Sonic the Hedgehog
Last Activity:
Oct 31, 2020
Aug 18, 2008
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Jun 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on
Breaking Eggman's stuff

Sonic the Hedgehog

The Blue dude is back!!, 33, from I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on

Sonic the Hedgehog was last seen:
Oct 31, 2020
    1. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      True. But I'm usually underleveled. It took me about a week to beat Fantina in Pearl. And over a month for the Elite 4. It's because I wanted to get through the story, so I ran away from Pokemon I had and tried to avoid battles.
    2. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      i will not hurt her dont worry
    3. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      I don't bother with stat moves. I just focus on attacking. It's always worked out for me before, as long as I keep leveling up.
    4. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      I just beat my rival. I was too buisy on here that I wasn't doing much. But what's stupid is, in our first battle, his Chimchar just used Leer 4 times while I was just Tackling him non-stop. One of the easiest battles ever.
    5. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      That's cool.
    6. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Yeah. One good strategy is to get your Turtwig to atleast 13 so it learns Razor Leaf. Then just keep absorbing until the Cranidos comes out. Then absorb it once. If it doesn't use a damaging attack, use Razor Leaf. If it does, then just keep absorbing it and using Potions if it gets too low.
    7. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      hmm thats what braveheart said and don't worry i will
    8. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      I'm fighting Jun (my rival, I called him that because it's his Japanese Anime name) for the second time. I've got Turtwig, Bidoof, Shinx, Starly, and Kricketot, as well as four Bidoofs in the PC waiting to be traded and released when I'm done with them.
    9. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      soo sonic how is it that your afriend is dating star
    10. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Meh, the only times I ever used struggle in Pearl was when my Pokemon had a Choice Item and only knew one attack of a certain type. When it runs out of PP, even though the other attacks haven't been used, it struggles because of the item.
    11. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Yeah. But usually the battle ends before you get to that point.
    12. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Yup. I think it's stupid, though. It can only be used when all your other attacks are out of PP, like Struggle.
    13. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      That's actually a move.
    14. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      Sometimes. Only when there is no other choice.
    15. Azure Flame
    16. Finale
      ooh...damn ok
    17. Finale
      :poke: :poke:
    18. Finale
      i need to be amused
    19. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      It's up to you. It's possible to have more than one masterball, but getting the others is almost impossible.
    20. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      I say neither. I'm saving it for the level 1 Regigigas, since he'll be the hardest of all, trying not to faint him and chucking balls and having it fail time and time again, since it has only a catch rade of 3, which I assume is 3%. So instead of struggling, I'm just going to end it quick and easy.
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  • About

    Jun 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on
    Breaking Eggman's stuff
    Blue Supersonic Hedgehog

    Running, or relaxing


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    Sonic v.s Sonic