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Feb 13, 2010
Feb 16, 2009
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Bugger if I know!
Student by day, Hero by night.


Gummi Ship Junkie, from Bugger if I know!

StarSeeker99 was last seen:
Feb 13, 2010
    1. Pezz
      So I close the emblem thread?
    2. Pezz
      the Desoul poll ended. The poll says that the majority thought flames were good, but we still have to consider the ideas for other. I'm going to go edit the wiki and remove the link to the poll. Once we are certain on the Death sequence, I'm going to have that thread closed.
    3. Pezz
      lolz. funny
    4. Pezz
      you finally have Kme92 as a friend lol. I was wondering when you would decide on doing that.
    5. Pezz
      The movie is a little lame at times, but yes madam mim is like a witch.... well a hag is more like it. what was your idea that you had while mowing
    6. Pezz
      oh, you know how Riku's way to dawn originally wasn't a keyblade, but then it sorta evolved into one. basically that would be how the sword would be like. we do need to involve Madam Mim though, she was sort of the antagonist. but she only appeared near the end for a wizard duel with Merlin.
    7. Pezz
      what do you think of the story idea I suggested for Sword in the stone.
    8. Pezz
      just wondering, did you ever check out that thread of mine that I mentioned in the first post of "Create the next kingdom hearts enemy (group effort)"? It was called "Name the unbirth". there I show 8 pictures of unbirths without names, and made up some names. I was a really good thread, but people said that I chose such good names, that I pretty much ended the game in that single post, lol. only one other person was able to come up with their own names. you may find it interesting.
    9. Pezz
      Since we seemed to have a much set idea on how Kairi's story begins, I posted it on the wiki. I hope you don't mind. feel free to make any changes or to remove entire bits of it, if you are not sure if you like it.
    10. Pezz
      I was thinking of making a group, but I don't know how so be my guest.

      Oh yeah, lol. whoops my mistake about the sora speech.

      Don't worry about multiple posts on my main page. I don't really care as long as you aren't spamming.

      It is best if you don't use word for the wiki. I learned that the hard way, and it seems you did too. you'll have to work on the page itself.
    11. Pezz
      Nicely done with the Wiki. I especially like the special thanks! It brings a smile to my face :)
    12. Pezz
      Oh yeah that speech. hmm interesting thought. Then sora says with a swipe of his hand

      "Your wrong! I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom hearts... IS LIGHT!"

      a lone light in the darkness. even in the darkest place there is a light that never goes out. that is Kingdom hearts. hearts return to the darkness aka space but at the same time they return to light. The heart is dark and light, except the lovely maidens known as the princesses of heart.

      A lone heart consumed by darkness makes a heartless. The darkness creates the heart's body. if the lone heart has not been consumed, then it returns to Kh.

      I think that the moons merely act as gateways to Kingdom Hearts. They form those large double doors. you were the one who said that thing about the Black heart, at the end of KH1, on that other thread, right? I'm assuming that that was a gateway that the heartless used. the "End of the World" consisted of the hearts of other worlds consumed by darkness. It was like a bunch of combined heartless worlds grafted into one.

      doesn't that sound similar to how the yellow moon was made? It was made by hearts released by the heartless. Those hearts were consumed by darkness. and remember darkness stains hearts. a person with a stained heart has yellow eyes. perhaps this explains the yellow moon's color.

      but anyways Heartless are still hearts, So I would assume that if a bunch of World hearts, that were turned into heartless, were to gather together and form a single world "End of the World" Well then wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that another moon/gateway to Kingdom hearts would form there.

      That Black heart you saw, even though it may not have been intended to be a moon. We can still consider it one. It would be a moon of darkness, kinda a heartless gateway. interesting huh.
    13. Pezz
      lol, yeah it reminds me a lot of a lily pad flower. lol, I don't know if I like that about it.

      What was the theory that Xehanort made again? do you know of a link where I can read it?
    14. Pezz
      lolz no worries. we are working together to on managing this, so if someone is too busy for a while, the other person needs to take charge. this is, if he can.
    15. Pezz
      Do you think the emblem still needs work? I'm debating whether it's too much.
    16. Pezz
      k, you are invited XD
    17. Pezz
    18. Pezz
      I have start a storyline thread in the creative corner section the tags are: desouls, fan fiction, game, kh3 story, make a story.

      the name is "Make up the story plot for kh3 (Group Effort)"

      to manage this I will construct a wiki page and invite you to help me manage it. additional details on the thread. thank you for all your help!

      any additional details on the desouls can be done while working on the story. thanks again!
    19. Pezz
      Looks like people are participating in the poll. I was kinda scared that we would get too many people, but everything seems to be working fine :)
    20. Pezz
      lol, thanks. yeah for the most part I don't think anything special will need to be done, but who knows. we may have to eventually do something special.

      yeah right now I'm on spring break, so I should have plenty of free time.

      I'll go and make a notice one the first post for the desoul topic, that you are also helping me manage it. Thanks a bunch!
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  • About

    Bugger if I know!
    Student by day, Hero by night.
    No adequate description can fit here.

    Building Keyblades, thinking of fiction.


    StarSeeker99! Because no star is not worth seeking!
    ... ... ...
    Hmm, that line is so clichéd.

    Desoul Wiki is being made!