Last Activity:
Aug 7, 2009
Mar 7, 2009
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May 2, 1993 (Age: 31)
Home Page:
California, but I used to live in Iowa.
Currently a student


Moogle Assistant, 31, from California, but I used to live in Iowa.

anomaly1 was last seen:
Aug 7, 2009
    1. fadedphantom
      Hahaha yep, no grace whatsoever!! And yes, sometimes it is very very bad... one time, I was laughing, and somehow that resulted in me falling UP the stairs. That's right. I didn't just fall DOWN the stairs like most people, oh no, I fell UP. It was sad...
    2. fadedphantom
      Haha, I try :D

      Lol, my story has taught you an important lesson about water and electronics (I type as I take a drink out of my water bottle)!

      Hahaha that was quite a lovely story though, that totally sounds like something I would do!
    3. fadedphantom
      Unfortunately she hasn't found her king yet, but once she does the rest will follow and they will be a wonderful sarcastic family of doom!!
    4. fadedphantom
      Hahahhaha yeah! I like that. I have one friend who is like, the queen of sarcasm. Seriously, it's amazing. She definitely has the Gift.
    5. Kh2Riku1
      Your quality is your quality. There are always worse, and there are always better. Thats how I feel. Sorry if that was corny, or confusing. Sounds like you and I think along the same lines as far as that goes. I'm just trying to get it to sound the right way to me, thats the best I can hope for I guess. I agree with you. Maybe it has to do with being more familiar with the character? And that wasn't vague, it made sense to me.

      I just sent my Namine Aud. Not stupidity, at the time I actually hadn't. Heheh.
    6. fadedphantom
      Hahaha I do that all the time too. It's fun!!

      And yes, yes it is. Not everyone has the gift.
    7. fadedphantom
      HAHA that happens to me all the time!! Well, it used to. Now my friends seem to have caught on... well, my friends from high school at least. My new college friends don't seem to understand my constant use of sarcasm yet... they'll learn eventually :D

      Lol don't worry, I ramble all the time! (Obviously....)
    8. Kh2Riku1
      Hi there. Well, its nice to know I'm not alone at least. I just hate coming into things so long after they've started, because its harder to keep up, and know what conversations its alright to jump in on, you know? Yes I am. I'm probably going to send a Xion audition to, but I feel like I'm alot better at Namine. More comfortable to. Aw, I'm sure that they're not that bad.
    9. fadedphantom
      Hahahah yes, there have been a lot of posts today!! Mostly by me... lol I feel like I'm spamming the group. But anyways, it's nice to get to know people in the group, you know? But don't worry, most of the stuff is just silly ramblings by like three of us. And lol, that's how I always feel! Like I'm always too early or too late. But, since I'm apparently determined to procrastinate my brains out today, I've been able to talk a lot in the group hahaha.

      And yes, sarcasm is my friend!! I hate how it's so difficult to portray on the computer though... there should be a sarcasm smiley face so that people know you're being sarcastic, don't you think? That would be helpful.
    10. fadedphantom
      Hahaha yeahhh I'm pretty much a night owl/slight insomniac... It's like, during the day I'm busy with a bunch of stuff I HAVE to do, but at night I have time to do stuff I WANT to do, sooo I tend to stay up pretty freaking late... lol it's bad, especially when I have an 8am class the next day, that's the worst! Ughhh and one of my finals is at 7am!! OMG I'm not going to be awake for that!! And lol I totally know what you mean about a sleep deprived mind... I've had plenty of experience with that hahah.

      Ooooh cool!! Good luck with Xion!! I found her lines surprisingly challenging... I think she was my worst one. Sigh. Oh well. The problem was that I didn't know how high to make her voice. Like, Mike said he wanted her to sound like Hayden (Kairi's voice actor), and actually, I can reeeeeally sound like KH2 Kairi without much effort (which surprised me), but, Xion looks a little younger, and I didn't think she should sound exactly like Kairi, you know? So I made up my own voice for her... and it kind of sucks hahaha but oh well, maybe Mike will like it anyways...
    11. Mike
      I have the desktop one, maybe the headphone one is better.
    12. fadedphantom
      Lol you're crazy?? I'm writing this at 1:30 in the morning!! I just finished watching 50 First Dates. It was sooo cute!! I love that movie :D

      Hahahah and yes, it was a very good sandwich. And I also got a caramel apple, and chocolate covered strawberries (yummy!!). My friend was actually very close to having a hissy fit (seriously, what you were picturing almost happened hahaha)... I had to calm her down. I usually don't get to upset about things like that, because getting mad will just wear you out and it's not like it's gonna fix anything. But, I've gotta admit, by the time we got back, I was pretty freaking annoyed. At least I was full...

      That's entirely up to you! I think your Namine ones are fine as they are, but if you just want the quality to be a little better (which I really don't think matters at this point in time) then you can redo them if you want. Buuuuuuuut for now I think you should get to work on Xion!! There's only a few days left!! Don't wait until the last minute, you don't want Mike to have made up his mind! Hahaha and good metaphor with the whole sea sponge thing lol.

      Ooooh fun fun. My family ALWAYS wants to go out whenever I come home, and all I want to do is relax and spend time in my house haha. I do not find family outings that great... idk whyyy my family is so obsessed with them. Hellooo we can spend time together at home too!! Omg, your family outings go very late though. Mine usually end pretty early thankfully and then I can just be lazy for the rest of the night, hooray!!

      I should probably go to sleep soon... I'm super tired. But knowing me it will still be like at least half an hour before I actually start to get ready for bed. Gah, I have such bad sleeping habits....
    13. fadedphantom
      Yay! Yeah, I love Bestbuy. It's an awesome store.

      That's good that you ended up having fun. See? It's a good thing you went! Hahhaha yeahhhhhhh I've done that before with pizza... now I know to stop at 2... usually. Lol you're not like an old person!! You didn't mention anything about how you were forced to walk in the snow to and from school uphill both ways!

      Yes, we must wait... and wait... and wait... GAH I wanna knowwww!! And omg, TOTALLY send in new and improved auditions!! Send in Xion asap! There's still 6 days until the deadline! You won't look bad, it will look like you're serious about it because you went out and bought a new mic and everything. Definitely send in your auditions.

      Omg, I waited for a cab for an hour and a half today!! And my friend and I thought we were doing this Dial-A-Ride thingy that only costs like $1.25 for 2 people, but then it turned out to be an actual cab, and we each had to pay $20!! All we wanted was to go get a sandwich!! :( We got scammed. Now I'm broke... but I did have a very good sandwich lol.
    14. fadedphantom
      Oh no that's too bad :( Well, try to have fun anyways!!
    15. fadedphantom
      Yesss that is a very important matter!! You should always have ice cream (or in my case, popsicles) in the fridge! My popsicles are all melting, actually... it's very puzzling. If I was allowed to have a proper fridge in my dorm with a real freezer instead of this stupid pretend freezer, maybe they wouldn't melt :( And speaking of more important matters, I have finals next week, so I must worry about that too. It's silly to take things like this too seriously. Voice acting should be a way to RELIEVE stress, not create it, y'know? It's how I procrastinate! I actually just put up my second video of me dubbing Kairi... and I'm not even auditioning for her. Gah, it's just so fun!!

      Mmhmm, that's like me. I like to listen to it so that it like blocks out everything else and I can just kind of get lost in the music. Since listening to music is how I brainstorm for my fanfics and amvs and stuff, I don't want to hear other things. Hahaha well since we're talking about voice acting and music and whatnot I suppose it's logical to mention the ears a few times, right?

      Ugh, I hate when people like hate each other just because they're rivals. Why can't people just be friendly rivals and be happy for one another?? It's not like it's the end of the world if someone else gets the part you want. People are strange sometimes...
    16. fadedphantom
      Hahaha okay, we are past being rivals then. Yeah, you seem to have the same attitude as me. I mean, this is all for fun, right?? Right. It's just a waste of energy to get super intense about it...

      Haha yes, you must just have better hearing than me. Maybe I should listen to my ipod a little quieter...

      Yes you do!! Especially if you weren't trying!! That means you're a natural!!
    17. fadedphantom
      And lol, don't worry, my name for my email address is really weird too. I've had it for like... idk, 5 or 6 years?? Hahaha I'm too lazy to change it.
    18. fadedphantom
      I listened to them, yay!! They're pretty good! A little quiet, but you do sound a lot like Namine. The static actually didn't bother me that much, I was expecting like MAJOR STATIC but there wasn't that much lol. Your emotion is pretty good too, much better than a lot of auditions I've seen. My only complaint would be the volume (mainly on the first one), but overall it's a very good audition. Gah! RIVAL!!
    19. fadedphantom
      Lol I know right? Of course, a lot of people I know did tae kwon do for at least a little while when they were a kid. I quit because the teacher made me cry :(

      Hmm yeah idk how you'd do that... you could send them in an email? Idk if there's an option for sending email on this site, so I'll tell you my email address in a PM.
    20. fadedphantom
      Yeah lol, it was a long walk too!! Haha yes, I like that saying. It's usually true... most of the time. Meh, I'll worry about it later.

      I did tae kwon do too!! I got up to a yellow belt lol. Then I moved on to some other activity. I never stayed in one thing for too long... I think I got bored easily... But I'm gonna try and take Karate next year. Hopefully it won't fill up again!

      It was kind of because of both. I was so sad when they told me I was gonna be tall (I'm like 5'9" right now lol) because gymnastics was like the only thing I'd ever actually stuck with and really really liked. But, then I found diving, so I guess it all worked out in the end. I wish my college had a dive team though so I could join... I miss it :( But yes, I have very good memories :)

      Haha yeahh it kind of is that bad. People don't believe me now when I tell them I used to be tan (unless they knew me like a year or so ago). And I get tired just walking up the stairs to my floor (I live on the third floor, which honestly is not very high. I shouldn't be getting tired so easily lol). Haha I find random things like that amusing too! It's not strange!

      Lol oh yeah, sure, if you're not gonna put it up on Youtube that is. You want me to critique them? I don't really care about static, so don't worry about that.
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  • About

    May 2, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    California, but I used to live in Iowa.
    Currently a student
    I'm pretty sarcastic, plain and simple. I don't like to be underestimated. I guess i'm an enigma.

    A full fledged bookworm, gamer, etc, etc, etc.