Last Activity:
Jul 30, 2009
Aug 15, 2007
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Home Page:
College Student


King's Apprentice, from California

fadedphantom was last seen:
Jul 30, 2009
    1. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      I was watching a comidian named Bobby Lee

      lol, coolio! :D

      I have been great!
    2. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      Im talking, RPing, watching a funny comidian, playing a game, and eating gummy bears

      how have you been today?
    3. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      hey, whats up?
    4. anomaly1
      Guess what? I'm going to get the logitech mic today! Thank god for Bestbuy. Bestbuy...you are a miracle lol. At least now my auditions and etc. won't sound as half bad. Hopefully, anyways.

      But last night turned out to be....okay. At first the "third wheel" impression didn't seem to be wearing off anytime soon, probably because of the fact that there were girls I didn't even know until then. But as the night progressed, it was all good. Except for the Dominoes pizza. That...was a bad idea, stuffing in 4 big ol' slices. My god, I need to stop babbling. I'm like some old person in a retirement home that tries to tell their life story to the "young folks". Huh.

      So, I guess all we can do now is wait. since i'll be buying the mic today, do you think it would be okay to send in my Xion audition also in today? I mean, it feels a little awkward, y'know? I don't want to look like a person who had all this time on their hands and just recently got hold of a good mic, instead of all the people who worked hard, like what? Weeks earlier? It makes me feel bad. Bleh. I"m pathetic lol.
    5. anomaly1
      Bleh. My friend is dragging me to her other friend's house for a "girls night in" sort of thing. I just know i'm going to end up being third wheel. I hate that.
    6. anomaly1
      Exactly. Besides, I have a bunch of other matters to get worked up about. Like how much ice cream is left in the refrigerator. Ha.

      I actually listen to my ipod at medium to high. So that basically means in plain english that sometimes I blow my eardrums off as well. I just noticed that for some odd reason, i'm obsessing about my ears in all that i've written. Like spontaneously combusting ears for example. Huh. Never came up before....weird.

      Thanks! I don't know if I would go as far to say I'm a natural, per se, but its just cool to know that we aren't obsessed rivals. Believe me, I know some people who have actually gone that far. No kidding whatsoever.
    7. anomaly1
      Lets just get past the whole "rival" thing lol. From what i've seen, or rather read in this case, you're a really nice person. And its cool how you're not so tense about this whole thing like a bunch of other people I heard from. You're pretty laidback, yet in a strangely active hyper way that kind of reminds me of myself. Wow, now i'm just rambling on....

      I don't know...maybe my ears are just REALLY sensitive to the static. Ha, super hearing girl. What will they think of next.....

      But anyways, thanks for the compliment, though I completely don't deserve it.. To tell the truth, I wasn't really trying to use "emotion". It just...I have no idea....happened? Is that even possible?
    8. anomaly1
      Just check your email and you'll see it. Be prepared to hear the most hideous audition ever known to man, complete with the ever-so- beautiful static. Hurray for static. Now, wasn't that enthusiastic?
    9. anomaly1
      Hey! Guess what happened? I sent it! Me and my lazy butt sent actually sent the mp3's. I know, its such a major accomplishment, but I did it.
    10. anomaly1
      i have no idea how to post the mp3 without it being on youtube lol.....there is no option for it. great.
    11. anomaly1
      okay then. its so strange how we both used to be in tae kwon do. Small world, huh? Oh yeah...i'll just send the mp3's now. I'm more than likely to forget later.
    12. anomaly1
      you know, I just noticed how easily I got off-track lol. So wait, did you still want me to send you my mp3's with the static in it?
    13. anomaly1
      Wow, you had to walk all the way there to just find that your class was cancelled. Nice...lol. Sounds like something I would do. But you're right; at least your math is all cleared up from your schedule for today. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to turn it in. "when theres a will, theres a way." Corny, I know. But slightly true.

      You're probably not that out of shape. I actually used to do tae kwon do when
      I was younger. Yeah, picture a 10 year old kicking some older guy's butt. Too bad that karate is full though, you would have had fun :(

      Wait, did they say you should do something else because you had asthma, or because you were tall? Because if it was the 2nd one, then that is plain messed up. Just because of your size? So what? Really the nerve of some people, right? I'm sorry about your team. Must have had some fond memories.

      Lol, wimpy and pale. Its probably not that bad. I don't know why, but when I see a sentence with two really contrasting things in it, it just sounds amusing. I know, i'm so strange sometimes.

      Yeah, it wasn't a good experience for me. But i'm pretty good at blocking out painful memories like that one. All I can say is be careful of metal bars.
    14. anomaly1
      well, it all sounds pretty good. Your next classes, that is. Intro to Gymnastics....is an interesting choice lol. Ha, I have some bad memories with gymnastics from when I was 5, let me tell you. To make a long story short, let's just say that the moral of the story was to never try to do a flip on a metal bar forcibly. If you get what I mean. So I pretty much quit on that path lol.

      Ugh, more math huh? I can do math; its just isn't one of my favorites as well.
    15. anomaly1
      I....hate....math. I genuinely do. I'm more of the "artsy" type. That means like writing, English, etc. Advanced Calculus: Holy Cow! Just, wow. That IS hard. Your friend must be a genius if she gets 100% 's on every single test.

      You have no idea how relieved I was when I heard that Mike didn't really care as much about the quality then the vocal performance itself. Phew! Oh and yes, I can tell you are procrastinating lol. I'm actually doing the same exact thing at this very moment. I have an essay thats due in like two-three days but i'm as usual having the attention span of a gnat. No kidding. But it isn't that difficult, which is good. Staticy buddies all the way.
    16. anomaly1
      Whoa. Thats...to say the least, a LOT of work. Its okay; I sent the staticy stuff to Mike as well, lol. I guess we're staticy buddies now. Awesome, I know.

      Same with me, I always get my priorities mixed up and the least important thing becomes the most important. Ha, isn't that great lol? Yeah, i'm pretty sure he could get rid of it if he actually wanted to. I just don't want the audio to make his ears bleed or something from all my crappy static. I could just imagine something like that happening because of me...not a pretty picture at all lol. I do not want that to happen. I think I just shivered at the thought.
    17. anomaly1
      you know what, just forget it. what's done is done, I suppose. And it is all about the voice anyways, and i'll be getting a new mic soon.
    18. anomaly1
      oooh....god i'm sorry for wasting your time when you have a home quiz. Lucky....I don't even have a laptop of my own yet. At least not until April I won't. But enough complaining from my side. I sent my namine audition but then again, it had static in it.....my voice sounded okay I guess but the static just HAD to ruin it. So wait, if I transferred it to imovie, and used the noise reducer....then the static would probably be gone, right?
    19. anomaly1
      and also, what kind of mic do you have? caus mine doesn't seem to be doing any good...
    20. anomaly1
      well....I'm still working on putting them on youtube lol. The only thing that bother me really bad is how to remove the darn static in the background. Wait, did you already send your auditions as well?
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    Home Page:
    College Student
    I'm 18, a freshman in college, double majoring in Graphic Design and Computer Science... um... yeah

    Drawing, video games, writing, acting