Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Jump back in! 8D We're almost done with the escape idea.
    2. Magick
      yeah, thats a bad idea XD
    3. Magick
      if i dont remind her, she won't :D
    4. Magick
      lolz, I know. I was laughing for a long time.
    5. Magick
      I played a prank on meg :D you should ask her about it.
    6. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Oh and whats your e-mail?
      Mine is:
    7. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Shut up! Plus the surf sucks up here! D:
    8. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Okay I'm back! And I moved to Virginia... It's cold up here!
    9. Magick
      thanks. I try to be more mature...except for last night >8D
    10. Magick
      I don't think i'm very bouncy. I like things a little darker then her. lolz we think alot the same sometimes.....
    11. Magick
      oh.....okay. Yeah, she's a...bouncy kinda girl. You thought I was her? *giggles*
    12. Magick
      wait, what??? I'm so confused right now...
    13. Magick
      Idk either lolz

      I'm the tallest one, with the darkest hair. Meg is the one in the middle, darkly blonde.
    14. Magick
      lolz. if we keep jking, who knows whats real or not?

      Meg? My sister? You IM with her??
    15. Magick
      okay sorry.

      Eh, ask meg. She knows more about it then I do. I just usually want tatoos.
    16. Magick
      sorry. Just one of those weird*observes* is it tiring? Being so cute?
    17. Magick
      :glomp: god you are cute. Hm.......I suddenly feel the need to paint your nails.
    18. Magick
      I was jking also. You just from 10 on the cute meter to a 20. Just to set the record straight :glomp: I'm a very sarcastic person. Don't worry, I'm not mad at you.
    19. Magick
      just so the record is straight, I glomp pretty much everyone. That being said, you are an exception because we are not friends (yet) and I glomp all my friends.
      Don't be so self conscious.
    20. water mage
      water mage
      Ok here are mine and I bet there are some I have forgotten.

      Age 2: Pulled a car out of reverse and almost ended up in a canyon. My mom remembers this for she was the one trying to get me out of the truck.
      Age: 4 Got taken away by a preschool thinking I was the right child to pick up
      Age: 10 Riding a bike and two routwielders yanked me off my bike by my left ankle/
      Age: 12 Fell out of tree house on sharp rocks on my back
      Age: 14-15 Ran my leg into a rocky fire place by accident and now have a huge scar on my shin.
      Age: 17 Got struck with a 70 mph softball on the back of the hand and my right pointer finger
      Late Teens to present in order:
      *ended up having stiches on left calf from glass
      * had arthoscoptic surgury on left ankle when whole leg went numb and wouldn't heal caused by stepping in a pot hole and bending ankle the other way
      *exposed and surrounded by smoke/flames *trapped in vehicle for battery was dead
      *shortness of breath, pressure and sharp pain- taken by ambulance to hospital room emergency room
      *shortness of breath taken to hospital/ emergency room
      * " "taken from work by ambulance to hospital
      Loss conscienceness twice " " ended up in strapped to a board on a gurney in emergency room

      I'm not going to say the details for that would be to much info.
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

