Last Activity:
Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. lil woj
      lil woj
      its 1:30 here that must suck
      BTW did u wana know about eariler?
    2. lil woj
      lil woj
      Agin damn your still up?
    3. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      lol, try to, for me, please....

      *hugs you* night! :D
    4. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      lol, ok, but I gotta go... maybe you can study now?
    5. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      lol, everyone wants to just goof off, but you gonna study sometime...
    6. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      thanks :D

      *smiles* what do you wanna do now?
    7. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      *takes the giant dog* aw, its so cute! Im gonna call it Scruffy :D *hugs you* thanks :D
    8. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      your going to use the gift I gave you to hit your RA?
    9. anomaly1
      Well...go to youtube for step one lol. Just type in community channel or it'll usually be right when you get to the homepage of youtube with all the featured videos. She's asian but lives in Australia and is really funny. And she has an awesome accent. I mean, shes asian and all of a sudden she has an australian accent coming out of her mouth. I know, life is a mystery sometimes lol.

      I really hate it when I start sounding so technical. Bleh. Back to regular me mode. Thank god you're not obsessed with gossip girl anymore. You're free, free from its evilly weird cluthes! Yes, very melodramtic over the smallest thing ever lol.
    10. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      i doubt your RA will be evil *gives you stuffed hippo*
    11. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      aw, im sorry *hugs you*
    12. anomaly1
      Also, I strangely always saw myself watching Three's Company or any other college-esque show with my roommate while eating top ramen on a tiring Friday night. Yeah, what a great fantasy lol. And I never even really watched Three's Company either!
    13. anomaly1
      Ha, well give it some time. And yes, my pep talks are utterly awesome lol. I know, so conceited ha. But besides that, I'm trying to keep myself awake by watching youtube videos for the past 20 min. Do you watch the communitychannel? I have no idea why I do but I just do.

      So that wasn't random lol. Gray was intense, eh? I'm going to tell the truth: I hate gossip girl. Yup.
    14. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      *peeks on your page*

      hey, whats up?
    15. anomaly1
      Thats good. I know I was a bit strong with the first line lol. Ah, yeah. My pep talks are pretty gritty lol. Grey's Anatomy....nice. I'm sorry about your RA. It must be hard. But try to enjoy your moments to the fullest. Thats what try to do anyways. Have fun :)
    16. anomaly1
      I'm sorry, but politely speaking: YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND. You...are...going...to...get...a...part.

      Believe me, you're just plain great/awesome. And yes, it neede a slash because great and awesome are both good words. Its the simple truth.

      Excuse my sudden outburst but I heard your dubs on Namine and Xion on Youtube and they were so good that I had to say something like above. Even if you don't get a part, I just know that you'll be getting about a billion more in no time on VAA. So stop, please. I'm saying this as a friend. And I only say this to the friends I like lol. So don't worry, leave the worrying to someone who needs it like me, okay lol? I suck; you're awesome. Its the order of the universe haha. But really,in all seriousness.....you're going to get it. And if there are a bunch of typos (i'm a grammar nazi lol), then its only because I wrote this really, really fast.
    17. anomaly1
      Ha, I know. But procrastinating is o much fun...and very distracting. I'm almost done though, hallelujah! Thank god!

      Yes, we both have the famous "novel status". It may be bad
      sometimes for people who don't like to hear us ramble though lol. Poor people and their strained eyes, ha. By the way,did he already send the email with the "three words" in it? Caus' if he did, then I know I didn't get the part either lol. Ha....
    18. anomaly1
      Ha. My messages have "novel status" lol.
    19. anomaly1
      Be careful. Wouldn't want you to turn into some kind of insomniac now, would we lol? I truly from the depth of my heart detest homework. It is the essence of all evil in the world! Okay, so maybe that is a bit exaggerated but you get what I mean when I act all strange like that.

      You know whats even more weird? I have this really interesting feeling right now about the announcement tomorrow on the auditons. I'm feeling pretty keyed up.Yet, i'm also deathly calm about it all. What gives, huh? I think the emotionally hormonal side of me is dreading to hear what happens and the other more sensible, rational, and logical side has already known that i'm not going to get the part and isn't too surprised.

      ....Ah, the ups and downs of a hormonal teenager. Just a day in the life, lol. At least you have other projects to keep you occupied. Me? i have the joys of the wonderful world of homework to keep me busy lol. Isn't that fantastic?

      This is where I would insert a sarcastic smiley face to complete the picture.
    20. lil woj
      lil woj
      i just need it
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting