiny.
    18. Fracture
      WHATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! Happened to your Light Pictures????????
    19. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      I like HP, Attack/Special Attack, and Speed. HP, because the more HP you have, the longer you'll last, Attack or Special Attack, depending on which one the Pokemon is best with, to hit them hard, and Speed to hit them first. The only Pokemon I wouldn't want to be fast would be Wobbuffet, since it's only damaging attacks are ones that rely on your opponent to strike first. A Lucario I recently EV trained in Pearl had 4 HP EV's, 252 Special Attack, and 252 Speed. It's Serious with IV's of 24 HP, 10 Attack, 17 Defense, 21 Special Attack, 29 Special Defense, 30 Speed. I got it to level 100 and it knows Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, and Water Pulse. It took forever to find a good Riolu. I can't remember how many eggs I hatched to get it.
    20. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      I'm not worrying about EV's until after I beat it, since there are unavoidable battles where you would get unwanted EV's. It's best to wait until you beat the game, where it's easier to EV train. All my EV trained Pokemon are either one's I caught, or ones I've bred.
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  • About

    Jun 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on
    Breaking Eggman's stuff
    Blue Supersonic Hedgehog

    Running, or relaxing


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    Sonic v.s Sonic